View Full Version : WWE Superstar Apperances, Foley, Hip-Hop Hogan, First Week of Daily Diva's

Dangerous Incorporated
10-14-2006, 04:46 AM
WWE Superstar Apperances, Foley, Hip-Hop Hogan, First Week of Daily Diva's

This Monday, the WWE Cruiserweight Champion Gregory Helms will be at the Best Buy in Visalia, CA from 2:30 to 3:30PM.

Eric Bischoff will be signing copies of his book "Controversy Creates Cash" at Border Books and Music in Scottsdale, AZ on Tuesday starting at 7PM.

Kane will be appearing at Spooky World in Boston, MA on Sunday October 29.

This Saturday, Batista will be signing autographs at Lee & Woo Opptornetry in San Francisco, CA from noon to 2PM.
Christian Cage and Hacksaw Jim Duggan will be signing autographs at Collector's Realm in Poughkeepsie, NY from noon to 2PM on Saturday.

Mick Foley is writing another autobiography on the phase of his career and life after his first two books.

The hip hop site www.sohh.com has a short interview with Hulk Hogan where he talks about how his son Nick got him into the genre. Hogan said he doesn't listen to rock any more now because he is so down with hip hop. It was a funny piece as Hogan tries to speak the lingo and doesn't do a good job of it.

http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/2671/03jl8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/6813/02zz4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
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http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/8614/oct13oh7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)