View Full Version : WWE SmackDown Live Results - 03/13

03-14-2018, 11:48 PM


- We're live from the Bankers Life Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, IN as Tom Phillips welcomes us. He's joined by Corey Graves and Byron Saxton. They plug tonight's show with fallout from Fastlane on the Road to WrestleMania 34.

- We go right to the ring and out comes WWE Champion AJ Styles to a pop.

Styles goes to take the mic but fans start chanting his name. Styles welcomes us to the house that he built and fans pop. Styles says the odds were stacked against him at Fastlane. He admits he was in trouble and got worried when John Cena put him through the announce table. Fans boo. Styles goes on about how he found a way and is still WWE Champion but even better than that, he's going on to WrestleMania 34. Styles says he hasn't forgotten where he came from. He talks about the journey to get where he's at now and says it's unbelievable but not impossible. Styles says his road to New Orleans has been a tough one. Fans chant "you deserve it" now.

Styles interrupts and says he earned it. He mentions the WrestleMania 34 match with Shinsuke Nakamura and calls it a dream match. Styles gives props to Nakamura and says they had similar paths to get to WWE but when it comes to the WWE Title, those comparisons stop. Styles talks about how he's phenomenal when he's out in front of the fans but the music interrupts and out comes Nakamura.

Nakamura says everyone likes AJ and him too. Nakamura says he respects AJ but at WrestleMania, dreams come true. Nakamura says his dream... knee to face, and he will become champion. The music hits and out comes Rusev with Aiden English. We go to commercial.

AJ Styles vs. Rusev

Back from the break and we have a non-title match. Nakamura watches from a chair near the announcers while English cheers Rusev on. Back and forth to start the match. AJ works on the leg but Rusev comes back and sends him down.

They trade offense. Rusev floors AJ with a big clothesline. AJ looks to make a comeback and nails a dropkick. AJ sends Rusev out to the floor and flies out onto him. AJ brings Rusev back into the ring as fans chant for him. AJ with more offense. Rusev lands a cheap shot to the eyes and hits a spinebuster for a 2 count. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Rusev works AJ around. We see how he hit a big backdrop during the break. Rusev takes AJ to the top for a superplex but AJ counters and looks to turn it around. AJ with more offense now as Nakamura looks on from his chair.

AJ keeps control of Rusev but Rusev nails a big kick to the head and drops the WWE Champion. Rusev goes for the big kick but AJ ducks it and hits a pele kick. AJ scoops Rusev with a backbreaker over his knee. AJ goes for the Styles Clash now but has trouble keeping Rusev up. Rusev counters and tries for The Accolade but AJ grabs his leg for the Calf Crusher. Rusev resists and holds on to the top rope. AJ pulls Rusev back into the middle of the ring for the Calf Crusher but Aiden English hits the ring for the disqualification.

Winner by DQ: AJ Styles

- After the match, Rusev Day double teams AJ as Nakamura watches from his chair. Nakamura slowly stands up and eyes the ring. Nakamura hits the ring takes out English, then Rusev. Nakamura looks at AJ, who is down in the corner, as his music hits.

- We see stills from The New Day vs. The Usos at Fastlane, which was interrupted by The Bludgeon Brothers. Dasha Fuentes is backstage with Big E now. He talks about how Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods aren't here but they will be back. Big E says he will always be here to stand for The New Day. SmackDown Tag Team Champion Jimmy Uso appears and says Big E isn't standing alone. He says The Bludgeon Brothers got Jey Uso out too. Jimmy says The New Day and The Usos will resume their feud later but now they have to take care of some business. Uso and Big E walk off.

- Still to come, Jinder Mahal vs. Bobby Roode. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get the 2018 WWE Hall of Fame video package for the Celebrity Inductee, Kid Rock.

- We go backstage to AJ and Nakamura. AJ says he didn't need Nakamura's help at Fastlane at 5 other guys and he didn't need his help out there tonight. Nakamura disagrees and says he will continue to help AJ until WrestleMania so he can beat him with a knee to the face.

Big E and Jimmy Uso vs. The Bludgeon Brothers

We go to the ring and out first comes SmackDown Tag Team Champion Jimmy Uso. Big E is out next. Out next come Rowan and Harper, The Bludgeon Brothers. Rowan and Harper stop at ringside to remove their jackets but Big E and Uso attack them.

Big E and Uso unload on Rowan and Harper at ringside. They grab steel chairs and hit the ring as Rowan and Harper look on from the floor. Rowan and Harper grab their mallets and enter the ring as Big E and Uso wait with chairs. The referee gets out of the way and leaves the ring. The two teams face off, weapons in hand. Rowan swings first and knocks the chair out of Uso's hands. Harper goes for Big E. Uso and Big E retreat to the floor as Rowan and Harper stand tall in the ring. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Harper gets the upperhand on Big E and drives him into the mat. Rowan tags in for the double team on Big E. Rowan unloads in the corner and steps on Big E. Harper tags back in for a quick double team. Uso finally gets a tag and unloads on Harper. Rowan comes in but he also gets taken out, sent to the floor. Harper shuts the momentum down with a huge boot to Uso. Rowan sends Big E into the steel steps at ringside. Rowan returns to the ring for more punishment to Uso. They drive Jimmy into the mat with the double team and Rowan covers for the pin.

Winners: The Bludgeon Brothers

- After the match, Harper charges at ringside and smashes Big E into the barrier. Harper whips Big E into Rowan and Rowan drops him again. The Bludgeon Brothers head to the back as their music hits and we go to replays.

- The announcers show is stills from the Fastlane Six-Pack Challenge main event, mainly the interactions between Shane McMahon, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens.

- Renee Young is backstage with Sami Zayn now. Sami says he had Kevin Owens pinned and would be WWE Champion now but Shane McMahon stopped it. Sami says he really can't blame Shane, he blames Owens. Sami says Shane would not have been at ringside if it weren't for Owens' obsession with Shane. Sami goes on about Owens, calling him self-centered, and says he played everyone at Fastlane, Owens and the others, but he was guilty by association. Sami says he will never pay that price again, not for Owens, not for anybody. Sami walks off.

- Still to come, Asuka will make her first blue brand appearance as a special guest. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair.

Flair takes the mic and says there's always a target on your back as champion, which is why she knew what was up when Asuka's music hit at Fastlane. Flair says she was excited and proud to be challenged by Asuka for a match at WrestleMania 34. Flair calls Asuka to the ring and out she comes.

Flair welcomes Asuka to SmackDown and recalls the "be careful what you wish for" line. Asuka thanks Flair. Flair says she's often asked what would happen if The Queen went one-on-one with The Empress of Tomorrow, and who would bow down. Flair says we will find out at WrestleMania. Flair says she's wanted Asuka to pick her because she wanted the opportunity, she wanted the challenge, she wanted to face Asuka. Flair got goosebumps when Asuka's music hit on Sunday because she knew it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Flair says she's never faced anyone like Asuka but Asuka has never faced anyone like her either. Flair tells Asuka to be careful what she wishes for at WrestleMania because she's going to end Asuka's streak and cement her legacy. Flair does a "Wooo!" at Asuka. Asuka says she chose Flair because she likes a challenge. Asuka says Flair is a queen but she is The Empress. Asuka says she bows to no one because no one is ready for her. Asuka and Flair face off as the music hits.

- The music interrupts the face off as new WWE United States Champion Randy Orton makes his way out while Asuka and Flair are still in the ring. Orton marches to the ring as Greg Hamilton does the introduction. Orton is here to address the WWE Universe for the first time as champion. Also tonight, Shane McMahon will make a WrestleMania 34 announcement and Bobby Roode will face Jinder Mahal. Back to a break.

- Back from the break and Randy Orton is in the ring with a mic. Orton says he's been called a lot of things over the years but never WWE United States Champion, until now. Orton says this title win puts him on an elite list, referring to him being the 10th Grand Slam Champion under the current format, and says that's a list that he actually cares about.

Orton goes on and says Bobby Roode is a hell of a competitor and earned his respect at Fastlane but the title is his now and he's taking it to WrestleMania. Orton says nobody is going to stop him. The music interrupts and out comes Roode.

Bobby Roode vs. Jinder Mahal

Roode does his entrance as Orton watches. Roode congratulates Orton and says Orton got him. Roode says he has a rematch and that rematch will take place at WrestleMania 34. Roode says when he retains the title, it's going to be absolutely... glorious. The music interrupts and out comes Jinder Mahal with Sunil Singh. Jinder also wants to congratulate Orton, calling for fans to give it up. Jinder goes on and says forget about WrestleMania and the rematch because he will beat Roode tonight just like he did Orton last week. Jinder tells Orton to have a seat and watch The Modern Day Maharaja put a hurting on Roode. Orton takes a seat at ringside as the bell rings.

Jinder goes to work on Roode and takes him to the corner. Roode goes for the Glorious DDT early on but Jinder scrambles away and retreats to the floor for a breather. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and they end up colliding after running the ropes. Orton watches as both Superstars go down. Roode looks to make a comeback now. He runs over Jinder a few times and hits a neckbreaker in the middle of the ring. Roode goes to the top and comes crashing down with a clothesline. Roode waits for the Glorious DDT but Jinder rams him back into the corner. Jinder runs into boots. Roode with a Blockbuster for a 2 count.

Jinder sends Roode to the floor but he comes right back in. Jinder drops Roode with a big kick to the jaw for a 2 count. Roode counters The Khallas and rolls Jinder up for a 2 count. More back and forth but Roode hits a Spinebuster for a close 2 count. Singh gets on the apron and talks trash to Roode. Roode sends him into the ring post. Roode goes to the top again but gets crotched. This leads to Jinder hitting The Khallas for the pin.

Winner: Jinder Mahal

- After the match, Jinder stands tall but Orton immediately hits the ring and drops him with a RKO for a big pop.

- Back from the break and Renee Young approaches Kevin Owens backstage for comments on Sami Zayn blaming him for what happened. Owens rants and says he's tired of this. Owens says Sami is a liar and is delusional, now blaming Owens for his shortcomings. Owens goes on about Shane, how he should be WWE Champion and how Shane wasn't needed at ringside on Sunday. Owens says he has on problem beating up Sami and showing him the truth. Owens walks off.

- The announcers lead us to a promo for the first-ever Fabulous Moolah Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania 34.

Naomi vs. Carmella

We go to the ring and out comes Naomi. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Carmella with her Money In the Bank briefcase. We get an Instagram video from Carmella to tease a possibly win in the Fabulous Moolah Memorial Battle Royal. Carmella says she is the modern day Moolah. She also teases a cash-in at WrestleMania.

The bell rings and they go at it. Carmella gets aggressive and takes control early on. Carmella talks trash while keeping Naomi down. Carmella with a running knee in the corner and a boot to the back before kicking Naomi's face into the turnbuckle. Carmella wraps Naomi's h air around the rope and Naomi yells at her for it. Carmella yells right back and does it again.

Carmella wastes some time and turns around to Naomi coming out of the corner. Naomi looks to turn it around now. Carmella slaps her. Naomi takes it and comes back unloading. Naomi with clotheslines now. Carmella ducks two kicks but Naomi drops her with a big knee to the face. Fans pop as Naomi stands tall. Naomi goes to springboard back off the rope but Carmella cuts her off and yanks her to the mat, covering for the pin.

Winner: Carmella

- After the match, Carmella stands tall as her music hits. We go to replays and come back to Carmella raising the briefcase.

- Shane McMahon is backstage walking. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a promo from Rusev and Lana to promote tonight's Mixed Match Challenge episode.

- We go to the ring and out comes SmackDown Commissioner Shane McMahon. The announcers show us stills from Shane's involvement in the Fastlane main event on Sunday.

Shane says he's had a number of issues with Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens as of late but he's not here to apologize because they have crossed the line. Shane talks about how it all started with Owens beating up his dad Vince McMahon months ago. Shane also talks about how Sami interfered in his Hell In a Cell match with Owens. Shane says that led to months of him going bonkers every time he looked at them and maybe he went too far. He mentions having a conversation with SmackDown General Manager Daniel Bryan today, and that Bryan will be returning to TV next week. Some fans boo this. Shane announces that he will be taking an indefinite leave of absence as SmackDown Commissioner after tonight's show but before he does, he's here to make one special match.

Shane announces Owens vs. Sami for WrestleMania 34. Shane's music hits and he goes to leave but Owens comes out as his music interrupts. Owens knocks Shane and mentions how he can beat the hell out of Sami any time, he doesn't have to wait until WrestleMania. Sami's music interrupts Owens and out he comes next. Sami stops and looks at Owens on the ramp, then enters the ring with Shane. Sami is glad Shane is leaving because he makes all of his decisions based on what fans react to, as they reacted to Sami and Owens beating on each other at Fastlane. Owens is in the ring now. Shane points to how he just gave them a WrestleMania match and they are ungrateful. Owens says then Shane will appreciate this as well. Sami attacks Shane from behind and beats him down. Owens joins in and they double team Shane now. Shane tries to fight back but they drop him again. Owens holds Shane in the corner, allowing for Sami to deliver a Helluva Kick. Sami pushes Shane into a Pop-Up powerbomb from Owens. Referees hit the ring but Owens and Sami fight them off as well. Owens brings Shane to the floor and keeps up the attack. Sami brings a steel chair over.

Sami stands the chair up and Owens puts Shane's neck through it. They both ram Shane into the ring post with the chair around his neck. Sami and Owens drag Shane up to the stage now. They talk trash while dragging Shane to the backstage area. Shane sounds like he's dying after a powerbomb on top of steel production structure pieces. A referee come over and calls for paramedics, telling Owens and Sami to leave. Shane sounds really bad, grasping for air. The referee tells him to hang on and that he's going to make it. The paramedics grab a mask and prepare to load Shane on a stretcher as SmackDown goes off the air.