View Full Version : Kurt Angle Reflects On WWE Debut

03-04-2019, 10:18 PM
Kurt Angle has had one of the most successful careers in the history of professional wrestling. The Olympic gold medalist is a six-time WWE World Champion and former Intercontinental, United States, Tag Team, and European Champion. He was inducted into the WWE Hall OF Fame in 2017.

Taking to Instagram yesterday (Sun. March 3, 2019) Angle reflected on making his televised WWE debut on an episode of Saturday Night Heat. Angle participated in a segment with Tiger Ali Singh. Singh attempted to pay Angle to blow his nose into the American flag. Instead, Angle blew his nose into Singh’s flag before attacking him.

Here’s what Angle had to say about his debut 20 years ago:

“20 years ago, I made my debut on Saturday night heat. I just started my wrestling training at the time. I never imagined I would be back in WWE 20 years later. Im getting old. Lol.”

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