View Full Version : RAW House Results - 6th Oct 2006 (Daytona Beach, Florida)

Dangerous Incorporated
10-07-2006, 07:45 AM
WWE Raw Brand House Show Results - 6/10/06
Location: Daytona Beach, Florida

- Cryme Tyme defeated Charlie Haas & Chris Masters.

- Spirit Squad Kenny defeated Snitsky.

- Oleg Prudius defeated Eugene.

- World Tag Team Champions The Spirit Squad defeated Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch & The Highlanders.

- WWE Intercontinental Champion Jeff Hardy defeated Johnny Nitro.

- Hacksaw Jim Duggan defeated Shelton Benjamin.

- Umaga defeated Kane.

- D-Generation X defeated Edge & Randy Orton.

Another report:

*RESULTS* RAW House Show - 6/10/06

Where: Daytona Beach, Florida

The arena was approx. 50% full...drawing between 4,000 and 4,500 fans which is a usual crowd for a WWE house show here in Daytona, Most of the lower bowl was sold. Most of the empty seats were in the upper bowl. Howard Finkel was the ring announcer for the evening.

In the opening match, the new team, Cryme Tyme, defeated Charlie Haas and Chris Masters. The match was supposed to have Shelton Benjamin teaming with Charlie Haas instead. Decent match with Cryme Tyme picking up the victory after a combination Samoan Drop/Neckbreaker move. Cryme Tyme was big time over with the crowd.

In what were probably the two worst matches of the night...Kenny (Spirit Squad) defeated Snitsky and Oleg defeated Eugene. Not much to say on these matches as I was at the souvenir stand along with about 500 other people.

Then came the Triple Threat Match for the World Tag Team Championship...Originally it was scheduled that Johnny and Mitch were to defend the titles...Mikey ended up defending along with Johnny against the Highlanders and Cade/Murdoch. The champions retained after the Johnny-Go-Round Kick allowed Mikey to pin one of the Highlanders.

It was the time for Jeff Hardy's first Intercontinental Title Defense against Johnny Nitro. We has the best seats in the house to see Melina's entrance...Let's just leave it at that. Good back and forth match that saw Jeff Hardy retain the title, pinning Nitro after hitting the Swanton Bomb.

It was time for intermission...Of course you were encouraged to go to the souvenir stand to buy "The Marine" T-Shirt.

After intermission, Shelton Benjamin took on "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan. Duggan picks up the victory by pinning Shelton after Benjamin was distracted by referee, Chad Patton, who took away Duggan's 2x4 which Benjamin was about to use on Duggan. It's just sad to see a top-notch competitor like Shelton Benjamin job to Duggan.

Kane took on Umaga next. Estrada started going through his name bit, but when the fans started mocking him, he quickly stopped and plugged the Kane vs. Umaga match for this Monday's RAW Reunion. Umaga picks up the win after hitting Kane with the Samoan Spike, of course with interference from Estrada.

It was Main Event Time...Degeneration X VS. Edge (WITHOUT Lita) and Randy Orton...DX, as you would expect gets the biggest pop of the night. The match started out very slow, but built into a decent match. DX gets the win after Sweet Chin Music by HBK and a Pedigree by Triple H, both on Randy Orton.

Overall, a decent RAW show. This was the second time in a year that WWE has brought RAW here to Daytona, and unlike there show here in December, 2005, there wasn't a single "BORING" chant. The crowd was into every match. Just a not to WWE, next time you come...please have a televised card.

1. Degeneration X
2. Jeff Hardy
3. Kane
4. Cryme Time, Highlanders, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan (tie)

1. Edge (Even without Lita)
2. Randy Orton
3. Johnny Nitro
4. Spirit Squad (Both Matches)
5. Umaga

10-08-2006, 04:16 AM
Awesome, I am glad about this DX vs Cena and Edge angle.