View Full Version : Finn Balor Talks About Possible Bullet Club Reunion in WWE

07-12-2017, 02:56 PM
Finn Balor recently did an interview on Sports Illustrated Now before he beat Anderson at the WWE live event at Madison Square Garden in New York City to talk about various topics. Here are the highlights.

On possible Bullet Club reunion in WWE:

“You know, for us as a group, especially myself and Karl, you know, two of the original members, that was you know, very, it was very much like a moment in time,” said Balor. “You know, to kind of like reform that now would be kind of like regressing like in our careers, maybe, so to speak. Maybe going forward in the future that could be a possibility but right now I think we’re both, you know, pretty happy doing our own thing.”

On Kazuchika Okada possibly joining WWE:

“I don’t know about anytime soon. Possibly, you know, in the distant future,” said Balor. “I’m sure, you know, as you say, anything can happen. And nobody thought Finn Balor would be in the WWE. Here I am.”

“True, Okada was backstage at RAW. He was backstage at SmackDown but it’s because he has a lot of friends there,” said Balor. “Myself, Karl Anderson, Shinsuke Nakamura, I think he was just visiting friends so I wouldn’t read too much into that.”
