View Full Version : AEW Raids Impact Wrestling’s Production Division

09-25-2019, 05:13 PM
All Elite Wrestling has raided the production team of Impact Wrestling.

Impact has been outsourcing the majority of its production work to Kevin Sullivan’s KevinSully TV, a company based out of Nashville. Over the weekend, KSTV cut a deal with AEW and will be working directly with AEW lead producer Keith Mitchell.

The mass exodus of virtually its entire production division has left Impact scrambling. Impact was blindsided over the weekend when the Sullivan group notified them the working relationship was over effective immediately.

KSTV tried to secure a contract with Anthem, which would have given them a sense of stability. That never came to fruition, which understandably led to some uncertainty and left the door open for AEW to swoop in.

Impact is trying to spin the situation as if AEW only took one person, but that is not the case. Kevin Sullivan TV is composed of editors, graphic artists, sound engineers, video producers, voice-overs studios and more. They assembled all of Impacts weekly programming for domestic and international.

Over the past couple days, Impact hired a local Tennessee producer to handle the work of several people while it regroups from this latest setback.

One source who we spoke with about this story called it a “huge strategic move” by AEW and “crippling” to Impact ahead of their move to AXS TV in late October.

The situation is not without some irony, as it relates to the business practices of Impact and (parent company) Anthem Sports & Entertainment. Following Anthem’s recent purchase of AXS TV, they immediately gutted the production staff of AXS TV’s offices in Dallas and Colorado. Many very talented production people were pushed out of their jobs. Now, Impact finds itself badly in need of very talented production people.