View Full Version : Matt Riddle Announced for PROGRESS Super Strong Style 16, Full Participants Revealed

05-15-2017, 10:38 PM
PROGRESS has announced the final names for this year’s Super Strong Style 16 tournament. The tournament is held annually and is one of the few times that PROGRESS heavily features ‘imported’ performers from the United States, Japan and beyond. One of the biggest announcements is that PROGRESS Atlas Champion Matt Riddle will be entering the tournament.

#SSS16 news: BRO. Reigning #Atlas champion @SuperKingofBros completes the field for this year's tournament! #ThisIsProgress pic.twitter.com/eLUr0mkDyE

— PROGRESS Wrestling (@ThisIs_Progress) May 15, 2017

The winner of the tournament becomes the number 1 contender to the PROGRESS Championship, likely getting their title shot at the September Super Show against Pete Dunne. The SSS16 takes place this year on May 27th, 28th and 29th.

The full field for the tournament is now as follows:

Matt Riddle
Jeff Cobb
Mark Andrews
Mark Haskins
WWE UK Champion Tyler Bate
EVOLVE Champion and NJPW star Zack Sabre Jr
Zack Gibson
Dragon Gate’s Flamita
Jimmy Havoc
Lucha Underground’s Jeff Cobb
Jack Sexsmith
Pastor William Eaver
Travis Banks
WWE UK Star Trent Seven
Nathan Cruz
‘Flash’ Morgan Webster

That's some line-up!! #SSS16 @ThisIs_Progress pic.twitter.com/zQzmBn1PgN

— LARIATOOOO!!! (@MrLARIATO) May 15, 2017