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View Full Version : WWE Mae Young Classic Night 3 Results - 09/19

09-20-2018, 04:02 AM

Live from Orlando, FL!

The first round of the Mae Young Classic battles continues tonight live from the Full Sail University arena in Winter Garden, FL. Tonight, we have some familiar faces in addition to some new ones, so it will be interesting to see who takes it to the next round.

Kaitlyn vs. Kavita Davi

This is not the first time that Kaitlyn has battled in the WWE ring -- she's a former champion from Houston, TX, who left the WWE four years ago after going through a tumultuous divorce and other personal problems.

She'll be facing off against India's own Kavita Davi, whose entry into the competition was announced by none other than Braun Strowman.

Beth Phoenix was one who was excited about Kaitlyn's return, and she had every right to be, as she pummelled Kavita Davi with a snapmare and two powerslams, but Davi was able to pin her three times. However, she only succeeded in getting her down for a two-count each time.

Kaitlyn came back with an arm-drag, but Kavita Davi pummelled her with some shots to the jaw. Kaitlyn responded with a shoulder-tackle, knocking down the burly Kavita Davi. She ultimately was able to claim victory, and announce her return to professional wrestling, with a cannonball and a spear. Welcome back, baby!

Winner: Kaitlyn

Toni Storm vs. Jinny

Toni Storm made it to the semi-finals of the Mae Young Classic last year, but this Australian is back for a second round after getting defeated by eventual winner Kairi Sane. She's facing off against first-time competitor Jinny, a fashionista type from London.

Jinny had the upper hand at first with the side headlock, but Toni Storm was easily able to get out of it.

Toni then delivered a knee to Jinny, but Jinny slammed her face-first into the turnbuckle, possibly breaking her nose. She then pinned her down for a two-count after delivering a snapmare and a suplex.

The two women grappled for a bit, too, before Jinny got her pinned again for another two-count. They grappled some more, and Jinny gave her a Japanese arm drag into the turnbuckle. But Toni got Jinny pinned for a two-count before Jinny delivered a submission move to Toni.

Toni got out of the submission move and delivered a German suplex and a Storm Zero for the win. This was definitely a battle!

Winner: Toni Storm

Karen Q vs. Xia Li

NXT signee Xia Li is in an East vs. West battle against Karen Q, a Chinese-American gymnast from New York City.

Xia Li got the upper hand early with an early takedown. Li, a kung fu master, was able to dominate Karen Q easily, but Karen certainly got her licks in with kicks and slaps to the face, before slamming her into the top turnbuckle. Karen Q was able to pin Xia Li early for a two-count, promising to be a threat early on.

Karen was definitely trying to get Xia into a Boston crab, but ultimately pinned her down for a two-count with a Full Nelson slam.

But when Karen went for the Frog Splash, Xia Li moved out of the way, and ultimately got pinned down for the count with a flying X kick.

Winner: Xia Li

Mia Yim vs. Allysin Kay

These two women have a long-standing rivalry thanks to Mia breaking Allysin's nose while on the independent circuit.

They're actually calling this battle part of the "Frenemies World Tour," and Mia certainly got the upper hand early, though she only managed to get Allysin pinned for a one-count the first time.

But Allysin certainly came back with a vengeance and sent Mia flying out of the ring. But when Mia gained her composure, she launched from the second rope right into Allysin, and possibly broke her hand.

And even though Allysin does everything with her "pinkies up," she certainly wasn't worried about class when she hit Mia with the fallaway slam.

Mia instantly hit back with a locked-in armbar, which proved to be difficult because of her hand situation, and Allysin hit Mia with the spine buster to get out of the armbar.

This is, to say the least, one of the most brutal battles in the Mae Young Classic ever. These two women definitely have a grudge against one another. Not even a sunset powerbomb could take Kay out.

Ultimately, it took Allysin's Big D -- discus lariat -- to turn the tide in her favor. Mia tried to take her rival down with a top rope slam, but Allysin kicked the breath out of her to bring her back to the mat.

But Mia, out of nowhere, finished the match in her favor with a Soul Food move. YAS GIRL!

Winner: Mia Yim