View Full Version : MLW (Major Legaue Wrestling - Fury Road '19 Results (1st Jun, 2019)

06-02-2019, 09:26 AM
MLW (Major League Wrestling) - Fury Road

Coming live from Waukesha County Expo Center just outside of Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- opens up with a recap of the path of destruction Contra Unit (Josef Samael, Simon Gotch, Jacob Fatu) have blazed -- taking out Ace Romero, Low Ki, Tom Lawlor, etc.

Jim Cornette & Rich Bocchini announce that due to severe weather conditions some travel for certain talents has been impacted. This includes Tom Lawlor. This smells like a work.

Match #1: Myron Reed vs. "The Base God" Gringo Loco

Reed comes out with his mouth taped up and it says "Justice" on it. He has a sign that says the same. This is to further his and Rich Swann's angle that the refs are screwing them over. It's weird that this match is on the live show as features two men lower on the card and not as high profile as say Austin Aries/Adam Brooks or Davey Boy Smith Jr vs. MJF.

The match starts with the flips and the spots you'd expect. But then...Reed changes the record. He plays to the crowd and spends a lot of time with reverse chinlocks trying to wear his man down. Really liked this version of Reed -- shows he can be a real legit heel. Loco goes for a massive moonsault (tremendous airtime) but Reed gets him in the mouth with both feet. After some showboating from Reed, Loco unleashes a huge running powerbomb.

Loco goes for a moonsault but Fox stops him. They battle as Fox tries for a Destroyer off the top. Loco is able to counter it into a flying Falcon Arrow. It was a lot of air here, and neither man can capitalize. The crowd popped huge. Fox ends up getting to his feet, and hits a spring board diving cutter followed by a springboard 450. A cocky cover gets him a two.

Referee Doug Markham, who Reed's has an issue with stops Reed as he looks like hes's got an object in his trunks. Reed hits a Stundog Millionaire then a roll-up. Loco reverses, but Reed reverses and holds the ropes. The ref sees it. Reed and the ref bark at each other. This allows Loco to hit a spinning tombstone for...THE WIN?

Yup, Gringo scores a very rare win on MLW!

Post-Match: reed goes into his trunks, grabs brass knuckles and dusts Gringo.

Backstage: Salina de la Renta cuts a promo. She puts herself over, and announces on June 15 that she'll be proucing another episode of MLW Fusion. She did a great job earlier this month, and the ratings were big -- this makes all the sense. Salina, while not the top heel in the company right now (that's Contra) is still the most important person in MLW.

Back from the break and they show photos and talk about the history of The Crusher.

Backstage: Kaci Lennox says she cannot find Tom Lawlor -- the guy who's always first in the building for MLW. So yes, this is a work

Finals for the National Openweight Title:
Brian Pillman Jr. vs. Alexander Hammerstone w/The Dynasty

Pillman is sporting that SWEET, SWEET bleach blonde mullet we saw at Double or Nothin. It's funny how The Harts have not changed at all and yet became the top babyface unit in MLW. To me, that's how MLW has booked those guys so well.

The match starts off traditionally with hammerlocks, and jockeying for position. Pillman lights up Hammerstone with chops, and forearm shivers. He also hit a running dropkick so reminiscent of his dad. Hammerstone eventually gets the advantage with a massive bicycle kick. Pillman dropkicks Hammerstone to the outside and then Pillman hits a springboard reverse crossbody to knock the big man down. On the outside Pillman does a lap around the ring and hits a cross body -- only to get caught and slung into the guardrail.

Hammerstone power bombs Pillman on the ring apron. Hammerstone gets a two count. He then slowly grinds away at Pillman with knees, punches and then an abdominal stretch. Pillman tries to escape but gets his head knocked off with a clothesline. He wears him down further with whips into the turnbuckle.

Hammerstone jaws about Pillman's dad which fires the son up. He levels him with a kick. He hits a reverse cross body (like his dad) off the top for 2 3/4. Pillman goes up top again and misses a swanton. Hammerstone hits the Nightmare Pendulum for the win.

Winner: Alexander Hammerstone - New & 1st National Openweight Champion.

An Austin Aries promo runs. We'll probably see him in a two weeks.

We get video of Tom Lawlor at the hotel and he's jumped by Fatu and Samael. I honestly love those two as Contra Unit. They come off as legit dangerous and unpredictable -- something we don't see in wrestling much. We then get video of Lawlor getting his ponytail cut by Samael.

There then seemed to be some confusion about things -- not sure if this was to sell the fact Contra delivered this video and threw everyone off, or if there was a legit mi-up.

Back from break -- the "mistake" was to sell Contra's impact on the show. They promised they would not show the video again as it was super disturbing and offensive. Of course we're going into a Jimmy Havoc match -- so the violence level is going to be raised to another level.

Main Event -- National Middleweight Title Match: Teddy Hart (C) vs. "England's Most Dangerous Man" Jimmy Havoc

Teddy has ditched the shirt he usually wears, and he looks absolutely great physically. Havoc is wearing his "This Isn't Goodbybe" shirt that he debuted at Progress' Super Strong Style 16 show.

Hart does a moonsaut to show off and Havoc charges. Hart moves out of the way and hits Havoc with punches. He takes the chair he brought to the ring and hits Havoc in the gut. Hart hits a Hangman's neckbreaker, followed by a planking springboard moonsault.

Hart works over Havoc's arm and then successfully slaps on a variation of Rings of Saturn. Back from break Hart is working Havoc in the corner. Havoc elbows Hart and goes for a dropkick -- but no pool in the water. He then hits a Project Ciampa on Havoc. He then hits a massive moonsault off the top rope -- but only for two.

Hart goes for a Destroyer on the apron but Havoc counts with a slam and a falling cutter. Havoc takes a chair and crack Hart in the head. Hart is bleeding. Havoc gives Hart a paper cut to the mouth and hands. He suplexes Hart on a guardrail. Cornette loses his mind and says Havoc doesn't care about wrestling. That's on brand.

Havoc sets up a chair in the conner. He tries to whip Hart into the corner, but Teddy reverses and slams Havoc head first into the chair.

Teddy puts Havoc on the top and goes a rana. However, Havoc rolls through and slaps on a Sharpshooter. Hart makes his way to the ropes to break the hold.

Havoc cracks Hart in the back with a chair. The match officially goes past TV time. Havoc is on the top and nails a leap Destroyer. He goes for the Acid Rainmaker, but Hart gets out and hits a running Destroyer.

Hart is fired up. He hits The Open Hart Surgery DDT on a chair and wins the match.

Winner: Teddy Hart

Post-Match: The Dynasty hits the ring. Pillman and Davey hit the ring and we've got a brawl.