View Full Version : WWE 205 Live Results – 10/17/2017

10-18-2017, 04:17 PM

We start off with a look at what happened on Raw between Enzo Amore and Kalisto.

We are in Seattle, Washington and your announcers are Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness.

Enzo Amore makes his way to the ring. Enzo asks if you can smell it. He says it smells like teen spirit. Tony Nese, Noam Dar, Drew Gulak, Ariya Daivari and him. He had them looking like a money team last night. Enzo says he will make Kalisto jump from channel to channel in a hospital bed. Enzo says that Kalisto will be in the hospital for a while so he can watch The Zo Show on Tuesday nights.

Enzo says the foundation for 205 Live was rebuilt with this face. Enzo says he rebuilt that division from the ground up. Enzo says the only thing the WWE ever did for him was give him a mic. He says that none of you did him any favors. Enzo says this isn’t luck, it is charisma at its finest. He says this is talent. Enzo says you can love this or hate this, but you cannot get above this. He says he will be at the top of the Cruiserweight Division.

Kalisto interrupts Enzo and he makes his way to the ring and kicks Enzo from the apron and hits a springboard drop kick. Kalisto with a kick to Enzo and he tries for Salida Del Sol but Enzo escapes and goes up the ramp.

We take a look at the feud between Cedric Alexander, Jack Gallagher, and Brian Kendrick. Now Rich Swann has joined the fray on Cedric’s side.

We go to commercial.

Cedric Alexander says that Gallagher and Kendrick are talking about ruling the world. Swann says the numbers game is up and if Kendrick gets involved, he will show Brian.

Rich Swann (with Cedric Alexander) vs Jack Gallagher (with Brian Kendrick)

Swann goes after Kendrick but Brian gets to the floor. Swann with a drop kick and punches to Gallagher. Gallagher with an Irish whip and Swann floats over and hits a head scissors take down. Gallagher goes to the floor in front of Alexander. Kendrick pulls Swann to the floor when the referee was not looking. Gallagher sends Swann into the ring and applies a rear chin lock. Gallagher kicks Swann in the head.

Swann with forearms and punches but Gallagher with a head butt to the midsection. Swann is sent into the turnbuckles. Gallagher with a forearm to the upper chest. Gallagher tries for a suplex but Swann blocks it. Gallagher with punches and he gets Swann up but Swann lands on his feet and Gallagher with a drop kick for a series of near falls. Gallagher with chin lock followed by a hip lock as he continues to work on the neck.

Gallagher with boots across the forehead. Gallagher chokes Swann in the ropes and he connects with European uppercuts. Swann with European uppercuts of his own and then they go back and forth. Swann with forearms but Gallagher with an ankle take down and he stomps the knees into the mat. Gallagher with an ankle lock and then he drops a knee to Swann’s knee. Gallagher with another knee to Swann’s knee. Swann kicks Gallagher followed by clotheslines and a back heel kick. Swann with a flip leg drop to the back of the neck for a near fall.

Swann goes to the turnbuckles but Gallagher gets Swann on his shoulders. Swann with forearms to escape and he hits a Gibson Driver for a near fall. Swann sets for the round kick but Gallagher avoids it and goes to the floor. Kendrick gets in the way to stop a Swann dive to the floor. Alexander takes care of Kendrick and then all four men battle and the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Rich Swann (by disqualification)

After the match, Gallagher attacks Alexander on the announce table. Alexander is sent into the ring as Swann takes care of Kendrick on the floor. Alexander with a handspring round kick. Swann goes up top and sets for the Phoenix Splash but Kendrick pulls Gallagher into the ring.

Drew Gulak walks in the back with his sign and he offers a Gulak button to someone in the back, but he shows Gulak he is already wearing a Gulak button.

We go to commercial.

Drew Gulak makes his way to the ring with his NO CHANTS sign.

Drew introduces himself and he says he considers himself your father. As your father, it is his duty to guide and shelter everyone. Drewtopia is a safe space free from top rope dives and unnecessary chanting. Unfortunately, some of you have not listened to him so his hand was forced. We see what Drew did to Akira Tozawa last week.

Drew says that is tough love and he loves 205 Live more than anything else. He will not let you defy authority, like Akira Tozawa and his annoying ‘AH’. Drew says it sounds like some of his children need some tough love. Some time you are supposed to speak softly but some times you carry a big stick. That is what happened last week. He took Akira Tozawa and he rendered his AH chant useless when he made Tozawa’s vocal chords impotent. Tozawa brought that upon himself. He interrupted him and Tozawa missed Proposal number nine of his POWER POINT PRESENTATION.

Drew tells everyone to stop chanting.

Proposal Number Nine is No Defying Authority. These are more than proposals, they are rules. Despite what you kids heard on your Beastie Boys or Fresh Prince records, rules are not made to be broken and parents do understand. Drew responds to the chants of boring and he says this is a POWER POINT PRESENTATION. Drew says you are not supposed to defy authority and ignorance is no excuse. Drew says he will provide his children with a refresher course of all 277 proposals on Sunday. Drew will have a Championship Plan for a Better 205 Live at TLC.

We go to commercial.

Kalisto tells Enzo when he got his hands on him earlier, it felt good. It is nothing compared to what is to come. He will beat Enzo in their tag match and then he will beat Enzo up.

Ariya Daivari addresses the crowd in Farsi.

Mustafa Ali and Kalisto vs Enzo Amore and Ariya Daivari

Kalisto and Enzo start things off and Enzo goes into the ropes to avoid any offense from Kalisto. Daivari makes the tag and he has something to say to Kalisto and slaps him in the face. Kalisto with slaps and kicks to Daivari. Kalisto with a handspring round kick and then he forces Enzo to the floor. Daivari attacks from behind but Kalisto with a kick. Ali tags in and Ali sends Kalisto into Daivari with a seated splash. Ali with a kick to Daivari. Ali with a slam and Kalisto with a slingshot senton.

Kalisto with a punch and he sets for a monkey flip but Daivari puts Kalisto on the turnbuckles. Kalisto kicks Daivari and then Enzo distracts Kalisto and Daivari knocks Kalisto over the top rope to the floor. Enzo sends Kalisto into the ringside barrier. Daivari sends Kalisto back into the ring. Daivari kicks Kalisto in the back. Enzo tags iin and he sends Kalisto into the turnbuckles. Enzo kicks Kalisto and then he tags in Daivari and he kicks Kalisto. Enzo with more kicks. Enzo with a flatliner and he gets a near fall.

Enzo winds up for a punch and he connects and gets a near fall. Kalisto wtih punches but Enzo sends Kalisto through the ropes to the floor. Daivari tags in and he goes to the floor and sends Kalisto into the apron. Daivari sends Kalisto back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Daivari kicks Kalisto in the back and then he suplexes Kalisto and gets a near fall. Daivari with a reverse chin lock. Kalisto with punches but Daviari sends Kalisto through the ropes. Enzo has a punch blocked and Kalisto punches Enzo and then he punches Daivari.

Daivari with a clothesline for a near fall. Daivari sets for a suplex but Kalisto blocks it. Daivari with a forearm to the back and he sets for a suplex. Kalisto counters into a DDT and both men are down. Daivari goes to the wrong corner at first and that allows Ali to make the tag. Enzo tags in as well and Ali with forearms and a drop kick. Ali slides into the corner and he kicks Enzo and hits a slingshot rolling neck breaker for a near fall. Ali sends Enzo into the turnbuckles and puts Enzo on the turnbuckles. Ali goes for a Frankensteiner but Amore pushes Ali off the trunbuckles but Ali lands on his feet and Ali with a drop kick for a near fall.

Ali sends Daivari to the floor and Ali with a corkscrew plancha onto Daivari on the floor. Kalisto made the blind tag before Ali dove to the floor and Kalisto with a cross body to Enzo. Enzo gets a near fall with a rollup but Kalisto with Salida del Sol for the three count.

Winners: Mustafa Ali and Kalisto

Kalisto with a suicide dive onto Daivari and Enzo. Ali stops Daivari from attacking Kalisto and Kalisto has to be held back as Enzo goes to the back.

We go to credits.