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View Full Version : Tito Ortiz: Chael Sonnen Had The Mental Toughness Of A Midget

06-22-2019, 02:03 AM
Chael Sonnen has mostly received praise and well wishes following his retirement announcement, but not everyone is spreading the love.

Sonnen’s former foe Tito Ortiz poured gas on the fire when he thanked Lyoto Machida for finishing “The American Gangster” at Bellator 222. Sonnen said he didn’t plan on walking away from mixed martial arts competition going into the Machida fight, but the result made him feel like it was time to leave. Add another veteran to the list of detractors following Sonnen’s retirement.

Phil Baroni took to his Twitter account and unleashed a rant on Sonnen:

“I’d love to fight him. Chael was always 4th string behind [Evan] Tanner, [Matt] Lindland & Hendo. I’m 1st String Hammer House. Lyoto couldn’t take out. He’s reading book I wrote. NY Bad Ass from Long Island. He stole my f*cking gimmick. PG version of it. [UFC] version Bad Guy? Bad Ass word for word said what I said to [Murilo Bustamante] to Anderson [Silva] that Brazil is a 3rd world country and they don’t bow in fattellas or wtf [they] rob you. Hate is sincerest form of flattery. He killed it with little ability and the mental toughness of a midget. And he knows it. Always the weakest one quest last to go [UFC]. Was there first.”

Baroni is still an active fighter and he’s set to compete on July 13. He’ll share the cage with Shamil Zavurov at GFC 14 in Dagestan, Russia. Baroni is coming off a win over Matt Lagler back in May 2018.