View Full Version : Paige Takes Her New Relationship Public

02-15-2018, 12:30 AM
After ending her toxic relationship with former WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio last November, former Divas Champion Paige has found herself in a new relationship. A story on Metal Injunction talks about Paige and metal core band, Attila, bassist Kalan Blehm taking their relationship public. Blehm, 33, recently took to Instagram to post a picture of he and Paige at an Orlando Magic game last week. Here’s the description:

“Congrats on the win and the hospitality tonight @orlandomagic ||| @stuffmagic did a great job of creepin my girl out too but we cool”

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/ba58a18063fb4c434d4d406cacde4279/5B1890C6/t51.2885-15/e35/27576176_1669076683114809_8712610699198595072_n.jp g