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View Full Version : USADA Won’t Punish Brandon Moreno For Positive Test

11-01-2017, 06:59 PM
Brandon Moreno is in the clear with the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA).

Back in September, Moreno tested positive for clenbuterol. At the time of the positive test, many speculated that this was due to contaminated meat products in Mexico. The speculation was correct.

After an investigation and an interview with Moreno, USADA concluded that Moreno had done nothing wrong. He will not be facing a suspension.

You can read part of USADA’s statement below:

“USADA was informed of Moreno’s positive test result in September 2017, and immediately initiated an investigation to determine the circumstances that led to the positive test. As part of the investigation, USADA interviewed Moreno and several of his associates, and reviewed all available relevant evidence, including Moreno’s Whereabouts, dietary habits, and the laboratory reports demonstrating very low parts per billion concentrations of the prohibited substance in the athlete’s urine sample. Based on this information, USADA concluded that the presence of clenbuterol in the athlete’s sample very likely resulted from clenbuterol contaminated meat consumed in Mexico. USADA’s investigation also took into consideration the negative results for samples collected from Moreno both before and after his positive test. As a result, Moreno will not face a period of ineligibility for his positive test.”