View Full Version : Gail Kim Calls WWE Management “Racist”

11-04-2018, 03:10 AM
Several wrestling personalities have given their thoughts on WWE recently. Impact Wrestling producer, Gail Kim, is no different. Last night, Kim said the reason WWE isn’t concerned about bringing back Hulk Hogan after having made racist remarks is that they are racist themselves.

Plus they’re racist anyway. They don’t care if anyone is racist Bc they have the same thoughts

— Gail Kim-Irvine (@gailkimITSME) November 3, 2018

She would later respond to someone who refuted the WWE is racist claim:

Oh ok Bc they hire people of ethnicity doesn’t mean they aren’t racist. It’s business number one. Two, you don’t know anything about what happens backstage mr diehard

— Gail Kim-Irvine (@gailkimITSME) November 3, 2018

Kim then took a shot at a media outlet for misconstruing her remarks, leading this media outlet to be a little nervous about posting this article now:

I DID say they were racist. Never mentioned anything about Hulk Hogan…..are you guys that desperate for clicks that you have to make up headlines? Bc you know reporting the truth ACTUALLY makes you credible.

— Gail Kim-Irvine (@gailkimITSME) November 3, 2018

It seems as though the outlet misconstrued Gail Kim’s comments. She was saying WWE is racist and therefore don’t mind that Hogan made racist comments not that WWE is racist as a result of having brought back Hogan after he made racist comments.