View Full Version : Adam Cole On How Much Creative Freedom They Have In NXT

06-19-2019, 07:03 PM
While WWE’s main roster is famous for its scripted promos and heavily produced matches, a lot of people wonder how much creative freedom stars of NXT have.

During a recent interview with TalkSport, the current NXT Champion Adam Cole discussed a number of things and he also gave us a good insight into the creative process of developing matches in the development territory.

Cole revealed that they have a ton of creative liberties and while there are input and advice given by the show runners, they still have a lot of freedom:

“One of the coolest things about NXT is we have a ton of creative liberties to come up with the story and the vision we have for the match. Of course, there’s input and advice given and there’s suggestions or, you know ‘we need something this way’ (but) we do have a lot of freedom, which is great.”

Continuing on the topic, Adam revealed that he and Johnny Gargano were the ones who came up with their highly praised two out of three falls match at NXT Takeover: New York.

Apart from this, Adam Cole also talked about stars moving to main roster. He claimed that he doesn’t see a move to the main roster as an upgrade and to him it’s just another brand he is going to.