View Full Version : Update On The Elite’s Response To CM Punk’s Comments

08-01-2019, 05:53 PM
CM Punk recently took part in an interview with ESPN. During the interview, he implied that offers he has received from those associated with AEW have been via text message and he doesn’t feel this is a good way to do business.

According to a recent report from Wrestling Observer, Punk’s quotes upset some within AEW.

“Some in AEW were upset about the quotes,” wrote Dave Metlzer. “They felt they were dealing up-front in business with him and felt that when people in the company have asked about Punk coming, they’ve always been honest.”

Punk noted during the interview with ESPN that he doesn’t hate WWE.

“People still have that connotation, like, ‘Oh, he hates WWE.’ And it’s just like, no, I’ve let all that go, and I’ve let all that go so long ago. But there are people that hold on to that. They still think or want me to be who I was. I’m not who I was yesterday. This is my journey, this is my odyssey.”

Based on the above comments Punk made during the interview with ESPN, there are some within AEW who evidently feel Punk could end up back in WWE.

“On the AEW side, there are those who think that, based on this interview, that maybe he’s going to WWE,” Meltzer continued.

Cody noted in a Tweet that he thinks it’s possible Punk ends up back there as well.

I think he was misquoted. I know 1 of us had met with him in person, and yes I texted him plenty when we couldn’t connect on the actual phone, but not a contracted offer. I wouldn’t be surprised if he went back to wwe. Regardless, great wrestler & guy. Door is open if he wants it

— Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) July 26, 2019