View Full Version : WWE RAW Report / Results - 27th May, 2019

06-02-2019, 10:40 PM

Lesnar to reveal his cash-in decision

On a special Memorial Day edition of Monday Night Raw, “Mr. Money in the Bank” Brock Lesnar is expected to announce which World Champion he will cash in his contract on. Will The Beast Incarnate target Universal Champion Seth Rollins or WWE Champion Kofi Kingston?


- The 2019 Memorial Day edition of WWE RAW opens up with a video tribute for our fallen soldiers.

- We see Brock Lesnar backstage with Paul Heyman. They will be here live tonight to make an announcement on his Money In the Bank cash in.

- We're live from the Sprint Center in Kansas City, Missouri as Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined by Renee Young and Corey Graves.

- We go right to the ring and out comes WWE Champion Kofi Kingston as The New Day's music hits. Kofi is by himself, coming over in the Wild Card Rule.

Kofi talks about what happened last week with Kevin Owens attacking Big E. Kofi says Big E's knee was re-injured in the attack. Kofi goes on and says Dolph Ziggler tried to put him out last week but he's still standing. Kofi says he will address Ziggler at a later date but that's not why he's here tonight. He's here for Brock Lesnar. Fans pop. Kofi wants to be the best and to do that, he needs to defeat Lesnar. Kofi wants Lesnar to cash in his title shot tonight on him. The music interrupts and out comes WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins.

Rollins says he knows he's not Lesnar, he's better, but he likes where Kofi's head is at, and he too wants to know who Lesnar is cashing in on. Rollins says the only thing we're missing out here is Lesnar. Rollins calls The Beast to the ring. The music hits and out comes Lesnar and Paul Heyman.

Lesnar's theme is quickly interrupted by music that sounds like 80's hip-hop as Lesnar holds the briefcase to his ear to play off last week's "Beastbox" boombox moment. The music continues playing, possibly for too long, as Lesnar enters the ring. It looks like production botched the music as The New Day's music starts playing. Now they switch to Lesnar's music. Definitely a botch that Heyman and Lesnar played off by dancing around. Then they go to Rollins' music and he exits the ring for an awkward moment. Lesnar stares Kofi down now.

Heyman says that's just like Rollins to pee on everyone's parade. Heyman says they were going to announce Lesnar's decision but Rollins ruined the Brock-party. The segment falls apart as Heyman indicates it's over. Lesnar and Heyman go to leave with the briefcase still in-hand. Heyman says to blame Rollins, not them. Kofi watches from the apron as Lesnar exits. Dolph Ziggler suddenly attacks out of nowhere and ends up dropping Kofi with a Zig Zag on the apron. Ziggler goes for a steel chair shot but Xavier Woods attacks him and makes the save. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Kofi Kingston is being helped to the back by officials and Xavier Woods. Dolph Ziggler comes back out to attack but Woods makes the save again. They brawl into the ring and back out to the floor as Ziggler bites on Woods' forehead.

Fans try to rally for Woods but Ziggler launches him into the barrier. Woods turns it back around after another minute, taking Ziggler into the crowd. Woods brings the brawl back over to the ringside area but Ziggler decks him. Ziggler sends Woods face-first into the steel ring steps. Ziggler grabs a chair and nails Woods in the back with it, and again. Ziggler digs at Woods' eyes and rolls him back into the ring. Ziggler with another big chair shot to the back in the middle of the ring.

Ziggler wraps the chair around Woods' head but here comes Kofi with a chair to make the save. Ziggler retreats. Kofi hits the corner to yell out at Ziggler. We go back to commercial with Kofi raising the chair in the air.

- Back from the break and Kofi Kingston is in the ring with Xavier Woods. Dolph Ziggler comes back out to the stage with a mic. Ziggler says he thought he knew Kofi but Kofi has been wasting his time on Brock Lesnar's cash in, when he should've worried about Ziggler. Ziggler says in 11 days at WWE Super ShowDown he will get a shot at the title, and he needs Kofi to celebrate like he's never celebrated for the next 11 days, because he is the best WWE Champion that Ziggler can remember. Ziggler says every time he sees the WWE Title on Kofi, it reminds him that it should've been him. Fans boo.

Ziggler goes on about admiring Kofi and how he's defended Kofi when people called him a B Plus Player. Ziggler wonders what will happen when Kofi doesn't have the title, when Ziggler takes it what happens to the fans who look up to him. Ziggler says it took a little longer than he's wanted to, but it should've been him getting the title shot at WrestleMania 35. Ziggler says at Super ShowDown, it will be him. Ziggler walks to the back while Kofi raises the WWE Title in the air. Fans chant for Kofi now.

- Still to come, RAW Women's Champion Becky Lynch teams with Nikki Cross to face WWE Women's Tag Team Champions The IIconics.

- Cole says AJ Styles is injured and has been replaced in tonight's Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match by Baron Corbin. The Miz, Bobby Lashley and Braun Strowman are also in the match that will determine Seth Rollins' opponent for Super ShowDown.

- We see The Usos hosting a Memorial Day Block Party outside of the arena under a tent. EC3 looks thrilled to be there. Dana Brooke and The Lucha House Party are having fun. The Usos mention everyone is invited, except for The Revival. Drake Maverick is looking for WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth. The Usos welcome everyone.

- Charly Caruso is backstage with Shane McMahon, revealing that he will be in action tonight. Shane says he's ready to beat his opponent, like he will beat Roman Reigns at Super ShowDown. We see Drew McIntyre standing there. Shane walks off with Drew and asks if he's ready.

Shane McMahon vs. Lance Anoa'i

We go to the ring and out comes Shane McMahon with Drew McIntyre. Shane stops and backs up the ramp to the stage, motioning for Drew to come back to the stage with him. They return to the backstage area and we go to commercial for another awkward moment.

Back from the break and Cole leads us to a video package for Triple H vs. Randy Orton at Super ShowDown. We come back to Shane in the ring with McIntyre. Shane talks about the feud between the McMahons and the Samoans, and how it goes back to respect. Shane says respect was ingrained into him at an early age, but it wasn't for Roman Reigns, which explains why he could strike Vince McMahon. Shane goes on about the Samoans, naming everyone from Peter Maivia to The Rock to The Wild Samoans and others. Shane says he might know WWE Hall of Famer Afa and Sika better than Reigns. Shane says he's not going to disparage The Wild Samoans because that's not in him. Shane says his dad was always there to clean up Afa and Sika's mistakes. Shane say he's here to represent the McMahon family and he's ready to fight. The question is, who from the Samoan dynasty will come down the ramp to face him right now? We take another commercial break.

Back from the break and indie star Lance Anoa'i is in the ring. He is the son of Samu. The bell rings. Lance ends up on the outside as McIntyre rams him into the apron and the barrier back and forth. Shane taunts on the mic from the ring as McIntyre continues destroying Lance on the outside. Shane tells Drew to throw Lance in the ring. He calls for the bell.

The bell rings and Shane goes to work on Reigns' cousin with strikes. Lance tries to fight out of the corner but Shane turns it back around. Shane with more strikes now. Lance finally nails a big dropkick for a pop. Shane catches a superkick and delivers an elbow to the jaw. Shane works Lance over on the mat now. Shane applies a Triangle submission and Lance taps for the finish.

Winner: Shane McMahon

- After the match, Shane takes the mic as Drew enters the ring. Shane barks orders as Drew chops Lance back to the mat. Shane applies the Triangle again while talking trash to Lance about some of his family members. Roman Reigns' music hits and out he comes. Reigns drops Drew with a Superman Punch at ringside. Shane retreats but Reigns chases and stops him from escaping through the crowd. Reigns with a big Superman Punch to Shane a ringside. They go back in the ring and Reigns looks to deliver a Spear but Drew pulls Shane to safety. Drew and Shane taunt Reigns from the stage while Reigns' music hits and he checks on his cousin. We go to replays. The camera cuts backstage to McIntyre and Shane running through the backstage area. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cole talks about Shane McMahon and Drew McIntyre running away from Roman Reigns.

- We go back to the ring and out comes Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman and the Money In the Bank briefcase. There's a referee waiting in the ring.

Heyman introduces himself and says Lesnar requested the referee to be out here. Heyman says Lesnar is now ready to announce who he will be cashing in his contract on. The music interrupts Heyman and out comes WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins.

Rollins hits the ring and trashes Lesnar for making a mockery of the title that he works hard every day for. Lesnar says something about "Beatbox b---h" to Rollins. Rollins calls him a joke. Rollins threatens to stomp his head right now. Rollins says Lesnar used to be the most feared man in combat sports but now he's a coward, hiding behind Heyman, and a shell of his former self. Rollins says now Lesnar has his chance to prove him wrong. Rollins taunts Lesnar to cash in. Heyman starts reading out the contract. Lesnar snatches it from him and asks how long the contract is for again. Heyman says one year. Lesnar smacks Heyman with the contract. Heyman says he didn't know.

Lesnar takes the mic and says he has a whole year. He laughs and wonders why he has to make a decision now. Lesnar tells Rollins to screw himself. Lesnar drops the mic and leaves with his briefcase. Heyman follows as Lesnar's music hits. Apparently Lesnar is just now finding out that his briefcase was good for one year. Rollins watches as they walk up the ramp.

- Carmella suddenly enters the ring from the crowd. WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth is right behind with Superstars chasing him. Eric Young rolls him up for a 2 count. Drake Maverick, Luke Gallows, Karl Anderson, Mojo Rawley and others are trying to get their hands on Truth. Truth runs off through the crowd with Carmella on his back, Superstars chasing them.

- Cole sends us backstage to AJ Styles and Charly Caruso. Caruso mentions his injury that will see Baron Corbin replace him in tonight's main event. She asks what happened. AJ says he felt a pop in his lower back during the match with Seth Rollins at Money In the Bank. AJ says he doesn't want to take anything away from Rollins, because he beat him fair. AJ says he wanted to compete tonight, to earn another title shot, but that's not going to happen. She asks how long he will be out and he mentions more tests that need to be done. AJ goes on to talk about what doctors said but Corbin suddenly attacks him and lays him down. Corbin stands over Styles as a trainer checks on him, yelling at Corbin to get out.

Becky Lynch and Nikki Cross vs. The IIconics

We go to the ring and out comes RAW Women's Champion Becky Lynch to a pop. Still to come, another "Firefly Fun House" segment from Bray Wyatt. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Nikki Cross waits with Becky as WWE Women's Tag Team Champions The IIconics come out for this non-title match. Cross starts off with Billie Kay but Peyton Royce quickly comes in. Cross dodges a few shots and settles down with Royce as they go at it. Royce takes Cross to the mat now. Cross turns it around for a 2 count. Royce keeps control and shuts down another comeback attempt. Royce mocks Becky now.

Cross fights Royce off and takes her down by the arm. Cross ends up taking both opponents down on the outside. Cross heads back to the apron and leaps, taking The IIconics back down on the floor with a crossbody. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Kay is going at it with Cross now. Kay taunts Becky and kicks at her while keeping Cross in a headlock. Becky finally gets the hot tag as Royce also comes in. Becky fights Royce off and knocks Kay off the apron. Lynch with more offense to Royce, including the Bexploder. Lynch with forearms and stomps to Royce in the corner now. Becky comes off the second rope with a leg drop but Kay breaks the pin. Kay tosses Becky into the corner.

Cross runs in but Kay drops her with a big boot. The IIconics double team Becky with a knee and Royce covers for a close 2 count. Royce argues with the referee. Becky counters and pulls Royce down into the Disarm Her. Cross takes out Kay on the outside. Royce rolls Becky for a 2 count. Becky comes right back and drops Royce with The Man Slam for the pin to win.

Winners: Becky Lynch and Nikki Cross

- After the match, Lacey Evans comes walking down the ramp as Cross and Lynch watch from the ring. Evans turns right around at the bottom of the ramp and walks back up to the back. Cross celebrates with Lynch.

- We go back to The Usos' block party outside of the arena. Tamina Snuka confronts Naomi and it looks like they're going to fight but they laugh and hug. The Revival appears. They thank The Usos for inviting them but The Usos say they weren't. Naomi says she invited them because they need to squash their beef, and what better place than this block party. There's still some tension between the two teams as the party continues.

Ricochet vs. Cesaro

We go to the ring and out comes Ricochet. Cesaro is out next. Cole confirms both Superstars for the 50-Man Battle Royal at WWE Super ShowDown.

The bell rings and they go right at it. Ricochet with a big takedown out of the corner. Cesaro rolls Ricochet for a pin attempt. Cesaro with a knee to the gut. Ricochet comes back and hits an enziguri. Ricochet runs the ropes and leaps out to the floor, taking Cesaro down. We go back to commercial.

More back and forth after the break. Cesaro with a 2 count. Cesaro with more offense and an elbow drop for a 2 count. Ricochet fights back with an elbow now. Ricochet with a counter. Ricochet blocks a big uppercut. Ricochet counters with a shot to the jaw. Ricochet with a big thrust in the corner and a springboard attack from the apron. Ricochet with a 2 count. Ricochet comes right back with a standing Shooting Star Press for another close 2 count.

Ricochet pulls Cesaro to the corner for a 630 attempt. He goes to the top but Cesaro jumps up with a big uppercut. Cesaro with another running uppercut into the corner while Ricochet is up top. Cesaro climbs up for a superplex. Ricochet counters mid-move with a knee to the head. Ricochet takes Cesaro's knee out and he goes down. Ricochet goes back to the top and hits the 630 but is forced to roll through as Cesaro moves. Cesaro rocks Ricochet with a big uppercut from the second rope. Ricochet still kicks out at 2. Cesaro with a Torture Rack now. Ricochet counters but Cesaro stops it. Ricochet counters the powerbomb attempt again with a big Destroyer but Cesaro kicks out at 2.

Cesaro runs into a big boot but it sends Ricochet out of the ring. Ricochet ends up fighting back in with a nice counter and a hurricanrana takedown from the apron, holding it for the pin to win out of nowhere.

Winner: Ricochet

- After the match, Ricochet stands tall as his music plays. We go to replays.

- Still to come, our Fatal 4 Way Elimination main event.

- Cole shows us stills from the controversial finish from Rey Mysterio's WWE United States Title win over Samoa Joe at Money In the Bank. We also see the post-match attack from Joe. Cole says Rey will be here next week to relinquish the title due to the separated shoulder. Joe's music hits and out he comes to the announce table.

Joe says Rey is coming to RAW next week to do the right thing by relinquishing the title. Joe says he will be waiting to take back what has always been rightfully his.

- Still to come, Corey Graves hosts his Electric Chair Q&A segment with Sami Zayn. We go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see The Revival and The Usos going at it in a game of Cornhole at the block party outside.

- We get a backstage promo from The Miz, to address tonight's Fatal 4 Way. We also get a few words from Braun Strowman on the match.

Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match: Braun Strowman vs. The Miz vs. Baron Corbin vs. Bobby Lashley

We go to the ring and out comes Braun Strowman as Mike Rome does the introductions. The winner of this match will become the new #1 contender to WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins for a match at Super ShowDown in Saudi Arabia. The Miz is out next, followed by Baron Corbin, who gets a grand introduction. Bobby Lashley is out last and we get pre-recorded comments from him. Lashley says he's been playing around since returning but that changes now. We go back to commercial before the match begins.

Back from the break and the match is underway. The Miz clotheslines Corbin out to the floor but he also ends up on the outside. Lashley and Strowman face off before going at it. Lashley sends Braun back with a shoulder but he comes right back with a power move. Strowman brings Lashley to one knee but Corbin decks Strowman from behind. Corbin and Lashley take turns on Strowman now, sending him into the corner for the double team.

Lashley drives Strowman into the ring post shoulder-first. Strowman tumbles out to the floor. Corbin and Lashley go at it when Miz runs back in and hits a neckbreaker combo. Miz with kicks to Lashley and Corbin while both of them are on their knees. Fans chant "yes!" as the kicks continue. Corbin ducks a kick and Lashley counters also. Corbin backdrops Miz for a 2 count.

Corbin and Lashley with more back and forth on Miz now. Lashley with a 2 count. Lashley goes out and sends Strowman into the barrier, and again. Corbin works Miz over on the inside. Corbin takes Miz to the top for a superplex as Lashley dominates Strowman on the floor. Miz sends Corbin down from the top. Lashley comes back in and works Miz over while he's on the top. Corbin goes after Strowman on the outside now. Miz fights Lashley off from the top. Corbin comes back in and helps Lashley. They go for a double superplex but Strowman runs in. Strowman sends all three opponents to the mat at once. Strowman covers Lashley for a 2 count. Strowman clutches his shoulder and waits in the corner. Strowman with a double dropkick to take down Lashley and Corbin at once. Strowman yells out and clubs Corbin back to the mat. Strowman is left along in the ring now. Strowman runs around the ring to deck Corbin but Lashley hits him from the side with a big shot, sending him into the barrier. Miz goes after Lashley but Corbin and Lashley double team him, sending him into the barrier.

Fans boo Lashley and Corbin as they go back to double teaming Strowman. They go for a double suplex to Strowman on the ramp and they hit it. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Lashley and Corbin continue to double team Miz in the ring. Miz looks to make a comeback but Corbin sends him into the turnbuckles while Lashley works on Strowman on the outside. Miz ends up rolling Corbin for a 2 count, then dumping him over the top rope to the floor. Lashley comes right in to shut down any momentum Miz had mounting. Lashley hits a big suplex on Miz and holds him in the air, posing before bringing him down. Lashley with a close 2 count. Lashley uses the middle rope on Miz as the referee warns him. Miz fights Lashley off, sending him into the corner. Miz with kicks in the corner now as fans get behind him. Miz with running knees to Lashley in the corner. He charges again with another set of knees. Miz charges again and hits the clothesline. Corbin makes the save but Miz rocks him from the apron.

Miz launches himself in but lands on his feet. Corbin catches Miz with Deep Six for a close 2 count. Corbin can't believe he kicked out again. Strowman comes back in and goes to work on Lashley and Corbin, hitting them with multiple splashes in the corners. Strowman takes them both out for a pop. They go to the floor to regroup. Strowman goes to the floor and slams Miz on the apron, then runs over Lashley. Strowman keeps running and sends Strowman flying into the timekeeper's area. Lashley comes flying out of nowhere and takes Strowman down off the apron. Strowman goes for a powerslam on the floor but Lashley slides out. Lashley charges but Strowman sends him over the barrier into the crowd. Strowman follows Lashley into the crowd now.

Lashley brawls with Strowman through the crowd, into the backstage area. Miz is laid out in the middle of the ring. Corbin comes in but Miz rolls him for a 2 count. Miz with another close pin attempt. Miz unloads with kicks, backing Corbin into the corner. Miz with double knees in the corner, and another set of running knees. Miz charges again but Corbin catches him with End of Days. Corbin covers for the pin and the win as Strowman and Lashley were apparently counted out.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Baron Corbin

- After the match, Cole confirms Corbin vs. Seth Rollins for Super ShowDown. Corbin stand tall while Miz is laid out on the floor.

- Back from a commercial and we get another look at The Usos' block party. They have words with The Revival when WWE 24/7 Champion R-Truth runs in. Other Superstars are trying to take the title. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson take out Drake Maverick. A big brawl breaks out under the tent. Truth manages to escape with the title as other Superstars chase him.

- We cut to a new "Firefly Fun House" segment with Bray Wyatt. Wyatt is talking to a group of kids once again. Wyatt asks if we liked his recent secret. Wyatt calls the monster "The Fiend" but says he's alright because he's here to protect us. Abby The Witch is there and Wyatt accuses her of bullying him. Wyatt ends up playing a game of limbo with two kids holding the stick. Wyatt says he will always light the way but all we have to do is... let him in! Wyatt turns upside down like he used to and crawls under the stick. That's the end of the segment.

- We go to the ring for Corey Graves' first-ever Electric Chair Q&A segment. Graves says nothing is off limits and the Q&A is uncensored, with questions coming from the fans. Graves says no one knows the questions before they are asked. Sami enters the ring and Graves is headed down after him. We see an actual electric chair sitting in the middle of the ring. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cole confirms Kofi Kingston vs. Kevin Owens for SmackDown.

- We go to the ring and Corey Graves is in with Sami Zayn, and an electric chair. Graves explains his new segment and says no matter how controversial, no question from the fans is off limits. Graves welcomes his first guest and most boo Sami. Graves asks if he's ready for the electric chair. Sami takes a seat.

Graves calls on Charly Caruso, who is in the crowd with a fan named Eric. He asks Sami when his retirement date is. Some fans boo the question. Sami asks if the man's father and mother are related. Graves calls on Kayla Braxton, who is in the crowd with a younger fan. She asks if he misses teaming with Becky Lynch on Mixed Match Challenge. She throws a "Duh!" at him and fans laugh. Sami asks where her parents are. Graves goes to call on Sarah Schreiber for another question in the crowd. Sami makes a reference to Seth Rollins dating Becky. Sarah is with a fan who wants to know what it's like to have Brock Lesnar destroy you. Sami says he'd rather come punch the fan in the face than answer the question. Sami says he's not going to because the man wouldn't have the balls to fight back, he'd just sue him because that's what Americans do. Sami says this is really disappointing because these fans could have asked him anything in the world.

Graves calls on Charly who is with another fan. He asks why Sami hasn't won the Universal Title yet. Sami says these people really have to step it up. Sami says he could win the title any time he wants but he's not interested right now, he'd rather hold the fans accountable. Sami says they can ask him anything, even about AEW. Fans gasp at the mention. The music interrupts and out comes Seth Rollins. Rollins enters the ring and tosses the electric chair out. Sami retreats to the floor but he will be wrestling Rollins next. We go to commercial.

Seth Rollins vs. Sami Zayn

Back from the break and this non-title match is underway. We see Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman still hanging out backstage. Seth Rollins and Sami Zayn go at it to start. They end up on the floor with Rollins taking control.

Rollins works Sami over on the outside and brings it back in but Sami nails a clothesline to turn it around. Sami continues to work Rollins around the ring, covering for a few pin attempts. Rollins looks to turn it around but Sami takes him back down on the outside. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Sami has control of Rollins, keeping him grounded in the middle of the ring. Rollins fights back and they trade shots as fans rally for Rollins. Sami drops Rollins for a close 2 count. They trade counters. Sami with back elbows. Rollins floors Sami with a big kick but they both go down in the middle of the ring.

Rollins comes back and hits a Slingblade. Rollins comes out of the corner with a Blockbuster but Sami retreats to the floor as the referee counts. Rollins runs the ropes and hits a big suicide dive. Rollins runs the ropes again for another dive, sending Sami back on the floor. Rollins sells a knee injury on the ramp as we get a replay of the dive. Rollins brings Sami back into the ring and goes for a Buckle Bomb but his knee goes out. Sami drops Rollins on his head with a DDT for a close 2 count.

Sami looks to keep control but Rollins sends him into the turnbuckle and then connects with a superkick. Sami counters a kick and rolls Rollins up with the Figure Four in the middle of the ring. Rollins tries to counter but Sami gets it locked in. Rollins finally reverses the submission but Sami makes it to the bottom rope to break it.

Sami tries to go for the injured knee again. Rollins avoids a Blue Thunderbomb and hits an enziguri. Sami goes on and hits the knee, allowing him to hit the Blue Thunderbomb for a close 2 count. Sami slaps Rollins around in the corner now. Sami takes Rollins to the top for a superplex as fans cheer Rollins on. Rollins blocks the superplex and sends Sami to the mat. Rollins stands up and delivers the Frogsplash but Sami gets part of his knees up. Rollins still kicks out at 2.

Sami and Rollins trade shots in the middle of the ring now. Sami takes Rollins' knee out again. Rollins ends him out to the floor but he runs back in. Rollins catches Sami with the Stomp but he's slow to make the cover. Rollins waits for Sami to come back and he hits the Stomp, connecting better this time. Rollins covers for the pin to win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

- After the match, Rollins stands tall as the music hits. We go to replays. Rollins stands tall with the title as RAW goes off the air.