View Full Version : The Miz Talks About Daniel Bryan’s Attempts To Return To The Ring

11-23-2017, 09:29 PM
On Monday The Miz suffered a surprise defeat to Roman Reigns, despite attempts from Shaemus & Cesaro to help. While The Miz will be absent from RAW to shoot The Marine 6, along with Shawn Michaels and Becky Lynch, he has recently been interviewed by Sports Illustrated.


A short segment of the interview has been edited and added to the Sports Illustrated website as a video. The question presented to The Miz during this video was centered around whether he could provide any further details on Daniel Bryan’s attempts to be cleared by medical staff to engage in professional wrestling again.

The Miz started out by joking that he’d love to beat up Daniel Bryan again in the WWE ring, but that he isn’t in the loop about any plans for Bryan. But he added to this in a serious, yet comical manner:

I know his passion is in the WWE ring. Now whether that’s as general manager or as a professional wrestler, I don’t know his plans. I know he’s working tremendously hard to get back in the WWE ring, and fingers crossed, because I would love to have a match with Daniel Bryan; he’s one of the best in-ring technicians that WWE has ever seen, and I would like to showcase how much better I am than him.

After being pressed again about whether he would be OK with performing with someone who had previously been ruled out with concussion, The Miz explained that if doctors had signed him up to perform in ring, he’s more than willing to kick him around seal the deal with a few Skull Crushing Finales.