View Full Version : EVOLVE 104 To Feature Double Main Event

04-24-2018, 10:26 PM
Following the excellent shows during WrestleMania weekend earlier this month, EVOLVE is gearing up for their next round of events.

EVOLVE 104 is slated to take place on May 19th in the Chicago area while EVOLVE 105 is set to go down on May 20th in the Detroit area.

The promotion announced several matches for EVOLVE 104 on Monday via their newsletter including the main events.

WWN Champion Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly will defend against DJZ and EVOLVE Champion Matt Riddle vs. the returning Shane Strickland in a non-title match will be the other half of the double main event

For those who plan on attending this event, you can buy tickets here. Below is the updated card for EVOLVE 104:

WWN Championship Match: Austin Theory with Priscilla Kelly defends vs. DJZ

Non-Title Match: EVOLVE Champion Matt Riddle vs. Shane Strickland

Keith Lee vs. James Drake

Tracy Williams vs. Dominic Garrini with Stokely Hathaway

AR Fox with The Skulk vs. Zachary Wentz

Matt Knicks, Stevie Fierce & Isaias Velazquez vs. J.Spade, Amarok & Jonny Flex