View Full Version : *RESULTS* CZW 'FEAR' (Middletown)

Dangerous Incorporated
10-16-2006, 05:48 AM

Combat Zone Wrestling followed up their tag team tournament with an outdoor event entitled 'Fear' in Middletown, Delaware on 10/15. Of course, being in Delaware, ultraviolence is allowed. To recap, Last Team Standing saw The Kings of Wrestling crowned Tag Team Champions of CZW, Sabian return to the company, Nick Gage went a little crazier, Onyx and Rain Man showed up to claim the BLK OUT mantle, and Eddie Kingston retain his title over Necro Butcher. Some of the storylines from that event followed over to this one.

Onyx and Rain Man came out and challenged the BLK OUT to follow and have a match. Ruckus and Sabian made their way to ringside, but refused to fight. Ruckus wondered who they were, saying, "We're the BLK OUT. You guys are just black." Onyx and Rain Man wouldn't leave without getting a fight, so the new CZW Tag Team Champions obliged them.

Onyx & Rain Man vs. The Kings of Wrestling

Hero and Rain Man started off, with Hero doing some stretching on the newcomer. Castagnoli and Onyx came in to show off their respective power. The tried to knock each other over with shoulder blocks, but neither man would give. Claudio: "You're a big one." The Kings then cleaned house with a couple of double team moves. Onyx came back in and used Castagnoli's delayed suplex against him for a two count. Castagnoli was then worked over by his opponents. A spinebuster from Rain Man got two. When Hero made the hot tag, he cleaned house. A kravate-plex got two. Onyx and Rain Man were able to double team him, though, with Castagnoli on the outside. A sitout powerbomb by Rain Man, and double team sitout by both men only got two. Castagnoli broke up the double team with a big european uppercut. The Kings of Wrestling won when they hit the Hero's Welcome, Kings of Wrestling Edition (aided rolling cutter).

Your winners, The Kings of Wrestling!

Chris Cash Memorial Scholarship Grudge Match: George W. Baus vs. WHACKS

Horrible match. Barbed wire and a staple gun were used, but this wasn't anything special as both men are very green. WHACKS won with a senton splash off the top rope as Baus was covered with a barbed wire board.

Your winner, WHACKS!

Niles Young vs. Luke

They lock up and trade headlocks and arm wrenches to start. A dropkick by Luke forced Young to bail. When he came back in the ring, Young got a side Russian legsweep for two. A superkick by Young also got two. Luke overcame distraction from Young's valet and won when he hit the Judgment Slam.

Your winner, Luke!

Falls Count Anywhere Tables, Ladders, & Chaos Match: BLK OUT (Ruckus & Sabian) vs. Human Tornado & Drew Gulak

This match came about when Tornado was kicked out of BLK OUT during his first night with the group. Pre match, Ruckus said he wasn't feeling the chaos stipulation of the match. Sabian and Tornado were getting ready to lock up when 'Beat It' started to play over the loudspeakers. Human Tornado began to show off his dance moves, but got clotheslined for his efforts. After BLK OUT combined for a stereo dropkicks, Ruckus screamed, "Chaos!" They went to work on Tornado. Ruckus got a backflip avalanche off the top rope. Sabian gave him a purple nurple. Chaos, indeed. Tornado recovered when he dodged a charge in the corner and gave Ruckus a drop toe hold to his partner's groin. He then did his front split low blow on Sabian. Gulak got the hot tag, but the offense didn't last long. Tornado was set up on a table that was lying outside the ring. Sabian did the Black Jesus Stomp, but the table didn't break. Sabian tried again with a seated senton, but it still didn't break. Tornado was just left laying this time. BLK OUT dragged Gulak over to the U-Haul truck and set him up on a table. Sabian went to the top of the truck and came down with a splash, and still the table didn't break! Sabian pinned Gulak for the win.

Your winners, the BLK OUT!

Post match, Gulak is carried out on a board to sell the devastation of the move.

Anything Goes Iron Man Title Match: LuFisto (c) vs. Beef Wellington vs. SeXXXy Eddy

Pre-match, Eddy tried to convince LuFisto to drop the title. She called him crazy and called for more light tubes in addition to the ones already in the ring. LuFisto took a ton of abuse early on. She was suplexed and spinebustered onto light tubes and her back immediately started to bleed. Eddy and Beef then started to fight each other. Eddy dodged the ass punch by pulling his tights down, exposing his bottom. When he turned around to brag, LuFisto smacked his still exposed behind with a light tube. Beef then ass punched LuFisto as the referee held a pair of light tubes across her behind. Eddy took a ton of abuse at this point as LuFisto got a huracanrana off the top rope and Beef hit an elevated Moneymaker off a pair of chairs. He went for the pin, but LuFisto broke it up and gave Eddy an Emerald Fusion for the win.

Your winner, LuFisto!

Post-match, Eddy put over LuFisto and said she has proven herself capable of beating any wrestler. The recap of the match really doesn't give what she did justice. She took some abuse and hit some great spots of her own.

DJ Hyde vs. Mana

This was billed as a barbed wire match, but it was just a couple of barbed wire boards. Before Mana came out, Maven Bentley got on the mic and imitated Armando Alejandro Estrada, saying Vince killed Mana's gimmick. Last month at the New Alhambra Arena, DJ Hyde defeated Mana, and the prior night to this event, Mana foiled Hyde's attempt to become Iron Man Champion.

They started off with the stiff punches, headbutts, and chops right away. It didn't take long for the brawling in the crowd to begin. Hyde was thrown across multiple rows of chairs. Hyde countered by throwing a trash can at Mana. After more brawling, Mana put one of those big, plastic trash cans on Hyde and smashed him with a chair, which broke the trash can. Back in the ring, Hyde got the advantage and speared Mana through a barbed wire board.

Your winner, DJ Hyde!

Post match, Hyde sandwiched Mana between two boards and gave him a seated senton off the top rope.

Street fight: Dead Presidents vs. Necro Butcher & Danny Havoc

Necro brought a pumpkin to the ring and put it to good use by throwing it in the groin of one of his opponents. He retaliated by stabbing Necro in the head with forks. Necro hit his trademark spot of trading punches while sitting across from his opponent. He called for a chair, and soon enough, fans all over were throwing them into the ring and the Dead Presidents were buried beneath them. Havoc did a moonsault onto the pile and got the 'pin'.

Your winners, Necro Butcher & Danny Havoc!

Much time was spent afterwards clearing the chairs from the ring. The Dead Presidents got another 'Don't Come Back' chant. At least fifty chairs were thrown on them. It was fortuitous that it happened to be time for the intermission.

Barbed Wire Ropes Match for the Ultraviolent Underground Championship: Nick Gage (c) vs. Drake Younger

The ring cables were taken down and replaced with barbed wire. Younger had nothing covering his chest while Gage wrestled with a long sleeve shirt and jeans. Initially, both men spent time avoiding going into the wire. Eventually, Younger got tied up in it. Gage whipped him through the barbed wire to the outside and dug it into Younger's forehead. Younger set up a table with tacks on it and gave Gage a flying body press to take both men through it. LuFisto came down for a run in to get some revenge on Gage, who has gone after her the last two shows. In the ring, Younger gave Gage a leg drop from the top of a ladder onto a barbed wire chair for two. Gage went for the choke breaker, but Younger blocked and gave Gage the Cradle Shock onto the barbed wire chair to pick up the victory.

Your winner, and new UVU Champion, Drake Younger!

After the match, Gage rails on the fans and begged someone to come in the ring. Some idiot fan obliged, but was thrown out by security before he had a chance to get the crap kicked out of him. Gage then complained about fans going home and posting on the Internet. He used some very harsh language to get his point across.

CZW returns to the New Alhambra Arena on 11/11 for Night of Infamy. Cage of Death is on 12/9.

Notes/Thoughts: Attendance was about 150 and the show started over an hour late....Fear was held outdoors at the Frightland fairgrounds. If you were just taking your kids to some rides and games, you couldn't miss the wrestling that wasn't more than 100 feet away. I wonder how some parents must have felt....I had to question the wisdom of having Onyx/Rain Man come in and made to seem like a big deal one night, and only to be jobbed out the next afternoon....Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, and Human Tornado wrestled four matches in about a twenty hour span....LuFisto is not a woman wrestler, she is a wrestler period. Some of the abuse she takes a lot of men supposedly tougher than she is never would. It's really wild to see her work. It's not unbelievable that she is defending a belt against men because she mostly is the brunt of their offense, but takes advantage when the situation presents itself....These had to be the worst tables on record. It looked painful seeing the wrestlers take these moves with no give from what they were lying on....I always cringe when these chair tossing frenzies happen. All it takes is one moron with bad aim and the company has a nice lawsuit on their hands. I don't think Necro encouraged it, he was just asking for ONE chair, and when the guy in the audience threw it in, which he shouldn't have done, everyone played follow the leader...I was very happy to see Younger win the match. I hate seeing wrestlers take bumps into tacks or barbed wire with shirts on....MOTN honors go to Mana and DJ Hyde, who had a great brawl for the second month in a row. The three way for the Iron Man was good, but was too sloppy at points and dragged at others.