View Full Version : Valentines......

King Venomation - X
02-16-2006, 04:00 PM
Basically what did you do on Valentine's Day? I know it was a couple of days ago but its never to late to take an interest!

My Girlfriend basically spent the whole day at my house. Anyway, First she came, gave her a kiss and a hug and invited her upstairs where I had her Card, a box of 'Me To You' Chocolates and a Rose neatly placed on top of each other in a romantic fashion. Then I pulled her present out of the wardrobe and gave it her. It was a 'Me To You' Bear that she wanted. Basically a bear ornament that was holding balloon hearts. She loved it. Then she gave me my presents and then we watched some horrible Valentine's film, can't remember much about it cause I fell asleep, lol. Anyway after that we done some other stuff before going out and getting a chinese. We had a very romantic candle light dinner before desert :wink:. Then after desert I took her home and gave her a goodnight kiss before returning home myself. Not much but it was still pretty fun.

Was your Valentine's day romantic like that? Or did it backfire and you had a crap Valentine's day? Tell us here!

02-16-2006, 04:39 PM
I always believe in making the effort at least once every year,I started by preparing my girlffriend breakfast in bed and making sure that when she got up there was a lovely hot bath for her.Because she did not have to go to work she was able to have a nice long soak and relax.While she was in the bath i nipped out to do a couple of errands.
I then took her out for lunch at the local Beefeater resteraunt,as when you have kids it sometimes becomes difficult to make that special time for each other.When we arrived and sat down for lunch the manager brought over a bouquet of flowers that i had already dropped off there before.
We had a really nice lunch and a few drinks before returning home..