View Full Version : Abyss Discusses Staying Loyal To Impact Wrestling, Company Believing In Him

09-26-2018, 08:20 PM
TNA Original Abyss will be celebrated and honored for his contributions to Impact Wrestling next month. It was announced last week that Impact Wrestling has chosen Abyss to be this year’s Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame inductee.

The ceremony will take place on October 13th in New York City at McHale’s Pub. He’s a former World Champion, X-Division Champion, and World Tag Team Champion.

Abyss made an appearance on Busted Open Radio on Tuesday to talk about a wide range of topics including his induction. He stated that the company is and was always home for him as it’s where he started and spent the majority of his adult life there. He stated that he has been in the pro wrestling business for 50 percent of his life. He stated that the promotion took a gamble on him when he was a nobody coming out of Puerto Rico with a decent name, but nothing to where he was known in the United States. He stated that they gave him a chance when nobody else was biting at the time.

Abyss would bring up how to see the growth of the company and be a part of it, was one of the reasons that he didn’t leave because he had been there since the beginning and was part of the ground floor of the promotion. He reflected on working Wednesday night pay-per-views in ’02-03 where they didn’t know if there would be another event but kept coming each week. He recalled people telling them that they were going to close up the doors in six months and has said that for twelve years.

He is proud of what the company has done as there has been a lot of ups and downs but it’s a great company. He added that although they struggled and plowed through some obstacles along the way, it’s been his home and something that he can see himself leaving.