View Full Version : Lyoto Machida Believes USADA Lost Some Credibility After Jon Jones Case

04-09-2019, 01:21 PM
Lyoto Machida feels the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) didn’t handle Jon Jones’ case in an ideal way.

Machida was suspended for 18 months by USADA back in 2016. The banned substance 7-keto-dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) was found in Machida’s system. “The Dragon” insisted that he didn’t know where the substance came from. Over time, USADA has taken a closer look at athletes who take in tainted supplements. Jones tested positive for turinabol back in 2017, but his suspension was reduced despite failing to pinpoint the supplement that would’ve caused the positive test result. When he was popped for a trace amount of turinabol again, it was determined to be a pulsing effect.

Machida took USADA to task over the Jones case:

”I don’t like to judge anyone. Maybe what USADA is saying really did happen and there’s this contamination from the past. But, like, when it’s a game of interests, we have questions and never really know what’s going on, what’s the goal behind all this, and USADA’s intentions and UFC’s intentions. Because of that, I prefer to remain in silence and not weigh in on this because I’m more focused on Bellator now. When I saw different results, different substances and different penalties, man… To me, as a person, it lost credibility. For me, not being part of USADA… You can’t understand the joy I have. Not having that daily stress… You could be doing everything by the book, but there was always this stress.”

Machida is now a member of the Bellator roster, so he no longer has to deal with USADA’s anti-doping policy. “The Dragon” will meet Chael Sonnen on June 14 for Bellator’s return to Madison Square Garden in New York City.