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View Full Version : WWE Friday Night Smackdown Live Coverage - December 13th, 2019

12-13-2019, 10:03 PM

The Big Dog Roman Reigns will be unchained

After a humiliating attack last week, The Big Dog Roman Reigns is unchained and out to repay King Corbin and Dolph Ziggler.


- Tonight's TLC go-home edition of WWE SmackDown opens up with a video package with highlights from last week's show, focusing on the dog food beatdown Roman Reigns took from King Corbin and Dolph Ziggler.

- We're live from the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as Michael Cole welcomes us. He's joined by Corey Graves at ringside.

- We go right to the ring and out comes King Baron Corbin as Greg Hamilton does the introduction. Corbin is carried to the ring on his royal caravan. We see security surrounding the ring. Dolph Ziggler is in the ring applauding Corbin.

Corbin takes the mic as fans boo. He thanks everyone for the warm welcome and they boo some more. Corbin and Ziggler start joking about a smell that's making them sick. They're not sure if it's the fans or all the dog food they dump and smeared on Roman Reigns last week. Corbin wants to make this quick but he just wanted to come out and talk about the incredible 2019 he's had - he defeated WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle at WrestleMania 35, he won the King of the Ring tournament, and now he's going to make The Big Dog bow down to his king at TLC. Corbin says after he puts Reigns in his place, SmackDown will be his to rule as the leader.

Corbin says he's seen the nonsense about Reigns coming "unchained" to SmackDown tonight. Corbin and Ziggler go on talking trash about Reigns. Corbin says he has every window and door in the arena covered if Reigns does decide to show up, and he will just be showing up to a far worse fate than last week. Fans chant "you look stupid!" at Corbin now. Corbin and Ziggler go on as security guards the ring. Corbin says anyone who gets in the way of he and Ziggler will be forced to bow down. Ziggler calls on fans to join him in hailing King Corbin. Fans boo louder. The familiar intro interrupts as SmackDown Tag Team Champions Big E and Kofi Kingston of The New Day make their ways out to a pop.

Big E and Kofi start cracking jokes on Ziggler and Corbin. Corbin pokes at Kofi for quickly losing the WWE Title to Brock Lesnar. Kofi corrects him as he lost the title in 8 seconds, not 7, but he still sees himself as a champion of the people. Fans pop. Kofi says Corbin did have a heck of a 2019 but he won the title at WrestleMania and for nearly 6 months he defended that title and beat anyone who stepped up, including Ziggler. The back and forth goes on and gets heated. Kofi taps Corbin in the mouth and fans chant "one more time!" at him. Corbin says if Kofi wants to step up and be a leader like Reigns, then he will get humiliated like Reigns. Corbin shoves the mic at Kofi and makes his exit as the music hits.

- We get a look back at The Miz and Bray Wyatt from last week. Still to come, Renee Young will interview Miz at his home in Los Angeles. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Graves confirms King Corbin vs. Kofi Kingston for later tonight. We see Corbin and Dolph Ziggler walking backstage. They walk up on a security guard knocked out in front of their locker room door. They enter ans the place is destroyed, security guards are laid out. They wonder who did this and what it means.

Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville vs. Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross

We go to the ring and Mandy Rose waits with Sonya Deville. We see what happened two weeks ago when Alexa Bliss returned to save Nikki Cross from Rose and Deville, and Rose vs. Bliss last week with Bliss ripping off Bliss' eyelashes. Kayla Braxton is backstage with Cross and Bliss now. Braxton asks about what happened and how the rivalry got personal. Bliss says Rose is just a bully but she's happy to be back in the ring. Rose and Deville suddenly attack Bliss and Cross from behind at the Gorilla Position. They take the brawl out to the stage.

They all go at it on the stage as referees try to break them up. They finally send Bliss and Cross to the ring. The bell rings as Rose and Deville hit the ring. Deville gets sent to the floor. Cross and Bliss with a double team suplex on Rose. Rose with a cheap shot to the eyes of Cross, then a tag to Deville. Deville levels Cross and drops Bliss off the apron with a forearm. Deville with a sliding knee for a 2 count on Cross.

Rose comes in and drops Cross with another running knee to the face for a 2 count. Deville tags back in and rocks Cross as Rose holds her. They double team her some more as the referee warns them. They go to double suplex Cross but Bliss pulls Rose out of the ring by her leg. Cross takes advantage and drops Deville with a neckbreaker for the pin to win.

Winners: Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross

- After the match, Cross and Bliss celebrate in the ring as the music hits. We go to replays. Deville and Rose recover on the outside as the winners hug and celebrate in the ring.

- Sami Zayn is walking backstage when he comes up on Heavy Machinery in Santa Claus hats. They mention facing Cesaro and WWE Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura later tonight but Otis picked Sami in the Secret Santa game backstage. Sami opens the gift Otis has wrapped and it's a huge Christmas ham. Sami says it's the worst gift he's ever received. He's a vegan and this is an insult. He goes on about how the animal lost its life. Otis apologizes but Sami starts ranting at him. Tucker says Otis apologized but that's not good enough for Sami. Sami calls Otis a name and he's not happy. Cesaro and Nakamura walk up and Sami keeps talking trash, warning them about later tonight. They walk off but not before Cesaro slams Otis' ham on the ground. Otis is furious.

Shorty G and Mustafa Ali vs. The Revival

We go to the ring and out first comes Shorty G. Mustafa Ali is out next and they head to the ring together. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes The Revival - Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder. Dash starts off with G and they go at it, back and forth trading holds and strikes. G takes control as Ali cheers him on. Dawson tags in and sends G out of the ring, into the announce table. Dawson levels Ali as he comes over to check. The Revival slams G face-first into the announce table now.

Dawson brings G back into the ring for a close 2 count. Dawson grounds G in the middle of the ring and talks trash while working him over. Ali rallies fans for Shorty. G arm drags Dawson but Dawson pushes him to the corner and Dash tags in. G fights out and hits a big German on Dawson. Dash runs over and knocks Ali off the apron as G goes for a tag. G rolls Dash up for a 2 count, and again. G with uppercuts now. Dash scoops G for a big backbreaker. Dash drags G back to the corner and in comes Dawson. Dawson goes to the top and knocks G off of Dawson for the big double team. Ali runs right over and knocks Dash out of the ring as they tumble to the floor together. We go to commercial with everyone down, two in the ring and two out on the floor.

Back from the break and The Revival gets double teamed a few times by G and Ali. Ali with a big stomp from the top for a close 2 count. Dawson and G tangle in the ring now. Dawson with a double underhook powerbomb for a close 2 count. Dawson takes G to the top as fans chant "this is awesome!" now. Dawson climbs up but G slides down. G hits the sliding German for a pin but Dash flies at him and breaks it up. Ali immediately comes flying from the top with the 450 to Dash.

Ali tags in but Dawson blocks a tornado DDT out of the corner. Dash tags in and runs into Ali's elbow in the corner. Ali comes off the top but The Revival catches him in a huge Shatter Machine out of nowhere and Dash covers for the pin to win.

Winners: The Revival

- After the match, Dash and Dawson stand tall as their music hits. We go to replays. The Revival plays to the crowd and celebrates as the announcers plug their Ladder Match against The New Day at TLC on Sunday.

- Still to come, Corbin vs. Kingston.

- Kayla is backstage with SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley, asking about Lacey Evans recently calling her out. Bayley understands why some people see Evans as being impressive, but Bayley doesn't care what people think any longer. She's doing this for herself. Bayley says this title is what it's about, and she's a champion now. She mentions Sasha Banks being off recording a rap album. Bayley goes on about Evans but we hear the sound of Elias guitar in the background. Bayley goes over and yells at Elias, who is with Dana Brooke. Elias reveals he picked Bayley in the Secret Santa game this year. He sings her a song and takes shots at her and Banks while Dana laughs. Elias ends his song by saying Bayley looks just like a dude ever since she got her hair cut. He wishes her a Merry Christmas. Bayley tells Brooke to meet her in the ring when she stops laughing. Dana accepts the challenge and walks off. We go back to a break.

- Back from the break and Alexa Bliss is announced for next Tuesday's WWE Backstage on FS1.

Dana Brooke vs. Bayley

We go to the ring and out first comes Dana Brooke. SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley is out next for this non-title match.

The bell rings and Dana runs into a slap from Bayley. Brooke rams Bayley back into the corner and unloads with stomps after dropping her. Bayley goes to the floor for a breather but Brooke follows and sends her into the barrier. Brooke brings Bayley back in and keeps the momentum going until Bayley levels her with a clothesline for a 2 count. Bayley mounts Brooke with strikes now.

Bayley beats Brooke into the corner and takes her to the top. Bayley goes for the superplex but Dana fights her. Dana goes for the sunset flip powerbomb and nails it, holding it for a 2 count. Dana goes right into another close 2 count, and another. Bayley tries to retreat for a breather, holding onto the bottom rope. The referee backs Brooke off but Bayley suckers her in and takes the knee out. Bayley goes on and drops Brooke for the pin to win.

Winner: Bayley

- After the match, Bayley stands tall and raises her title over Brooke as the music hits.

- Cole leads us to another video on The Miz and Bray Wyatt. Still to come, Renee Young will interview Miz at his home in Los Angeles. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get another return teaser vignette for Sheamus. The Celtic Warrior says SmackDown has changed in his absence, becoming nothing more than a home to wimps after previously being a home to warriors. But not anymore because Sheamus has returned and he's bringing the heart back to SmackDown, a heart that is hungry, fired up and ready to smash anyone who gets in his way.

- Cole leads us to Renee Young's sitdown interview with The Miz at his home in Los Angeles. It says the interview was filmed earlier today. Renee asks if Miz has an update on Daniel Bryan's status but he says the last time he saw Bryan, he was being pulled under the ring by WWE Universal Champion "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt. Renee brings up the bad history between Miz and Bryan, and shows us a clip from their infamous Talking Smack segment in 2016. Renee asks why Miz had a change of heart. He doesn't have the perfect answer but they both bring out the best and the worst in each other. He goes on and knows how much Bryan means to SmackDown, and as weird as it is to say, it's finally time for The Miz to do the right thing. Renee asks about Wyatt and what happened last week. Miz says Wyatt loves to play mind games and he gets that because he's played them his whole career also, but Wyatt crossed a line that you don't cross. We get a look at the altered family photo and Miz says he had to accept the match at TLC. Miz says he's a changed man too these days, he's a father, and there's something that happens when you first hold your daughter in your hands. He's the father to two daughters now and that's why he's in LA and not in Milwaukee for SmackDown. Miz says family is the most important thing to him and he's not sure what Wyatt is capable of.

Renee asks if Miz is afraid for Sunday's match at TLC. We suddenly hear Maryse yelling for Miz elsewhere in the house. She has their baby monitor on the iPad, with the camera on Monroe Sky's crib. Wyatt appears on the screen and laughs, wanting to be let in. It cuts back to Monroe in the crib. Miz and Maryse rush up to her room but Wyatt isn't there. The little girl seems actually scared. Miz finds one of her dolls in the crib, with a painted face to look like The Fiend. Miz tells the camera crew that we're done here. Maryse starts yelling at them to get out and we cut back to the announcers.

Wyatt appears on the big screen for a new episode of Fire Fly Funhouse. Wyatt has the doll with him. He says he was just trying to be nice, after all it's holiday season. Wyatt knows how much The Miz loves his family, which is what makes this hard. Wyatt learned a while ago that no one likes snitches, and snitches get stitches. He says Miz was so wrapped up in what happened to Bryan, that he exposed himself. He thinks Bryan is still with him, but Miz is with Wyatt. Wyatt goes on and says he can teach Miz how not to love, he just has to... let him in. Wyatt comments on how good The Marine 5 was, and says he will see Miz at TLC on Sunday. Goodbye, see ya!

- The announcers hype Miz vs. Wyatt at WWE TLC on Sunday. Still to come tonight, Kofi vs. Corbin.

Heavy Machinery vs. Shinsuke Nakamura and Cesaro

We go to the ring and out first comes Heavy Machinery - Otis and Tucker. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and we see King Corbin and Dolph Ziggler getting a little stressed out over Roman Reigns possibly showing up. We go back to the ring and out first comes Cesaro. WWE Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura is out next as Sami Zayn leads them to the ring.

Cesaro and Tucker go at it to start. Tucker lands a big dropkick at one point. They break and Otis tags in, as does Nakamura. They lock up and Otis overpowers, shoving Nakamura to the mat. Nakamura with strikes now. Otis drops him with a shoulder as Sami looks concerned. Nakamura keeps fighting but Otis drops him with an elbow and covers for a 2 count. Nakamura misses one kick but drops him with the second. Otis is stunned as Cesaro tags in and they double team him. Tucker tags in and comes off the top, taking down both opponents at once. They double team Cesaro and toss him out of the ring now. Tucker and Otis stand tall in the ring as fans cheer them on. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Cesaro is going at it with Tucker. Cesaro with a big uppercut in the corner. Cesaro positions Tucker over the top rope and in comes Nakamura with a high knee to the gut. Nakamura for a 2 count. Nakamura drives knees into Tucker's ribs now. Fans chant "we want Otis!" as he plays to them from the apron.

Nakamura keeps Tucker grounded but he starts fighting out of the hold. Nakamura with a big right hand. Nakamura runs into a big boot. Nakamura charges but Tucker hits a Thesz Press. Otis and Cesaro both reach for the hot tags. They tag in at the same time and Otis unloads on Cesaro, sending him to the floor. Nakamura runs in but Otis drops him and slams him in the middle of the ring. Otis takes off his shirt but Cesaro comes from behind. Otis decks him. Cesaro keeps fighting but Otis just takes it and dances some more. Otis tosses Cesaro and continues to play to the crowd. Nakamura with a big kick to the face of Otis. Cesaro comes off the top with a big uppercut. Nakamura drops Otis with a kick for a close 2 count. Tucker sends Cesaro to the floor. Nakamura sends Tucker to the floor.

Nakamura goes for the Kinshasa but Otis blocks it. They go for The Compactor but Cesaro stops it. Tucker rocks Cesaro. Otis sends Nakamura to the floor. Otis drops Cesaro and hits the Caterpillar for a big pop. Sami gets on the apron to stop the Caterpillar. Otis gets sent to the floor. Tucker sends Cesaro to the floor. Nakamura takes advantage and drops Tucker with a Kinshasa for the pin to win.

Winners: Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura

- After the match, Nakamura and Cesaro stand tall as Sami joins them in the ring to celebrate. We go to replays.

- We see Dolph Ziggler and King Corbin going over a gameplan with security backstage. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and the announcers hype the 2020 WWE Hall of Fame inductions for Batista and the nWo.

Kofi Kingston vs. King Baron Corbin

We go to the ring for tonight's main event and out first comes SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day - Kofi Kingston with Big E. King Baron Corbin is out next with Dolph Ziggler. Security is surrounding the ring for the match. We get another look at last week's dog food attack on Roman Reigns. Ziggler and Corbin taunt the referee and The New Day.

Corbin and Kofi lock up to go at it. Corbin drops Kofi first and takes his time. Kofi comes right back with a dropkick. Kofi unloads with kicks and punches against the ropes. Corbin whips Kofi and drops him hard with a big shoulder in the middle of the ring. Corbin catches Kofi in mid-air and goes to put him on the floor but Kofi sends Corbin tumbling to the floor instead.

Corbin comes back but Kofi dropkicks him back to the floor. Kofi goes to the top and leaps out, taking Corbin back down on the floor. Kofi stands on top of the announce table as fans cheer him on. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Corbin continues to dominate, taking Kofi back to the floor and ramming him back into the barrier. There have been tables, ladders and chairs all around the arena tonight. Corbin launches Kofi back into the barrier. Corbin gets booed as he returns to the ring to break the count. Corbin sends Kofi face-first into the ring post. Corbin brings Kofi back in the ring for a 2 count as Ziggler looks on from ringside. Corbin runs into a kick in the corner but Corbin comes back and drops Kofi with a big right hand on the apron. Ziggler taunts Kofi while he's down. Corbin poses over Kofi as fans boo.

Fans try to rally and chant for Kofi as Corbin beats him around the ring. Big E cheers his partner on. Kofi fights up and out but Corbin drops him with an elbow for a 2 count in the middle of the ring. Corbin continues to take his time while Kofi is down. Fans chant "Burger King!" but Corbin continues to dominate Kofi and beat him around the ring. Corbin runs into an elbow, then a kick in the corner. Corbin charges but misses, then runs out and back in. Kofi counters and drops him with a SOS for a close 2 count.

Kofi counters with a head-scissors takedown. Kofi with a kick to the jaw and a big Boom Drop in the middle of the ring. Kofi rallies the crowd. Ziggler grabs his leg and the referee catches him. Fans pop as the referee ejects Ziggler to the back. He throws a fit on the way up the ramp. Kofi waits for Corbin to return tot he ring. Ziggler runs back down and attacks Big E from behind. Kofi makes the save. Corbin goes out and joins in as the referee calls the match.

Both teams brawl at ringside now as the referees run down to try and break them up. Big E with a big clothesline to Ziggler on the floor. Big E enters the ring and calls for a mic. Ziggler and Corbin are down on the outside but Big E challenges them to a tag team match right now. Corbin accepts and helps Ziggler to his feet. We go to commercial.

The New Day vs. King Baron Corbin and Dolph Ziggler

Back from the break and we have a non-title main event with Kofi Kingston and Big E vs. Dolph Ziggler and King Baron Corbin. Ziggler has Big E down in their corner.

Big E fights out of the corner but Ziggler catches him with a Fame-asser for a close 2 count. Corbin tags in and stomps on Big E. Corbin dominates Big E and whips him hard into the corner, knocking him down. Corbin comes off the top but misses as Big E move. Big E with a belly-to-belly suplex. Kofi rallies the fans for Big E now. Kofi and Ziggler tag in at the same time. Kofi flies in and begins mounting offense. Kofi with a big dropkick. Kofi sends Ziggler over the top rope and he lands hard on the floor.

Kofi goes to run the ropes for a dive to Ziggler on the floor but Corbin levels him in the ring. Ziggler superkicks Big E on the floor. Corbin mounts Kofi with strikes to the face now. Corbin and Ziggler pull the shackles and handcuffs out now. The referee calls the bell as Corbin pounds on Kofi and chains him.

Winners by DQ: The New Day

- After the bell, Ziggler pulls Kofi out of the ring with the chains. Kofi fights back but Corbin decks him. Big E is still laid out from the superkick. They chain Kofi to the ring post, like they did Roman Reigns last week. Corbin decks Kofi in the head with a scepter.

The Revival suddenly appears at ringside. Big E charges and they drop him on the floor with a Shatter Machine. The music suddenly hits and out comes Reigns to a huge pop, just as Corbin pulls out the dog food. Security attacks Reigns on the ramp and he runs through them all with ease. Reigns fights off Dash Wilder, Scott Dawson and several more security guards. The Revival double team Reigns against the barrier now. They bring Reigns in the ring but he fights them off. Reigns takes out The Revival and then Ziggler but Corbin drops him from the side with a cheap shot. Corbin swings the scepter but Reigns nails a big punch instead. Reigns stands tall alone in the ring now. Fans chant for Reigns to pick the scepter up.

Reigns goes to ringside with the scepter in front of Corbin but Ziggler drops Reigns out of nowhere with a big superkick. The Revival and Ziggler toss Reigns onto the announce table. Ziggler stands a ladder up and climbs it. Big E drops The Revival. Reigns meets Ziggler at the top of the ladder. Reigns chokeslams Ziggler from the ladder, through the announce table. Fans pop big. Reigns returns to the ring as his music hits. He stops to free Kofi from the chains on the ring post. Reigns stands tall as we go to replays. Reigns stands tall in the ring as fans cheer him on. Corbin looks on from the entrance, talking trash back at the ring. The final SmackDown before TLC goes off the air with Reigns standing tall in the ring.