View Full Version : WWE 205 LIve Report / Results - 28th May, 2019

06-03-2019, 03:51 AM
Jack Gallagher is in the locker room earlier today and Humberto Carrillo stops by and Jack says their victory did not settle the uneasiness he has in his stomach. Jack talks about unfinished business. Jack mentions the Fatal Four Way Match in London. Jack wants to know what would happen if it was just them in the ring. He wants to know tonight. Humberto says it would be his pleasure to beat Jack again.

We are in Tulsa, Oklahoma and your announcers are Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph, and Aiden English.

Match Number One: Brian Kendrick versus Mike Kanellis (with Maria Kanellis)

Kendrick with punches as the bell rings. Kanellis with a kick to stop Kendrick. Kanellis with an Irish whip but Kendrick with a clothesline out of the corner. Kendrick with forearms. Kanellis with a shoulder tackle and Kendrick avoids a slam. Kendrick with the Captain's Hook but Kanellis gets to the floor. Kendrick follows Kanellis to the floor and sends Kanellis into the ringside barrier. Kanellis misses a chop and hits the ring post. Kanellis is sent into the announce table. Kendrick with an Irish whip into the ringside barrier and then Kanellis with a boot and suplex into the ringside barrier.

Kanellis punches Kendrick. Kanellis with a suplex and he gets a near fall. Kanellis with a rear chin lock. Kendrick with elbows but Kanellis with a spinebuster for a near fall. Kanellis with a chop. Kanellis goes for a superplex but Kendrick blocks it. Kanellis gets back to the turnbuckles and Kendrick with forerms and he pushes Kanellis off. Kendrick leaps over Kanellis and Kanellis pushes Kendrick away on a drop kick attempt. Kendrick with the Captain's Hook and Kanellis gets to the ropes. Kanellis goes to the apron and rests on the ring steps. Kendrick goes for a suplex off the ring steps to the floor and he hits it.

Kendrick goes for Sliced Bread #2 and Kaneliis avoids it. Kendrick with Captain's Hook on Kanellis and Kanellis tries to escape and he rolls but Kendrick holds on. Kanellis gets to his feet and he hits a Death Valley Michinoku Driver. Kendrick with a forearm and Kanellis with a chop. They go back and forth. Kendrick with the advantage but Kanellis with a boot. Kendrick iwth a kick and Kanellis with a super kick. Kendrick with a super kick. Kanellis misses a super kick but Kanellis with a clothesline and both men are down. Kendrick with Sliced Bread # and Kendrick keeps Kanellis from rolling to the floor but the delay allows Kanellis to kick out. Kanellis with two super kicks and a Death Valley Michinoku Driver followed by a swinging reverse neck breaker for the three count.

Winner: Mike Kanellis

Tony Nese is in Drake Maverick's office and Tony says he is a little restless.

Akira Tozawa shows up and Tony says that Tozawa has been tearing it up and Tony says he wants to remain a fighting champion so he wants to face the best and that is Akira Tozawa. Tony wants Drake to make Tozawa the number one contender. Drake says he has a lot on his plate so he does not want to make any rash decisions but he will take it under advisement.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Ariya Daivari is in the medical office and he yells at the official. Daivari says last week's Fatal Five Way was his way to show that he is not done, but he got six stitches in his head. He is not done with the title, but he is not done with Oney Lorcan. He says an eye for an eye and an ear for an ear. He says he will be personally responsible for his next stitches.

Match Number Two: Mike Karma versus Noam Dar

Mike offers his hand but Dar does not want to be honorable. They lock up and Dar messes with Karma's hair. Dar with a wrist lock. Dar with a face wash and he sends Karma to the floor. Dar sends Karma to the floor when he returns to the ring. Karma with forearms and a chop but Dar with a knee to the midsection. Dar with an Irish whip and Karma misses a cross body off the turnbuckles and Dar with a kick to the leg. Dar with a runing drop kick for the three count.

Winner: Noam Dar

After the match, Dar is asked about whether he is back on track after his victory. Dar says he cannot be back on track when he was never off track in the first place. He talks about beating that Oklahoma dafty. Dar says he had setbacks because of the jet lag travelling between NXT UK and 205 Live. He says the SuperNova 11 is solid beyond belief. He is ready to take off and be a star player on two continents.

Drake Maverick is outside his office and he is asked who else might be the number one contender. Drake says he has a lot to consider and there are other people . . .

Drake sees R Truth in the hallway and he has business to attend to.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Oney Lorcan says he believes a man should take responsibility for his actions. He came up short last week and he accepts that. Ariya Daivari blames him for his loss last week, but the only thing he will accept is the stitches he suffered. He tells Daivari that the next time they meet, he will even things out and give him a second set of stitches.

Match Number Three: Jack Gallagher versus Humberto Carrillo

They lock up and Gallagher backs Carrillo into the ropes but Carrillo escapes. Gallagher with a wrist lock and Carrillo with a reversal into an arm bar. Gallagher tries to figure out how to escape the wrist lock and he does it and takes Carrillo to the mat. Gallagher with a hammer lock using the leg and then he works on the other arm and bridges back to get a near fall. Carrillo with an ankle lock and Carrillo gets a series of near falls but Jack gets some stretching in while he kicks out. Carrillo with a side head lock.

Gallagher with a handstand to escape. Carrillo avoids Gallagher and then he takes Jack to the mat with an arm drag into an arm bar. Carrillo with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. Carrillo with a handspring and back flip before he takes Jack to the mat with an arm drag and arm bar. Gallagher wit a headstand in the corner after an Irish whip and he keeps Carrillo at bay and Gallagher floats over. Carrillo decides to do the same in the opposite corner. Gallagher shakes the ropes to get Carrillo off the ropes and Gallagher with a near fall.

Carrillo with an arm drag into an arm bar. Carrillo with a springboard arm drag and drop kick. Gallagher with a head butt to the midsection followed by European uppercuts. Gallagher goes for a slam but Carrillo gets to his feet and he sends Carrillo to the floor. Gallagher sends Carrillo into the ringside barrier. Carrillo beats the ten count and Gallagher with a kick when Humberto returns to the ring. Gallagher with kicks in the corner. Gallagher with a boot to the head and then Gallagher with a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Gallagher with an arm bar and chin lock.

Gallagher with a take down. Gallagher with a series of near falls and he kicks Carrillo in the ribs. Gallagher with a rear chin lock. Gallagher with crossfaces to Carrillo and follows with a suplex for a near fall. Gallagher with a drop kick for a near fall. Carrillo with punches but Gallagher with a side head lock and Carrillo with a back body drop and springboard cross body. Carrillo with a plancha onto Gallagher. Carrillo with a clothesline into the corner followed by a snap mare. Carrillo misses a round kick but hits a standing moonsault for a near fall. Carrillo with a springboard round kick for a near fall.

Gallagher stops Carrillo on the turnbuckles and connects with forearms to the back. Gallagher goes for a belly-to-back superplex and he hits it. Carrillo rolls to the floor before Gallagher can cover him. Gallagher charges at Carrillo and Carrillo hip tosses Gallagher into the ringside barrier. They make it to the apron and Carrillo kicks Gallagher against the ring post. Carrillo with a back fist to Gallagher followed by a springboard drop kick. Carrillo with a Japanese arm drag for a near fall. Carrillo goes up top and hits Gallagher's feet on a moonsault. Gallagher with a drop kick into the corner followed by a suicide dive.

Gallagher rolls Carrillo back into the ring and Gallagher goes up top and stops Carrillo when he gets his boots up. Carrillo gets a near fall. Carrillo with a clothesline and both men are down. Gallagher and Carrillo exchange forearms and punches. Carrillo misses a round kick but hits a jumping round kick. Gallagher with a delayed vertical suplex attempt but Carrillo counters into a DDT. Carrillo goes up top and hits a twisting splash for the three count.

Winner: Humberto Carrillo

After the match, Carrillo offers his hand to Gallagher and Jack shakes it and then he hugs Carrillo.

We go to credits.