View Full Version : AEW Books 6-Man Tag For Fight For The Fallen

07-04-2019, 08:23 PM
All Elite Wrestling has added a new match to their upcoming Fight for the Fallen card. The event will take place from Jacksonville, Florida on July 13th, 2019. AEW announced that MJF, Sammy Guevara, and Shawn Spears will team up to go against Darby Allin, Jimmy Havoc, and Joey Janela.

MJF does not appear happy he will be teaming with the man who split-open Cody at Fyter Fest with a chair shot.


— Maxwell Jacob Friedman™? (@The_MJF) July 4, 2019

Meanwhile, Darby Allin is referring to his team as the “Mount Rushmore of Violence.”

The Mount Rushmore of violence….

Darby allin, Joey Janela, Jimmy Havoc.


MJF, Shawn Spears, Sammy Guevara…….


— DARBY ALLIN (@DarbyAllin) July 4, 2019

We’ve yet to hear from the former Tye Dillinger as to why he attacked Cody at Fyter Fest. Spears and Cody had been tag team partners together in OVW, having won the OVW Southern tag team titles together twice.

Spears insinuated on Twitter that he’ll reveal why he attacked Cody if he is interviewed by Jim Ross.

Speaking of “vulnerable”…

He bled exactly how I thought he would….easily.

Now if @AEWrestling feels they are owed any kind of explanation, they can send good ol Jim Ross for a nice little sit down…


“A great hand”

— Shawn Spears (@Perfec10n) July 4, 2019

Updated Fight For The Fallen Lineup

Cody & Dustin Rhodes vs Matt & Nick Jackson (the Young Bucks)
CIMA vs Kenny Omega
Adam “Hangman” Page vs Kip Sabian
Allie vs Brandi Rhodes
Joey Janela, Darby Allin, & Jimmy Havoc vs Maxwell Jacob Friedman, Shawn Spears, & Sammy Guevara