View Full Version : WWE Crown Jewel Live Coverage - October 31st, 2019

10-31-2019, 03:02 PM

Crown Jewel 2019

The Beast will battle former UFC Champion Cain Velasquez for the WWE Title

October 31, 2019 at 1:00 PM ET

King Fahd International Stadium, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

WWE Championship
Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Cain Velasquez

WWE Universal Championship (Falls Count Anywhere - "Cannot Be Stopped For Any Reason")
Seth Rollins (c) vs. Bray Wyatt

Team Hogan vs. Team Flair
Roman Reigns (Hogan Captain), Rusev, Ricochet, Shorty G, and Ali vs. Randy Orton (Flair Captain), Baron Corbin, Bobby Lashley, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Drew McIntyre

Tag Team Turmoil Match
Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode vs. The Revival vs. The New Day vs. The Viking Raiders vs. Heavy Machinery vs. Lucha House Party vs. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins vs. The OC vs. The B Team.

WWE United States Championship
AJ Styles vs. Battle Royal Winner

Lacey Evans vs. Natalya

Braun Strowman vs. Tyson Fury

Mansoor vs. Cesaro


20-Man Battle Royal
WWE 24/7 Champion Sunil Singh, Mojo Rawley, Erick Rowan, R-Truth, Sin Cara, The Brian Kendrick, Titus O'Neil, Tony Nese, Akira Tozawa, Shelton Benjamin, Apollo Crews, Buddy Murphy, Andrade, Drake Maverick, Eric Young, Luke Harper, Cedric Alexander, Heath Slater, Humberto Carrillo, and No Way Jose.

*Winner receives WWE US Title shot later in the show



- The 2019 WWE Crown Jewel Kickoff pre-show opens with Scott Stanford, Charly Caruso, WWE Hall of Famer Booker T, and David Otunga. They are at WWE TV studios in Stamford, CT. They hype today's big event. We go backstage to Byron Saxton with WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair. He talks about tonight's ten-man match and guarantees his team will make history.

The panel leads us to a video package on Tyson Fury vs. Braun Strowman and we get a Tale of the Tape. We get a video package and discussion on Mansoor vs. Cesaro now. Charly hypes the 20-man Battle Royal. We go to the ring.

20-Man Battle Royal:
WWE 24/7 Champion Sunil Singh, Mojo Rawley, Erick Rowan, R-Truth, Sin Cara, The Brian Kendrick, Titus O'Neil, Tony Nese, Akira Tozawa, Shelton Benjamin, Apollo Crews, Buddy Murphy, Andrade, Drake Maverick, Eric Young, Luke Harper, Cedric Alexander, Heath Slater, Humberto Carrillo, No Way Jose

We go to the ring as Greg Hamilton does the introductions. The winner of this match will face WWE United States Champion AJ Styles for the title later on. Michael Cole and Corey Graves are at ringside. Various Superstars start entering the ring. R-Truth, Buddy Murphy, Erick Rowan and Andrade get their own entrances as we see fans filing into the King Fahd International Stadium in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The bell rings and they all go at it.

Titus works on Truth. Cara works on Andrade. Slater works on Mojo. Carrillo and Murphy go at it now. Slater tries to dump Drake now. Titus works on Jose now. Mojo works on Nese. Rowan presses Drake high and tosses him over the top. Drake has been eliminated. EY and others try to dump Rowan but he hangs on and fights back. Rowan eliminates Slater. Nese tries to dump Rowan as we see AJ watching backstage. Rowan eliminates Nese. Titus and Buddy work on Carrillo now.

Cara works on Singh in the corner. Harper eliminates EY and Kendrick. Harper tries to dump Tozawa now. Titus eliminates Rawley. Andrade eliminates Cara. Crews eliminates Titus. We go to a break.

Rowan and Harper face off in the middle of the ring now and have words. Jose gets in between and tries to get them to dance instead of fight. Harper clotheslines him. Rowan eliminates Jose. Harper and Rowan argue again now. Tozawa taps Rowan on the back and wants to fight. They stare Tozawa down. Rowan eliminates Tozawa. We see AJ backstage watching again. Rowan stops on Singh as Samir Singh watches from ringside. Shelton works on Carrillo. Carrillo eliminates Shelton. Harper eliminates Crews.

Rowan eliminates Murphy. Truth and Andrade also get eliminated. Rowan chokeslams Carrillo. Cedric eliminates Singh. It's down to Harper, Rowan, Cedric and Carrillo now. Fans chant for Harper. Harper and Rowan double team Cedric now. Rowan decks Carrillo. Cedric fights off Rowan but runs into a huge boot. Rowan eliminates Cedric. The Singh Brothers leave with the WWE 24/7 Title at ringside. Truth sees them and takes out one brother, then rolls up Sunil to win the title. Truth is now a 21-time champion. Truth runs away with the title. Other Superstars run down and chase Truth around the ring and to the back. Harper, Rowan and Carrillo are in the ring now.

Harper and Rowan face off again in the middle of the ring. Carrillo dropkicks Harper into Rowan. Harper levels Carrillo with a big boot. Rowan and Harper take turns on Carrillo now with big power moves. Harper tries to dump Carrillo but Rowan comes from behind and dumps Harper. Carrillo takes advantage and dumps Rowan for the pin to win the title shot.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Humberto Carrillo

- After the match, Humberto celebrates as his music hits. We see AJ backstage watching as we go to replays. Carrillo vs. Styles is confirmed for later today and the title will be on the line.

- Cole and Graves talk about the importance of Lacey Evans vs. Natalya and they send us back to the panel. Charly and the panel talk about the history-making match for a minute. We get a Career Accomplishments graphic for Cain Velasquez and WWE Champion Brock Lesnar next. We get a video package for Cain vs. Brock. We get more discussion for the WWE Title match. Charly shows us the World Cup Tag Team trophy and sends us backstage to Saxton with The New Day's Big E and Kofi Kingston. They talk about doing this for the injured Xavier Woods, winning tonight's big nine-team match and then taking the momentum to SmackDown tomorrow night to win back the SmackDown Tag Team Titles from The Revival. We go back to the panel for more discussion on the Tag Team Turmoil World Cup match. We get backstage promos from Heavy Machinery, then Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler. We go back to the panel for more hype and discussion on tonight's card. Booker predict The Fiend will win the WWE Universal Title. Otunga disagrees. Charly is ready to wrap the pre-show as the camera cuts backstage to Paul Heyman knocking on Brock Lesnar's door. Heyman pushes the camera away and we cut to another video package. That's it for the Kickoff.


- The 2019 WWE Crown Jewel pay-per-view opens up with a video package.

- We're live from the King Fahd International Stadium in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia as the fireworks explode in the sky and around the stadium as fans cheer. Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined at ringside by Corey Graves.


WWE Title Match: Cain Velasquez vs. Brock Lesnar

We go right to the ring and out comes WWE Champion Brock Lesnar with Paul Heyman to a big pop. Lesnar stops on the stage as the fireworks go off. We see the Arabic announce team at ringside. Out next comes Rey Mysterio to the stage, wearing a sling on his arm. He stops and waits as Cain Velasquez makes his way out with his own theme. Cain marches to the ring with Rey at his side.

They hit the ring and we get formal ring introductions from Greg Hamilton. Heyman interrupts and does his own introduction. The bell rings and they size each other up as a Suplex City chant starts. Cain strikes first. They bounce around and continue to get a feel. Lesnar backs Cain into the corner. Lesnar with a kick and a knee in the corner. They come out of the corner and back into the middle of the ring. Cain with lefts and right attempts but Lesnar grabs him and backs him into the corner. They tangle back and forth in the corner some more. Cain with a big kick to the gut and then the head to drop Lesnar. Cain mounts Lesnar with strikes as Lesnar covers up.

Lesnar applies the Kimura Lock on Cain out of nowhere. Cain taps out for the fairly quick win.

Winner: Brock Lesnar

- After the match, Lesnar keeps the submission applied as the referee tries to get him to break it. Rey brings a steel chair in the ring and smacks Lesnar over the back. That does nothing but angers Lesnar. Lesnar grabs Rey and easily tosses him out of the ring to the floor. Lesnar grabs the chair again and unloads on Cain with it as Heyman watches from ringside. Lesnar drops Cain on top of the chair with a F5. Rey comes back in the ring and unloads on Lesnar with chair shots. Rey gets the upperhand and continues with chair shots, nailing Lesnar all over his body and taking him down. Lesnar retreats from the ring and joins Heyman at ringside. Rey's music hits as he stands tall and stares out at Lesnar as Cain recovers. We go to replays. Rey clutches his arm and looks out as Lesnar and Heyman stare back at him from the ramp. We get more replays. Lesnar points back at the ring from the stage and warns Rey that he's going to get him.

- We get backstage promos from The Revival and The Viking Raiders to promote tonight's World Cup Tag Team Turmoil match.

- Back from a WWE Network promo and Cole talks about the big Riyadh Season festivals in the Kingdom. We get a look at the city and a 99-story tower nearby.

World Cup Tag Team Turmoil:
RAW Tag Team Champions The Viking Raiders vs. SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Revival vs. The New Day vs. Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode vs. Heavy Machinery vs. Lucha House Party vs. Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins vs. The OC vs. The B Team

We go to the ring for Tag Team Turmoil. Greg says the winners of this match will win the World Cup trophy and be declared the Best Tag Team In the World. We see the World Cup Tag Team trophy on display at ringside. We also see the rules for the match on the screen. Out first comes Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode. Lucha House Party is out next - Kalisto, Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado.

Ziggler starts off with Dorado and they go at it. Dorado sends Ziggler flying into the ropes for a pop. Ziggler elbows him back and nails a big dropkick. Roode tags in and kicks Dorado while Ziggler holds him in their corner. Roode gets double teamed and covered for a 2 count as Metalik comes in. Dorado tags back in for more double teaming as Kalisto watches from ringside. Roode with a big backbreaker.

Ziggler ends up hitting a Fame-asser on Dorado for a 2 count. Ziggler keeps Dorado grounded now. Fans try to rally for Dorado as Kalisto hypes them up. Roode tags back in and puts boots to Dorado in the corner. Roode with a suplex to Dorado for a 2 count. Ziggler takes Dorado to the top but Dorado fights back and knocks him to the mat. Dorado nails a crossbody. Metalik comes in and unloads on Roode. More back and forth between the two. Metalik with a big missile dropkick for a 2 count as Ziggler breaks the pin up. Dorado sends Ziggler flying to the floor. Dorado goes to the top and leaps to the floor but Ziggler superkicks him. Roode kicks out of a roll-up in the ring. Roode distracts the referee as Ziggler superkicks Metalik in the air. Roode with a Glorious DDT on Metalik for the pin. Lucha House Party has been eliminated.

Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins rush the ring next. They unload with their signature moves for several minutes. Ziggler with a Zig Zag on Ryder out of nowhere. Roode covers for the pin to eliminate Ryder and Hawkins.

Heavy Machinery, Tucker and Otis, are out next. Ziggler and Tucker go at it and tangle on the mat. Tucker launches Ziggler into the top turnbuckle. Tucker with a big crossbody for a pop, then a splash. Tucker hits the turnbuckle and goes down. Roode tags in and works over Tucker in the corner. Ziggler with a cheap shot to Tucker. More back and forth between the two teams now. Roode tosses Tucker out of the ring and he lands hard on the floor. Roode follows and chops Tucker against the barrier, then brings him back in for a 2 count. Ziggler works over Tucker and taunts Otis.

Tucker fights back but Ziggler drops him to one knee. Roode tags back in for the double team but Tucker avoids it. Otis waits for the hot tag as fans pop. Otis finally comes in and unloads on both opponents. Fans pop big as Otis dances around but Roode kicks him. Otis keeps dancing and rocks Roode, then slams him. Otis splashes both opponents in the corner. Fans pop again as Otis goes for the Caterpillar on Roode. Roode avoids it and goes to the floor for boos. Tucker levels Ziggler on the outside. Otis slams Roode back in. Roode meets Otis with boots in the corner. Roode comes off the top but Otis catches him. Tucker tags in for the double team Compactor for the pin. Roode and Ziggler have been eliminated.

Fans pop as The New Day's Big E and Kofi Kingston come out next. Fireworks go off. Big E and Tucker go at it and we get some comedy. Kofi comes in with offense now. Otis hits the Caterpillar to Kofi but Kofi kicks out at 2. Otis launches Kofi into a DDT from Tucker. Kofi nails Trouble In Paradise and Otis gets sent to the floor. Big E tags in and runs into an elbow from Tucker. They go at it and Tucker launches Big E for a 2 count. Tucker misses a crossbody on Big E. Big E lifts Tucker and Kofi assists with the Midnight Hour for the pin. Heavy Machinery has been eliminated.

Out next comes The B Team - Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas. Axel goes at it with Big E. Big E runs into a boot in the corner. Axel drops Big E with a shot to the neck. Axel mounts Big E with rights. Dallas comes in for some double teaming. Dallas unloads with knees to Big E for a 2 count. More back and forth. Big E with the Big Ending on Tucker for the pin to win. Heavy Machinery is eliminated.

SmackDown Tag Team Champions The Revival, Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder, are out next. They will face off in a title match tomorrow night on SmackDown. Dawson and Kofi go at it. Dash comes in and works Kofi in the corner. Dash catapults Kofi but he lands on his feet. Kofi with a dropkick to Dash, then to Dawson. Dash catches Kofi in mid-air for a big powerslam for a close 2 count. Dawson comes in with a leg drop, elbows and a headbutt to Kofi. Dawson with a back suplex and a 2 count to Kofi.

Dash keeps Kofi grounded now, talking trash in the middle of the ring. More back and forth after an opening. Kofi with SOS on Dash. Dawson runs in and takes Kofi to the corner with strikes. Kofi fights back but Dawson gets the upperhand. Kofi with a missile dropkick from the second rope. Dash knocks Big E off the apron. Dash goes back to work on Kofi and ends up coming off the top for another close 2 count. Dash can't believe it and argues with the referee. Kofi rolls Dawson as Big E drops Dash. Kofi's roll-up pins Dawson and The Revival have been eliminated.

The Revival aren't leaving yet. They double team both opponents. Big E goes into the steel steps while they put Kofi down with the Shatter Machine. Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson are out next. They grab Kofi for a Magic Killer but he fights back. Gallows gets sent out. Big E tries to rally fans for Kofi. Anderson with kicks to both opponents. Gallows tags back in for the double team and a big slam on Kofi for the pin. The New Day has been eliminated. The music hits and out next are the RAW Tag Team Champions, The Vikings - Erik and Ivar. Cole says this will be the last team to enter the match.

The Raiders and The OC start brawling. Erik sends Anderson into Gallows. Erik and Gallows go at it in the corner now. Gallows decks Erik with a knee and tosses him out to the floor. Gallows goes on and drops Erik out of the ring on the floor. Gallows dominates Erik some more and grounds him. Erik with a big right hand to stun Gallows. Anderson tags in as does Ivar. Ivar runs wild and ends up leveling Anderson with a clothesline for a pop. Ivar slams Anderson and then Erik slams Ivar on top of Anderson in the middle of the ring. Ivar goes to the top while Erik holds Anderson but Gallows makes the save. Erik gets sent into the ring post. Gallows with a 2 count. Ivar stops a Magic Killer. More back and forth. The OC hits Magic Killer on Erik for the pin to win in the middle of the ring.

Winners: Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

- After the match, Anderson and Gallows are announced as the greatest tag team in the world. They stand tall in the middle of the ring as we go to replays. Anderson and Gallows raise the World Cup Tag Team trophy in the middle of the ring as fans cheer them on.

- We get a look at how Brock Lesnar defeated Cain Velasquez. Rey Mysterio is backstage with Saxton with more strong words for Lesnar.

Cesaro vs. Mansoor Al-Shehail

We go to the ring and out first comes Cesaro. Mansoor Al-Shehail is out next to a huge hometown pop.

The bell rings and fans go wild for Mansoor. Back and forth to start after some mind games into the corner. They lock up and tangle. More back and forth now. Mansoor hits a standing moonsault for a close 2 count. Mansoor takes Cesaro down by his arm and keeps him grounded.

Cesaro backs Mansoor into the ropes for a cheap shot as the referee counts. Cesaro with a knee to the face. Cesaro ends up on the floor. Fans pop as Mansoor runs the ropes for a suicide dive but Cesaro meets him at the ropes with a huge uppercut. Cesaro launches Mansoor into the barrier for boos now. Cesaro ends up countering back in the ring and dropping Mansoor on his neck. Cesaro keeps control and goes for a Sleeper. Mansoor eventually comes back with a Sleeper of his own for a pop. Cesaro comes back and goes to the top. Cesaro goes for a missile dropkick but Mansoor kicks him out of the air for a pop.

Mansoor fights up to his feet with strikes. Mansoor with big chops now. Mansoor counters a back drop and nails an enziguri. Mansoor launches Cesaro with a hurricanrana, sending him to the floor. Mansoor runs the ropes and leaps over the top, taking Cesaro down on the floor. Mansoor brings it back in and goes to the top for a crossbody but Cesaro still kicks out at 2. More back and forth. Mansoor with a tornado DDT for another close 2 count.

Fans chant for the hometown star now. The referee also gets hit by Mansoor in the corner but he puts the brakes on. Cesaro tries to take advantage but Mansoor kicks out at 2. Cesaro keeps fighting and hits a big neckbreaker but Cesaro gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the pin attempt. Cesaro ends up dropping Mansoor into the turnbuckles. Cesaro with a big gutwrench suplex from the apron back into the ring. Mansoor still kicks out at 2 and Cesaro can't believe it. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer but Mansoor takes him down for a 2 count. Cesaro counters and nails a huge uppercut in the air for a 2 count. Cesaro goes right into a Crossface submission in the middle of the ring as fans rally for Mansoor again.

Mansoor goes into a pin but it's broken. Mansoor with a big superkick for another close pin attempt in the middle of the ring. Fans chant "this is awesome!" now as they rally for Mansoor again. Mansoor goes to the top but Cesaro pounds on him and uppercuts him. Cesaro climbs to the top for a super gutwrench but Mansoor counter into a powerbomb. Even Mansoor is shocked. Mansoor gets hyped up in the corner. Mansoor goes to the top and nails a moonsault for the pin to win.

Winner: Mansoor

- After the match, the Saudi crowd goes wild as Mansoor stands tall for the hometown pop. His music hits and we go to replays. Hamilton enters the ring to interview Mansoor, asking what a victory like this means. Fans cheer him on and chant his name. Mansoor seems at a loss for words. Fans chant "welcome home!" now. Mansoor told himself this morning that this is the most important match of his life. He admits he was scared and nervous but then he stepped in the ring, in front of his people, his family, and then he remembered anything is possible. He says this may have been the most important victory of his life but he cannot wait to see what we (pointing to the crowd) do next. Mansoor speaks some in Arabic now as fans continue cheering him on. Mansoor says they have dreamed that one day there would be a Saudi Superstar in WWE. He finishes the promo by speaking in Arabic some more. The music hits as Mansoor continues the celebration with his hometown crowd.

- Saxton is backstage with Seth Rollins. He says "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt has taken him to some dark places and he kind of likes it, but their war ends tonight. Rollins goes on and says he didn't start this, but he will finish it tonight and walk out with the WWE Universal Title after burning it down.

- We get a video package for the next match.

Tyson Fury vs. Braun Strowman

We go to the ring and out first comes Braun Strowman. Tyson Fury is out next as the fireworks go off. Fury gets a really big pyro and fire display before coming out in a traditional Saudi robe. More fireworks go off above the stadium now. Braun doesn't look happy. Fury enters the ring and reveals his gear as Strowman stares him down. We get formal ring introductions.

They lock up and break. Strowman takes it to the corner and the referee backs him off as he puts hands on Fury. They size each other up again and lock up, going back to the ropes. Fury ducks a right hand and connects. They tangle some more and Fury counters, then goes into a side headlock. Fury sends Braun back with a shoulder but Braun bounces back off the ropes and levels Fury with a huge big boot.

Braun works Fury over while he's down on the mat now. Strowman clubs Fury down and stomps. Fury gets back up but Braun drops him. Braun unloads in the corner now. Strowman with shoulder thrusts in the corner now. Strowman charges but Fury move and Braun hits the ring post shoulder-first, falling out to the floor. The referee counts. Braun goes to re-enter but Fury kicks him in the face, sending him back to the barrier. Fury follows to the floor and Strowman rams him into the apron. Strowman drops Fury with a right hand at ringside.

Strowman runs around the ring but Fury nails him with a Drive By for a pop. Fury brings it back into the ring. Fury slides out of a running powerslam attempt and hits a drop toe hold. Fury keeps control and drops Strowman again for a 2 count. Strowman rams Fury back into the corner now. More back and forth now. Fury with a big boot out of the corner. Strowman takes advantage of Fury taking his time, then slams him in the middle of the ring. They end up on the floor again and Strowman runs over Fury a second time. Strowman brings it back in the ring but Fury nails him with a big right hand. Fury ends up rocking Strowman with another right hand to knock him back from the apron to the floor. Strowman tries to get back up but he can't and gets counted out.

Winner by Count Out: Tyson Fury

- After the match, Fury stands tall and celebrates as we go to replays. Strowman comes back into the ring and nails the running powerslam on Fury in the middle of the ring. Strowman ends up making his exit as Fury plays to the crowd.

- Back from a break and we see how R-Truth won the WWE 24/7 Title on the Kickoff. The Singh Brothers confront him backstage and he tries to escape. Truth runs into a door and falls down. Samir Singh covers him to win the WWE 24/7 Title. The Singh Brothers run off with the title.


WWE United States Title Match: Humberto Carrillo vs. AJ Styles

We go to the ring and out comes The OC - WWE United States Champion AJ Styles with Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson, who are carrying their World Cup trophy. Humberto Carrillo is out next for a pop as we see how he earned this title shot during the Kickoff pre-show.

Back and forth to start at first but AJ takes control and works Carrillo over as The OC watches. Carrillo with a big arm drag off the ropes. Carrillo keeps control but walks into a trap as AJ drops him over his knee. AJ keeps Carrillo grounded on the mat as we see the title on display at ringside. Carrillo fights back but AJ shuts him down. AJ takes Carrillo back to the mat and keeps him grounded. The referee checks on Carrillo. AJ with more offense and another 2 count in the middle of the ring as he keeps the match at a slow pace. AJ with a Brainbuster in the middle of the ring for a close 2 count.

Carrillo fights up and out of a hold for a pop now. Carrillo gets hyped up and yells at AJ. Carrillo nails a moonsault for a 2 count. AJ catapults Carrillo but he lands on the turnbuckle. Carrillo goes on and lands a moonsault from the top for a 2 count. Carrillo ends up coming in from the apron but AJ catches him. Carrillo with an enziguri. AJ comes right back with a pele kick to drop Carrillo. Fans chant "this is awesome!" while both Superstars are down. More back and fort now. Carrillo with kicks and hand strikes. Carrillo sends AJ out of the ring to the floor. Carrillo runs the ropes and leaps out, taking AJ down and landing on his feet.

The referee counts AJ as Carrillo brings him back in for another big shot and a 2 count. Carrillo takes it to the top for the hurricanrana but AJ goes for a super Styles Clash. They tangle out of the corner and AJ kicks out at 2. AJ with strikes and a takedown. AJ keeps control and goes for a Styles Clash but Carrillo fights it off. Carrillo springboards in and AJ catches him. Carrillo lands on his knee and sells the injury. AJ goes for the knee and takes Carrillo down. AJ rolls Carrillo into the Calf Crusher in the middle of the ring.

Carrillo finally gets the bottom rope and breaks the Calf Crusher. More back and forth now. Carrillo has more trouble with the knee after missing a moonsault. More back and forth now. AJ rocks Carrillo and nails the Phenomenal Forearm for the pin to retain the title.

Winner: AJ Styles

- After the match, AJ stands tall with the title as his music hits. Gallows and Anderson bring their World Cup trophy into the ring and The OC poses in the middle of the ring. We go to replays. The OC continue their celebration as the music plays.

- Saxton is backstage with WWE Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan. The Hulkster gets hyped up and talks about how Team Hogan will beat Team Flair tonight.

Lacey Evans vs. Natalya

We go to the ring for the first-ever women's wrestling match in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The music hits and the pyro goes off as Natalya makes her way out. She's wearing her usual gear wit her arms covered, and a pink t-shirt with the Hart logo on it. The fireworks go off over the stadium as well. Out next comes Lacey Evans as more big pyro goes off. Evans is also fully covered and wearing a t-shirt with her logo on it. Fans cheer them on as the bell rings. They shake hands and here we go.

Back and forth to start. They tangle and Natalya rolls Evans for a 2 count. Evans applauds Natalya after a stalemate and they shake hands again. They tangle on the mat some more as the feeling out process continues, Cole says. Fans chant "this is awesome!" as they trade holds and counters again. More back and forth for several minutes. Natalya goes for a Sharpshooter but it's blocked. Natalya sends Evans to the floor. Evans takes the knee out on the apron and comes back in. Evans launches her boots into Natalya's face and covers for a 2 count.

Evans keeps Natalya grounded in the middle of the ring now. They break and Evans launches herself from the apron over the top, dropping an elbow on Natalya in the middle of the ring. Evan with another 2 count. Evans keeps Natalya grounded again. Evans takes Natalya back down and drops a knee. More back and forth. Evans with a neckbreaker. Natalya comes back with some of her signature moves now. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter but it's blocked again. Evans with a 2 count.

Evans with a fisherman's suplex. Some fans boo Evans as she goes to the corner and hits a springboard moonsault. Natalya still kicks out at 2. More back and forth now. Natalya gets the Sharpshooter locked in. Evans crawls for the bottom rope but Natalya pulls her back. Evans taps out.

Winner: Natalya

- After the match, Natalya stands tall and hits the corner to pose as her music hits. Fans cheer as they embrace and raise each other's arms after the match. The fireworks explode around the stadium once again as they hug and cry in the middle of the ring. They both go to ringside and embrace a woman sitting in the front row, who appears to be an official who helped put the event together. They also pose with some female fans in the front row for selfies.

- Back from a break and Byron Saxton has joined Michael Cole and Corey Graves at ringside for commentary.

Team Flair vs. Team Hogan

We go to the ring for tonight's big 5-on-5 match and out first comes WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair. Bobby Lashley is out next with Lana, who is also covered. WWE Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura is out next to represent Team Flair. Drew McIntyre is out next, followed by King Baron Corbin. Out next comes Team Captain Randy Orton to a big pop. WWE Hall of Famers Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart are out first for Team Hogan as "Real American" plays and the fireworks go off. Rusev is out next, followed by Ricochet. Shorty G is out next as Corbin talks trash. Ali is out next and Team Captain Roman Reigns is out last. The Big Dog punches the ground and the fireworks explode around the stadium.

The two teams face off in the middle of the ring as the bell rings. G starts off with Nakamura. Nakamura with kicks. Gable counters and takes Nakamura down. They tangle on the mat and Nakamura blocks an ankle lock. Gable with two belly-to-belly suplexes for a 2 count. Nakamura gets the upperhand and tags in Corbin. Corbin keeps control until Ali gets the tag. Ali kicks from the apron and works Corbin over as The Nature Boy watches from ringside. Lashley tags in. Rusev also tags in and Lashley wants no part of him.

Drew tags in but Rusev wants Lashley. Rusev and Drew go at it now. Rusev unloads from corner to corner but Drew runs into an elbow. Drew missed a shot and Rusev hits the spin kick for a 1 count. Ali ends up coming in but Drew works him over. Corbin tags back in and goes at it with Ali. Ali goes to the top but Corbin shoves him off and he lands hard on the outside, hitting the barrier as well. Corbin brings Ali back into the ring and holds Ali while Lashley kicks him. Lashley with a side slam to Ali. Apparently Lana went backstage to watch the match and didn't come to ringside. Orton and Hogan have words at ringside as things fall apart for a few seconds. Nakamura works over Ali in the corner now. Nakamura with Good Vibrations.

Nakamura charges but Ali catches him. Nakamura comes back with the snap German suplex for a close 2 count. Drew tags back in and keeps the attack going on Ali. Drew launches Ali across the ring. Ali ends up dropping Drew for an opening. Ricochet tags in and rocks Drew with a kick to the head. Fans chant "NXT!" now. Ricochet unloads on Drew and also rocks Nakamura. Ricochet springboards in and nails Drew. Ricochet springboards at him for a 2 count again. Ricochet goes back to the top but misses thanks to Corbin. Corbin with another cheap shot on Ali as Drew nails an Alabama Slam while Lashley and Orton distract the referee.

Fans cheer as Orton comes in and works on Ricochet. Flair is all smiles at ringside. Lashley tags in and keeps Ricochet down in the corner. Lashley with a delayed suplex on Ricochet, mocking Rusev, then covering for a 2 count. Corbin tags in and drops Ricochet with a right hand. Corbin drives elbows into Ricochet while he's down. Ricochet springboards but Corbin grabs him. Ricochet blocks a chokeslam with a pin attempt. Corbin knocks Ali and G off the apron, then plants Ricochet as Reigns stares him down. Flair struts at ringside.

Lashley knocks Rusev off the apron with a cheap shot and goes to work on Ricochet but Ricochet nails an enziguri. Orton comes in and stops Ricochet from tagging Reigns. Ricochet finally hits a knee to Orton's face. Reigns finally tags in for a huge pop. Reigns runs wild on all of his opponents. Reigns rocks Corbin right into the corner and hits clotheslines as the crowd counts along with him. Reigns droops Corbin and nails a leg drop like Hogan. Reigns rocks Nakamura off the apron as he readied for the Superman Punch on Corbin. Orton goes for the RKO but Reigns blocks and nails the Superman Punch. Drew and Corbin break Reigns' pin. Ali comes in but Corbin chokeslams him. G with the ankle lock on Corbin but Nakamura stops it with a Kinshasa. Drew with a big Claymore on Ricochet, then a kip up. The chaos comes down to Rusev and Lashley unloading on each other in the ring.

Rusev gets the upperhand but Lashley sends him over the top. Reigns with a Superman Punch and a huge dive to the floor to take everyone down. Reigns returns to the ring and runs into a kick from Orton when going for the Spear. Orton drops Reigns with the RKO but Reigns kicks out. Orton can't believe it. Flair and Hogan rally the fans for their teams now. Orton waits for Reigns to get up. G runs interference. Ali comes in but Orton nails the RKO. More chaos between everyone as bodies are flying everywhere. Reigns is left alone in the ring with Orton. Reigns nails the Spear for the pin to win.

Winners: Team Hogan

- After the match, Reigns' music hits as Team Hogan stands tall. Reigns poses in the corner as we go to replays. Hogan celebrates with his team to end it.

- We get hype for tonight's main event.


Falls Count Anywhere Match for the WWE Universal Title: "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt vs. Seth Rollins

We go to the ring for tonight's main event and out first comes WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins. This match cannot be stopped for any reason. "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt is out next.

The red light shines over the arena as Wyatt hits the ring. The bell rings and Wyatt rocks Rollins in the throat to begin. Wyatt unloads on Rollins and knocks him down off the ropes. Rollins comes back with a Slingblade and a Blockbuster. Rollins springboards in with a knee to the face but Wyatt is still standing.

Wyatt comes back and launches himself at Rollins to take him back down. They go to the floor and Wyatt dumps Rollins over the barrier to the floor. Rollins fights back and leaps off the barrier but rolls through. Rollins kicks Wyatt at ringside and hits a Stomp on the floor. Wyatt gets right back up and slams Rollins into the apron. Wyatt ends up charging on the outside but Rollins moves and Wyatt crashes into the barrier.

Rollins goes under the ring for a steel chair. Rollins nails two suicide dives from the ring to the floor. Rollins takes apart the announce table and hits Wyatt in the face with the top part, and again. Rollins with steel chair shots at ringside now. Rollins brings a sledgehammer from under the ring and places Wyatt's head on the seat of a chair. Rollins goes to hit it with the chair but Wyatt jumps up and applies the Mandible Claw. Rollins fights him off and hits two sledgehammer shots to the face. Wyatt tosses Rollins over the announce table.

Wyatt has Rollins on top of the Arabic announce table now. Wyatt snaps Rollins' neck for a pop. Wyatt kicks Rollins around at ringside now. Wyatt runs from one announce table to the other to splash Rollins through it, but Rollins moves and Wyatt lands hard through it. Rollins only gets a 1 count. Rollins unloads with more chair shots to the back now. Rollins knocks Wyatt on top of an announce table. Rollins rolls back into the ring and goes to the top. Wyatt jumps up and shoves Rollins from the top, through two tables that had been set up at ringside.

Wyatt stomps away on Rollins at ringside now. More back and forth at ringside now. Rollins with a big Stomp on the steel of the bottom of the ramp for a 2 count. Wyatt ends up hitting Sister Abigail on top of a platform in the crowd. Rollins kicks out at 2. Wyatt pounds on Rollins. Wyatt beats Rollins up the ramp to the stage now, then drags him by his arm. Wyatt goes to chokeslam Rollins off the stage but Rollins fights and escapes, then kicks Wyatt. Rollins with a big Stomp on the stage.

Wyatt gets right back up but runs into a superkick to the face, and another. Rollins with another kick to the face and another Stomp on the stage. Another Stomp on the stage, and another for the sixth. Rollins with yet another two Stomps but Wyatt keeps getting up. Rollins goes on and kicks Wyatt down a large stack of production cases going down from the stage. Sparks and pyro goes off as Wyatt lands on the exploding equipment. This leads to Wyatt getting back up anyway and putting Rollins back down for the pin to win the title.

Winner and New WWE Universal Champion: "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt

- After the match, Wyatt sits up over Rollins as his music hits. The lights suddenly go out and everything is black. The lights come back on but they're flashing now as the eerie sound plays. We see The Fiend raising the WWE Universal Title on the entrance way as fans cheer. The lights go back out to pitch black. The Crown Jewel theme hits as Cole talks about what has happened tonight. We see fireworks and pyro go off around the stadium as fans cheer. We get another video package with highlights from Crown Jewel as the pay-per-view goes off the air.


11-01-2019, 02:52 AM
Thank you Kemo. Great job :)

11-01-2019, 04:22 PM
Biggest pop of the night: Tyson Fury's entrance. That was just plain awesome.

Glad The Fiend finally won the title. It was retribution for what they did at Hell In A Cell, even though I think the finish was quite sudden.

Glad Lesnar got retribution as well, but I wanted the match to be a bit longer to be honest.

And I gotta say, I actually wiped a tear from my eye when Natalya and Evans made their entrances. I don't really like any of them, but what just happened was bigger than wrestling.