View Full Version : Chael Sonnen Says Chuck Liddell Turned Down Offer to Fight

10-04-2017, 03:42 PM
Chael Sonnen doesn’t believe Chuck Liddell truly wants to fight him.

There has been some animosity brewing between Sonnen and Liddell. “The American Gangster” stirred the pot when he claimed Liddell was a slacker in his office job with the UFC. “The Iceman” fired back by saying Sonnen would be an easy warm-up fight.

With Sonnen competing under the Bellator banner, many have wondered if he’ll be booked against Liddell. Bellator President Scott Coker said there’s no fight planned for Liddell, but Sonnen begs to differ.

During a recent edition of his “You’re Welcome” podcast, Sonnen claimed Liddell was offered a fight with him:

“I got called out on TMZ – I don’t know if it’s a call out but I’m using that term – by Chuck Liddell. He said, ‘Chael Sonnen would be a perfect warm up fight’ for his comeback. TMZ got ahold of me to respond. I never miss big media opportunities and TMZ is huge but this one I just sat it out. First time ever I’ve told TMZ I’m gonna pass on the interview because I didn’t know what to say and I still don’t, other than the truth: I will fight you right now Chuck. This was my idea. I’m the one that suggested you come in on my legends ass-whipping tour and be my crowning moment. That’s the truth. Chuck does not have a contract with any organization. Bellator would sign him and would make that fight and did sit down with him and told him that but he didn’t sign. Instead he went back to TMZ and pretended he wanted the fight.”

Sonnen entertained the idea that Liddell could be looking to negotiate a better deal, but insists that at least one offer was on the table.

“No problem if he’s using that as a negotiation tool. That is part of how the game is played and if enough people wanted to see it, it would be an effective tool. That’s kind of your measuring stick. When he can get publicity like TMZ, that’s a good sign for him but the bottom line is, he doesn’t have a contract. They offered him the fight and in fact, they offered it to him twice, in person. . . He didn’t take it.”