View Full Version : DX Vandalism In Lock Haven

Dangerous Incorporated
10-13-2006, 03:01 AM
DX Vandalism In Lock Haven

http://img470.imageshack.us/img470/4224/5526533bg1qh9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Police in Lock Haven want to know who went on a spray-painting spree Monday and Tuesday nights.

Investigators in Clinton County think professional wrestling fans may be behind a vandalism spree in Lock Haven. The spray painted signs are on homes, businesses, cars, even the borough's police station.

Now investigators are asking for your help to find the vandals who painted the words "Degeneration X" all over town.

Officers think vandals went to work sometime early Tuesday morning, spray painting the letters "DX" all over the borough.

They hit cars, trucks and more than a dozen homes and garages. They even spray painted a huge "DX" right in the middle of Vesper Street.

"Some very brave people and I say brave because they did this, even though it's apparent they did this under the cloak of darkness. They actually did this on some buildings that are very visible, one of which is the side of city hall, near the entrance to the police department," said police chief Skip Hocker.

He added crews scrubbed city hall for hours to clean off the paint.

The vandals even hit the fire department just down the street. City wide the damage is estimated at nearly $2,000.

Police said "DX" stands for Degeneration X, a bunch of professional wrestlers.

Some victims, like Dr. Praful Bhatt said the damage is more than spray painted signs and windows. It's causing he and his staff to wonder what is next.

"Carelessness? Or is it just the stupidity of young people or does this mean anything?" the doctor asked.

While police think the vandals got the idea by watching a bunch of professional wrestlers, investigators need your help to crack the case.

"So we're very grateful any time anyone steps forward with information however insignificant they think it is. Many times, small pieces of information make or break cases," Chief Hocker.

Lock Haven police would like a phone call if you know anything that can help solve the crime. The number 570-893-5911.

DX Vandals Update

Thanks to Rob for sending this in regarding the DX vandals: Just to let you know and let you know the whole story. I live in Lock Haven. Well they didn’t spray it all over the city. They hit a few blocks. They hit the City Hall Police offices. Sprayed the front of it with DX. I believe they wrote it out I’m not really sure. Right behind that building. Is our Ablumance building. They hit that too. A few blocks down from the Police offices. They got a doctor’s office's window and sign. Another block down they hit an owner of a retail place. They even sat his Hummer on fire. WNEP usually tries to make there stories outrageous sometimes. They did it with this one. Figured I would let you know the whole thing. They still haven’t caught anyone that did it.

10-14-2006, 05:05 AM
i remember there was another dx incident back in june when dx first reformed.. lmao, juveniles.