View Full Version : Update On Broken Universe In WWE

01-16-2018, 09:12 PM
– According to “Woken” Matt Hardy, the rest of his Broken Universe gang, including Senior Benjamin, Queen Rebecca, King Maxel, Lord Wolfgang and Vanguard One will all be appearing [presumably on WWE television] “IMMINENTLY.”

The INCOMPARABLE @BenjaminSenor is currently OPTIMIZING the green beans within the Greenhouse Garden at The Hardy Compound..

Trust me, #WOKENWarriors.. #SenorBenjamin, Queen Rebecca, King Maxel, Lord Wolfgang & @Vanguard1AAR will all be appearing IMMINENTLY..

STUPENDOUS! https://t.co/aymjtR1xD6

— #WOKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) January 16, 2018

Matt posted a "DELIGHTFUL" photo last week with Anthem / Impact executive Ed Nordholm to mark the conclusion of their TUMULTUOUS battle over the ‘Broken Universe’ trademarks.

"I am thrilled to PROCLAIM that we have ACQUIRED new ALLIES on our side of #TheGreatWar. Ed Nordholm & The Owl of Anthem have revealed themselves as MAJESTIC beings who stand on the side of the LIGHT. The LIGHT always EMERGES, #WOKENWarriors. Everything is COPASETIC & WONDERFUL!

— #WOKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) January 10, 2018
