View Full Version : Holly Holm Responds to Cyborg’s USADA Claims

11-22-2017, 04:47 PM
Former UFC women’s bantamweight champion Holly Holm has hit back at Cris Cyborg’s claims that she feels she has been the target of ‘unfair’ and excessive USADA testing

145-pound champion Cyborg took to Instagram prior to this month’s confirmation of a UFC 219 bout between both women, claiming that she has been subject to testing which she believes is too much. The Brazilian indicated that Holm was behind the three tests she had undergone in just one month:

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/22430253_1496822207074201_4567586221944995840_n.jp g

"It's clear #usada is targeting me. I have been tested 3 times in less than a month even though I don't have a signed bout agreement. I am a clean athlete and support USADA Testing as it gives me a chance to prove to my fans I am competing clean. With that said, I want to make sure Holly Holm is being tested with the same number of tests leading up to our #ufc219 main event. If they show up at my house at 6am then I want them to show up at Holly Holm's house at 6am the same amount of times!!! @JacksonWink_MMA has had more athletes than any other gym in MMA suspended by USADA and because of this I want a guarantee that both Athletes will be tested the same amount of times between now and our fight Dec. 30th!!!"

Holm exercised her right to reply on Monday’s episode of the MMA Hour with Ariel Helwani, claiming that she has had her own fair share of USADA testing:

“So, apparently there was a little bit of drama today because USADA went to Cyborg’s house. I know I’ve been the topic of interest a lot on her social media and I don’t mind fighters trying to promote fights and that’s fine, but let’s be real for a minute: She said she’s been tested by USADA and wants to me to be tested just as much.

“She probably should have looked on their public records on their webpage and seen I’ve been tested nine times compared to her eight. I’m in no race, I really don’t care.

“I just know I compete clean and I’m tested all the time, I just never needed an applause for passing my test. In the meantime, I will just spend my time training and she can spend her time complaining and making false accusations and false memes.”