View Full Version : Conor McGregor In Talks With WWE For WrestleMania Match?

10-10-2017, 05:38 PM
Ronda Rousey is not the only UFC mega star that could be appearing at WrestleMania 34 next April. According to a report by the UK Sun, ‘The Notorious’ is currently in talks with WWE about doing a one-off match at the company’s biggest show of the year.

McGregor is the top box office draw in UFC and shattered pay-per-view records with his boxing fight against Floyd Mayweather Jr this past summer.

The Sun notes that WWE officials have reached out to McGregor several times over the past year or two and the timing was never right to collaborate.

The report states, “Conor is a huge wrestling fan. His entire persona on stage he has developed from watching performers like Ric Flair and The Rock. These are the top dogs at self-promotion and trash talk. He watched these guys when he was younger. This is something he’s always wanted to do. The WWE guys have asked him to do shows before with them but the timing was never really right. But this time it looks like a deal is going to be locked into place. He has some things to tie up in the UFC before he can do anything else but this is a big money deal so I can’t see him turning it down.”

McGregor and Ronda Rousey wrestling at WrestleMania would be huge business for WWE and would virtually guarantee a spike in WWE Network subscriptions. With his fight against Mayweather, McGregor has demonstrated his ability to cross over into other sports and compete at a high level. While his MMA skillset translates to boxing much easier than wrestling, McGregor could put on a passable match with 6 months of training.

For now, take this is as a rumor – we’ll believe it when we see it.

10-10-2017, 07:22 PM
The S*n’s about as reliable a news source as The Onion