View Full Version : Paige & Alberto El Patron Broken Up

06-25-2017, 06:36 PM
Alberto El Patron and Paige broke up Saturday night. The couple was vacationing in Orlando and had a blowup that resulted in Alberto calling off their relationship. According to a source close to both of them who was present when it all went down, most of Alberto’s friends and family are glad he pulled the plug.

Alberto and Paige are notorious for their volatility, having made headlines several times for their over-the-top displays of public affection, Ninja Turtle attacks, rants about President Donald Trump and more.

They’ve been dating on and off for the past year and were engaged last October – during a wrestling show – when Paige got down on one knee and proposed to Alberto inside the ring.

Paige is on hiatus from WWE while recovering from neck surgery. She’s back training, although there’s no timetable for her return.

Alberto El Patron is scheduled to compete in the main event of Impact Wrestling’s upcoming Slammiversary XV pay-per-view on Sunday, July 2nd. He’ll defend the Global Force heavyweight championship against Impact Wrestling champion Bobby Lashley in a title unification match.

Just hours before the incident, both were posting romantic photos & messages on Instagram.


"She's begging for it. #douchebagmode Number 1 fiancé. All men take tips. Apply what I learned from a place on the east coast. Haha #sisisi #shewantsme"

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/19425005_1091934450950511_2128726860098437120_n.jp g

"Water park time here in Orlando!!! with the family!!! Thank you @realjeffjarrett making the family so happy and hooking us up with VIP..Having so much fun!! #familystickstogether"