View Full Version : AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - November 27th, 2019

11-27-2019, 10:42 PM

AEW Dynamite

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without "Le Champion" Chris Jericho.
TONIGHT! You're cordially invited to Jericho's "Celebrashon".


- We kick off with a live shot of a band playing trumpet music on the entrance and then Virgil appears in a ring decorated with giant gifts and Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade-looking floats.

Virgil introduces himself as Soultrain Jones before making some jokes and then botching Chris Jericho's name when introducing him.

Jericho emerges from the entrance way as the trumpeters play him as he walks to the ring to baby face pops from the fans in Chi-Town.

Before he can talk, the fans chant "Thank You Jericho! Thank You Jericho!" Jericho says some heel stuff about the fans in Chicago not mattering and that he wants a "Thank You" from AEW management.

He says he's gonna kick off this show with a gift for everyone. He tells fans to look under their seats. They do and find a ticket. They all cheer. Jericho tells them it's a coupon for $0.50-off a t-shirt of "Le Champion." They all boo.

Jericho talks about scouring the earth to find the best-tasting grapes for a Little Bit Of The Bubbly (#ALittleBitOfTheBubbly) before announcing a new website at LittleBitOfTheBubbly.com. A graphic airs on the screen to plug the website.

Now Jericho introduces the rest of The Inner Circle. Out comes Sammy Guevara, Santana and Ortiz (Proud 'N' Powerful). Jake Hager is not in sight.

Guevara gets on the mic and calls Jericho a father-figure before telling the fans to shut up and introducing a cardboard cut-out of himself and Jericho as a gift to "Le Champion." Jericho thanks "The Spanish God."

Santana & Ortiz give Jericho some grooming items and other personal man-like gifts for Le Champion. Now they show him a picture and a bunch of other comedic gifts, such as "A Little Bit Of The 40." The fans chant "40! 40!" as a paper-bagged 40-oz. alcoholic beverage is hoisted in the air. Jericho cracks jokes.

Jericho asks where Hager is. Finally we see "Big Hurt" himself with a pet goat for Chris Jericho named "Chris Jeri-Goat." The fans start chanting "Jeri-Goat! Jeri-Goat!"

Jericho asks what gift is in the biggest box in the ring. Santana & Ortiz tell him it's a big surprise for him. Jericho gets excited as they open the box to show New York Rangers great -- and Jericho's father -- Ted Irvine, in a NHL jersey and all.

Ted Irvine tries for a cheap pop but purposely says "it's great to be back in New York City!" to get the fans to boo. The fans chant "Let's Go Blackhawks" as Jericho informs his father they are in Chicago, the home of the NHL's Blackhawks. Ted Irvine brags about beating the Blackhawks all the time during his career as part of the NHL's Rangers. He brags about beating up "some guy" named Bobby Hull, an NHL legend. He says Chicago will always be "wimps" for some more cheap heat.

Jericho notices that his father is holding a bag. He asks what they are. Irvine says it's custom New York Rangers NHL jersey's for the members of The Inner Circle. They open the bag and all unfold their custom jerseys while the fans inside Sears Centre Arena chant "Rangers suck! Rangers suck!"

He says they've all had some fun but now it's time to get down to it. He claims to have a "Thank You" message from AEW executives and the brass at TNT. He says he doesn't feel like reading so he calls in AEW ring announcer Justin Roberts to do so. Roberts comes in and gets some cheap love for saying he lives down the road and that he went to a local high school. Jericho says his high school sucked.

Roberts reads the formal message written on an AEW letterhead document. When he's done, Jericho tells him it was okay but he didn't appreciate Roberts' tone while reading it. He bullies him and asks why he thinks he doesn't deserve a Thank You. He smacks Roberts in the face with the microphone, which begins a full-on beat-down from The Inner Circle.

Out comes the marching band that played the trumpets for Jericho's entrance. They tear off their clothing to reveal they weren't band members at all, but were in fact the members of SoCal Uncensored in disguise. They take out The Inner Circle, who retreats up the aisle. The AEW Tag-Team Champions and the man who will challenge Jericho for the AEW World Title tonight -- Scorpio Sky -- stand tall in the ring while Jericho and The Inner Circle bicker at them from the ramp.

- We shoot up to the announce table where Jim Ross, The Excalibur and the AEW announce team run down some of the matches and segments, such as Cody's return, the finals of the Dynamite Ring match between Hangman Page and MJF -- with DDP on hand to present to the winner, Kenny Omega vs. PAC and Chris Jericho vs. Scorpio Sky for the AEW World's Heavyweight Championship. We are told that Tony Schiavone is out on assignment, so Marcos Solis Martinez, an All Elite Fleet Announce Team member, courtesy of their friends at State Farm, is introduced.

Best Friends vs. The Lucha Bros

The Best Friends, Trent and Chuck Taylor, make their way out with Orange Cassidy dressed up in a Thanksgiving costume.

As they head to the ring, they are attacked from behind by The Lucha Bros -- Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix. They brawl down the ramp until Cassidy, in his Turkey costume and all, flies off the top and splashing onto the guys on the floor.

The Best Friends roll The Lucha Bros in the ring and the bell sounds to officially kick this one off. Within seconds, Taylor and Trent hug and the fans pop. The pace picks up now as Taylor and Trent jump off to the early offensive lead in this tag-team affair.

We return and we see Fenix is in the ring taking it to Trent, as The Lucha Bros have appeared to have taken over the offensive control in the contest. Fenix knocks Taylor off the apron and tags in Pentagon, who comes off the top rope with a missile drop kick for a near fall.

Trent makes the tag. Chuck Taylor takes the hot tag and is taking out any and everything that moves. As it appears The Lucha Bros were going to regain the advantage with a two-on-one attack, Taylor throws Pentagon into Fenix and then hits a suicide dive crashing onto both guys on the floor.

As Taylor goes to follow up with a super kick, he is taken out by The Lucha Bros. They hit a big top-rope spot on Trent now for a close near fall. Now Orange Cassidy, in his turkey costume, jumps on the apron and slowly flaps his wings trying to provide a distraction.

Taylor flies off the ring steps taking out Pentagon, who went out to the floor to confront Cassidy. Back in the ring, Trent hits a Crunchie for the 1-2-3. The Best Friends just defeated the number one ranked AEW Tag-Team, The Lucha Bros, via pin fall.

Winners: The Best Friends

Bea Priestley & Emi Sakura vs. Hikaru Shida & Kris Statlander

After the announcers run down the updated AEW women's rankings, Bea Priestley comes out for a match. Emi Sakura comes out next as her partner. Out next are their opponents, Hikaru Shida, the number one contender in the AEW women's division.

The bell sounds to kick this one off and they are immediately going at it. The early offensive lead jumps off to Shida and Statlander, as J.R. puts over Shida as one of the most physical competitors in AEW, regardless of gender.

Statlander is flying all over the place here in the early goings. Priestley and Sakura start to show signs of life now as the announcers take us to a mid-match commercial break.

We return to see the action still ongoing in the ring while the announcers promote some in-house stuff such as upcoming AEW dates and ticket information.

Sakura uses the mic stand to choke Shida, but the ref takes it. She pretends to cry. She tags in Bea Priestley. Priestly picks up where Sakura left off, taking it to Shida.

The fans start to chant "Shida! Shida!" to try and breathe some life into her, and it actually starts to work now as Shida is starting to fight back. Sakura charges in but Shida suplexes Sakura into Priestley, her own teammate.

The tag is almost made to Statlander, but Priestley cuts her off just in time. Shida eats a mean German Suplex from Priestley, but answers back with a flying knee as Priestley came off the ropes.

She finally makes the hot tag to Kris Statlander. Statlander comes in with a Matrix kick before knocking Bea Priestley off the apron.

Statlander does a version of The Oklahoma Roll, which makes J.R. perk up on commentary, as the proud Oklahoma native gives legendary Oklahoman Danny Hodge a shout-out. Meanwhile, Sakura starts taking it to Statlander now, as she cuts her offensive run short.

Sakura goes for a diving cross body onto Statlander in the corner. Priestley follows up with a double stomp, which leads to a back-breaker for a close near fall on Statlander.

A Moonsault attempt from Sakura goes bad. She misses and Shida follows up with a kick to the head. Statlander then hoists Sakura up in the Electric Chair position A falcon arrow takes out Priestley. Face-buster from Statlander followed by a scissor kicks gets a very close near fall.

The crowd bought that as the finish. Statlander hits a Michinoku Driver for another close pin fall attempt. Priestley is in now. Sakura hits Statlander with a cheap shot with the mic stand which sets up the pin.

Winners: Bea Priestley & Emi Sakura

- Jim Ross kicks it to a backstage promo from Jon Moxley. Moxley is shown standing in front of a chain-link fence talking about his declaration of war against AEW.

He gives a call to arms to anyone who wants to step up and try and be a hero, or get seriously ... seriously hurt trying. It appears that he just issued an open challenge. We head to a commercial break.

Cody vs. Matt Knicks

We return from the break to see the lights in the Sears Centre Arena go out. Music hits the loud speakers as Cody is slowly raised from the staging area below under the entrance way.

He smiles real big as a spotlight hits him. His music picks up and pyro and fireworks explode as the fans in Chi-Town give him a huge pop as he makes his way down to the ring.

The announcers talk about Cody finally being cleared to return after being medically suspended with a rib injury and eye injury. Matt Knicks, Cody's opponent for tonight who is already in the ring, is introduced.

The bell sounds and here we go. Cody shakes hands with Matt and then starts taking it to him as the fans break out into various chants. A cheap shot from an attempted clean back by Cody gives Knicks his first offense in the match.

Cody gets fired up from that, hits a spot off the ropes and takes his weight belt off. He locks in the Figure Four Leg Lock on Knicks. Knicks taps out.

Winner: Cody

- After the match, Cody gets on the mic and tells MJF they don't have to wait -- they can "do this" right here right now.

With that said a masked man appears standing behind Cody in the ring. The Excalibur says, "it's The Blade!" Jim Ross says, "Who?!"

The fans start chanting "Who are you?! Who are you?!" From there another guy comes from under the ring that we are told is The Butcher.

The Blade and The Butcher attack Cody. They beat him down and hit him with some kind of double-team move. Finally, The Bunny Allie emerges. They pose as the fans boo and we head to commercial break while Cody is being attended to by ringside medics and officials.

Kenny Omega vs. PAC

PAC makes his way down to the ring as we return from the break. His latest match in his series against Kenny Omega is up next.

He is in the ring and now more music plays as an Omega video is shown, leading to Omega's live entrance to the ring inside Sears Centre Arena.

The bell sounds and here we go. Omega and PAC charge right at each other and wrestle into the corner. They separate and PAC smacks Omega.

They run the ropes and exchange some more strikes after Omega takes PAC down with a basement dropkick. Omega with a snap-dragon suplex that drops PAC on his head.

Omega hits PAC with a buckle bomb and then a spine-buster for a near fall. PAC rolls out to the floor, but Omega runs and hits the ropes and dives onto PAC on the floor. The fans chant and replays are shown as Omega throws PAC back in the ring.

PAC hits a big moonsault crashing onto Omega on the floor. The fans erupt and break into chants as replays are shown before J.R. takes us to a mid-match commercial break.

"Boo" and "Yes" chants back and forth from the crowd as we come back from commercial. Big kick from Kenny Omega sending into the corner. Omega looking for the Polish Hammer. Two count, no luck as Pac kicks out. And again. Pac throws Omega into the turnbuckle, followed by an elbow and a Major League Kick.

Pac turning Omega inside out with a massive Clothesline. The referee checking both men as they are laid out on the mat, struggling to gather their bearings.

Pac brings Omega to the top rope, and covers with his legs, getting another two count on Omega. Pac back to the top rope for the Arrow, nobody there. Omega with a knee strike, attempting a One Winged Angel. Omega counters with a roll up after Pac attempts a pin, Omega's pin for the three count.

Winner: Kenny Omega

AEW Dynamite Dozen Diamond Ring: Hangman Page vs. MJF

We see a video telling the story and showing highlights of the AEW Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal. After that, MJF makes his way down to the ring as a pre-taped promo is shown of him telling us he's better than us -- and we know it.

From there, Hangman Page's epic theme hits the loud speakers inside Sears Centre Arena and he makes his way out. The AEW Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal Diamond Ring Finals are up next here at AEW Dynamite.

The bell sounds and the action is immediately underway. Within seconds the two are out on the floor brawling, with Hangman jumping off to an early offensive lead as we head to a mid-match commercial break.

As we come back from commercial, the crowd is booing MJF.

Nice chops by Page, who is still babying his arm. MJF Clotheslined over the top rope. Page flying through the air with a Suicide into the baracade, Page gets back to the top rope and lands a move onto MJF. MJF goes for the boot on Page after manhandling the referee. Page gets a long two count on MJF.

MJF throws Page over the top rope, attempting a Heat Seaker. Buckshot by Page and a two count as Wardlow, who is in MJF's corner, throws MJF's foot on the bottom rope to break the pin. The crowd boos.

Page questioning what happened. MJF flailing in the ring, the referee following him. Warlow with a shocking right hand to the jaw of Page. MJF with a Crossroads slam on Page for the three count pin and win of the Dynamite Diamond.

Winner of First Annual AEW Dynamite Diamond Ring: MJF

- Following the match, Diamond Dallas Page (DDP) makes his way down to the ring to present the first annual AEW Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal winner with the first-ever AEW Dynamite Diamond Ring.

DDP with the mic "Chicago, are you ready?? It's me." The crowd answers, "DDP!" as DDP finishes, "I am here, to present" the crowd chanting "DDP" stopping him momentarily, smiling and nodding.

DDP continues, "I am here to present the first Dynamite Diamond ring, to the very first winner Maxwell Jacob Freeman" MJF smiling, the crowd begins chanting, "Assh*le" as MJF takes the ring from DDP's hand and puts it on, kissing it.

"You know, Maxwell some of your actions have been very very disappointing to me. But, tonight Maxwelll you're the man. So, since I am the bigger man, I will congratulate you, like the bigger man" as he extends his hand. MJF spits out his gum and puts it in DDP's hand attempting to walk away.

DDP turns him around. Wardlow steps between them. DDP says, "You need to step off, because you would look kinda stupid with a 63 year old man kicking your ass all over Chicago." As a brawl breaks out, officials and referees entering the ring as we go to break.

- As we come back from the break, Dustin Rhodes has already made his way down the ramp and into the ring with half of his face painted, the crowd cheering.

Jen Decker in the ring saying asking if he has his sights on Jake Hager. Rhodes says Hager broke his arm and is not the same man he used to be.

Rhodes getting Powerslammed by Ortiz and Santana. The crowd cheering as Matt Jackson comes running down the ramp, despite his back from his injury. The Young Bucks in the ring now as Nick Jackson hits the scene as well.

A shot the mid-section of Rhodes, a Double Superkick by the Young Bucks. The Inner Circle stuck in each corner as they get a knee to the privates of each of the men as they receive a "Curtain Call" for their efforts.

- A vignette for The Dark Order airs, like a short film. It shows a fat guy walking down the road and yanking a ticket stub off an advertisement hanging on a street sign.

The fat guy walks into a room where we see The Dark Order holding a cult-like meeting. They explain their agenda and motives as some more images are shown.

They end with them all saying "We Are One!" as if they are being hypnotized. "Are you ready to pledge to The Dark Order?"

- On that note, we head to a commercial break. The AEW World's Heavyweight Championship will be on-the-line when we get back.

AEW World's Heavyweight Championship: Scorpio Sky vs. Chris Jericho

We return from the break and one-half of the AEW World Tag-Team Champions and the man who pinned the AEW World Champion Chris Jericho two weeks ago on Dynamite -- Scorpio Sky -- makes his way down to the ring for the biggest match of his career.

After he comes out, Chris Jericho's music hits, pyro explodes and out comes Le Champion of All Elite Wrestling. Jericho comes down to the ring for this one-on-one showdown against Sky, where the AEW World's Heavyweight Championship will be up for grabs.

Dasha Gonzalez does the formal ring introductions for this match. She finishes up and now the bell sounds to officially kick off our AEW Dynamite main event for this week.

Aubrey Edwards is the referee for this match-up. Both men circle each other in the ring. Sky comes in, Jericho flipping him and throwing up his guns smiling in the corner. Sky shakes it off. Jericho and Sky lockup. Sky with a few hits to the ribs, throwing Jericho off the ropes, Jericho knocks Sky to the mat twice.

Sky with a Dropkick and a Clothesline over the top rope sending Jericho to the outside. A single boot to the jaw of Jericho. Jericho back in the ring, Sky with a shoulder to the midsection of Jericho making his way back into the ring with a two count pin attempt.

Sky lifts Jericho back to his feet, throwing him into the turnbuckle. Sky on the outside of the ropes, slams Jericho's face into the turnbuckle. Jericho off the ropes with a Dropkick throwing Sky out of the ring. Jericho with one hand in the air as if to say he's victorious as we go to a mid-match commercial break as the action continues.

As we come back from commercial, Jericho with blows to the head of Sky followed by a big boot and a pin attempt. Jericho gets Sky into a headlock, Sky seperating his legs to not allow Jericho to pick him up, and counters by flipping Jericho. Sky and Jericho back to their feet. Jericho gets a big chop on Sky, a Hanging Neckbreaker for the counter by Sky. Both men making their way back to their feet. Sky with an elbow and a knee, then off the ropes and several big blows and a Double Leg Dropkick on Jericho. Sky with a TKO followed by an Ace Crusher and a pin attempt, only getting a two count.

Sky with a chop to the chest of Jericho, Jericho going for the Lion Tamer. Sky crawling slowly across the mat to the bottom rope. The referee telling Jericho to break the hold. Jericho milking it and going into the face of Aubrey Edwards, taunting her as Sky gets to his feet. Sky with a Cutter and a Dragon Sleeper, wrenching back on the head of the champion. Jake Hager comes running down the ramp. Jericho trying to get a quick pin, to no avail. A double Clothesline leaves both men laying on the mat. Hager standing on the mat shouting. Frankie Kazarian makes his way out landing shots on Hager. Jericho with his belt in his hand, Sky makes his way to his feet. Jericho goes to hit Sky with the belt, Sky counters. Sky with a TKO and a two count pin attempt. Sky puts his hands on his face in shock, wondering where to go from here. The crowd chanting for Sky.

Sky gets up with an all new momentum. Sky pulling Jericho from the top rope, and once again with a two count. Back and forth with big blows between the two men. Jericho gets a two count pin on Sky as well. Sky counters with a Backslide and pin attempt. Sky misses a big boot and Jericho with a Lion Tamer in the center of the ring, forcing Sky to tap out.

Winner: 'Le Champion' Chris Jericho

- Jericho gets his belt and is about to exit the ring, and looks back, turning around and re-putting Sky in the Lion Tamer. Jon Moxley's music sounds in the arena. Jericho lets go, looking around. Moxley standing at the top of the stairs in the crowd looking down at Jericho, cracking his knuckles.

Jericho showing holding his belt up, showing Moxley. Moxley continues walking down the stairs towards the ring. Jericho's smile still on his face as the show ends.