View Full Version : AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - January 1st, 2020

01-01-2020, 09:41 PM

AEW Dynamite

Tonight it's time to put up or shut up!


- Opening video recapping the last couple months for The Elite and how they haven't been winning. We hear from each member as we see clips of the Inner Circle, MJF, and others taking out the group. "Is The Elite, still elite?"

- Jim Ross, Taz, and Excalibur on commentary this week. Tony Schiavone is calling football this week.

- Vignette showing Darby Allin skateboarding around with a mask of Cody's face (all distorted). Allin then burns the mask.

Cody (with Arn Anderson) vs. Darby Allin

Anderson is Cody's advisor (aka Coach of the Nightmare Family) now, this is his first ringside appearance with Cody. Crowd is fairly split early on as they chant for each wrestler. Numerous early pin attempts, only one-counts though for each guy. Cody talks to Anderson for a moment as he gathers himself. Allin goes for a springboard coffin drop, reversed, Cody gets reversed, throws a forearm and launches him into the ring post, Allin ends up out on the floor.

Allin back in the ring, knocks Cody out to the floor, and lands a solid suicide dive on Cody. He then throws Cody shoulder first into the ring post. He sends Cody back into the ring, but Cody with a disaster kick that puts Cody down on the floor. Allin able to recover and hit that left shoulder again. Allin sends Cody down to the mat, cover, one. Cody looks for the figure-four, Allin able to reverse it for a moment, Cody gets it back, Allin with a rope break. Cody tries for another figure-four, Allin counters and kicks Cody shoulder-first into the corner. Allin with the cover, goes right into a an armbar, then traps both arms behind Cody's back, but Cody gets a foot on the rope.

Allin yanks the top turnbuckle pad off. He tries to send Cody into it, Cody reverses, launches Allin over the top rope, but Allin lands on the rope, springboard crossbody on Cody, cover, two. Allin gets rocked with a spinning powerslam. Cody with a kick and ten-punches in the corner. Cody tosses his weightbelt out to the front row. 10 minutes down, match has 20 minute time-limit. Cody sits Allin on the top rope, Cody with a reverse suplex, cover, two. Back and forth action during the break. Allin with a code red off the second rope, cover, two. Allin with an over-the-top stunner. Allin looking for a coffin drop, Cody rolls to the apron. Allin ends up adjusting and hitting a coffin drop on the apron! Back in the ring, Cody lands a knee to the face. Five minutes remaining.

Cody goes for the springboard cutter, Allin dodges it. Allin looks for the stunner, but ends up taking a cross rhodes, cover, two! Cody is surprised by that one. He looks to AA and resets. Cody charges in and ends up running into that exposed buckle. Allin up for the coffin drop, AA tells Cody to lift up his knees, he does, catches Allin as he drops down, cover, 1-2-3.

Winner: Cody

- Backstage, Jen Decker talks with AEW World Tag Champions SCU. She asks what fans can expect from them in 2020. SCU says everyone is stepping up, noting Dark Order and Santana & Ortiz. Sammy Guevara comes up and talks some trash to Christopher Daniels, asking him what he has besides some wrinkles on his face. Says maybe Daniels doesn't have it anymore with all those L's on his record. The two will meet in the ring, next week.

AEW Women's World Championship: Riho (c) vs. Nyla Rose vs. Britt Baker vs. Hikaru Shida

Rose hits Riho with the title before the match gets going. She then cracks Baker with the title, too. Shida whacks Rose with her kendo stick. Match gets officially started, Shida with a knee to the head, Rose rolls out of the ring. Riho is back up, looks for an arm drag, Shida stops it, hits one of her own, Riho with a dropkick. Baker sent into the corner, Riho takes another arm drag by Shida. Rose drags Shida out to the floor and brings a table out from under the ring and sets it up on the floor.

Rose takes control of the match, goes after Shida, who ends up giving Rose a back body drop. Shida looks for a suplex on Rose, nope, Shida gets lifted and dropped over the top rope. Rose then heads to the top rope and drops the knee over the back of Shida's head. Rose puts Shida on the table, Rose then leaps and hits a senton cannonball on Shida through the table.

Rose crawls on the apron, Riho with double stomp on Rose's back. Baker plants Rose, cover, two. Baker looks for lockjaw, but Rose fights out of it. Baker with a triangle submission, Rose fights out with a powerbomb, cover, Riho breaks that up. Riho flips under Rose, double stomp to the stomach. Riho to the top rope, double stomp to the stomach, cover, and Baker with a superkick to the face. Swinging neckbreaker, cover, two. Shida back in the match, dead-lift suplex on Baker. Shida avoids Rose as she crashes into the corner, then suplex Riho into Rose. Shida with a spinning backbreaker on Baker, Rose just lifts and suplexes Shida. Riho gets dropped by Rose. Rose goes to the top rope and looks for a senton on both women, they both move though. Shida with a knee, nope, Riho with double knees on Rose, cover, Shida breaks it up. Shida lifts and plants Rose, cover, close three! Baker with a superkick on Shida, side russian leg sweep, lockjaw, mandible claw attempt is countered into a two count. Riho then immediately flips in with the jackknife pin on Baker for the victory.

Winner: Riho

- Post-match, Rose with a big clothesline on Riho. She brings a table into the ring and sets it up. Riho is put on the table, Rose with a diving splash on the table,

- Backstage, Joey Janela is asked by Alex Marvez what he's looking forward to in 2020. Janela goes to speak and gets lowblowed by Penelope Ford. In strolls Kip Sabian to see what she did. The two laugh and head off.

- Evil Uno cuts a promo talking about how The Elite are done as we see footage from when the Dark Order took out the group. Uno says we will see how far The Dark Order's reach truly is.

Jon Moxley vs. Trent (with Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy)

Back and forth action in the early stages with Moxley taking control. Moxley with a suplex off the second rope, cover, two. The two end up on the floor and brawl a bit. Back in the ring they trade back and forth chops. Moxley whips Trent into the corner, but Trent hits a half-and-half suplex. Moxley out on the floor, Trent with a flip over the top rope down on his opponent.

Back in the ring, Trent with a tornado DDT, cover, two. Moxley with a running knee strike, plants Trent face-first to the mat. Couple counters and pin attempts that lead to only two-counts. Moxley with a big lariat, Trent with one of his own. Cassidy makes his way into the ring and gets in Moxley's face. He puts his hands in his pockets. Moxley does the same, turns around though and eats a kick by Trent. Piledriver lands, cover, two. Moxley makes his way out to the ramp. Trent leaps off the top rope, but gets caught and eats a paradigm shift. Moxley gets his opponent back in the ring, hits another paradigm shift, cover, 1-2-3.

Winner: Jon Moxley

- Post-match, from the crowd, Sammy Guevara comes out with a mic. He tells Moxley he sees why he comes through the crowd, takes someone's drink (a plant), throws it at them afterwards, says he sees why Moxley does this. Guevara says it's 2020 and the Inner Circle has a big surprise for Moxley. Via video, AEW World Champion Chris Jericho says Moxley looked great in the ring and is the premier wrestler in the business. Jericho says he wants Moxley in the group and wants Moxley to lead the group with Jericho.

"I'm offering you 49% of the Inner Circle, LLC." Jericho standing in front of a Ford GT, and offered it to Moxley with a license plate that says "MOX." All Moxley has to do is say yes. Jericho wants Moxley to team up with the group so they can take out everyone in AEW. "Think about it Mox, the world can be ours, all you have to do is say yes." Jericho drives off in the car. Moxley gets a mic, says he's always considered Jericho a friend and a mentor. Ambrose says he'll give his answer in-person, next week.

- During the split-screen commercial break, Sammy Guevara has a bunch of cards with words on them. He runs through everything Moxley will get if he joins the group, asks out Victoria Justice's sister, and plugs his social media accounts.

Dustin Rhodes vs. Sammy Guevara

Rhodes' music hits and Guevara waits for him to come out, Rhodes comes out from behind to get the first shot on Guevara. Rhodes lifts and tosses Guevara and is in complete control thus far. Rhodes clotheslines Guevara out to the floor, then hits a cannonball senton off the apron. Back in the ring, Rhodes goes to the top rope, but out comes Jake Hager, getting Rhodes' attention. Hager broken Rhodes' arm a couple months back. Rhodes refocuses, hits a spinning powerslam on Guevara on the floor.

Rhodes and Hager stare at each other, but Guevara with a dropkick on Rhodes as we go to break. Back and forth action, Hager gets involved and attacks Rhodes with the referee distracted. Rhodes really rolling now, drops down and hits an uppercut, inverted atomic drop, kick to the face. Guevara recovers, drops Rhodes, standing moonsault, cover, two. On the apron, Rhodes a canadian destroyer! Even Hager couldn't believe that one, cover, Hager hops up on the apron and gets punched right in the face. Guevara charges and gets flipped over the top rope on Hager. Rhodes gets Guevara back in the ring, smacks Guevara on the backside, chop to the chest, sets up shatter dreams. The referee gets in the way though. Guevara pulls on the ref, Hager gets in there and hits a lowblow on Rhodes. Guevara with the pin, and the win.

Winner: Sammy Guevara

- Backstage at a bar, Jen Decker talks with Private Party and asks about their 2020. They go to compliment Decker, and Adam Page shows up at the bar behind them. Private Party aren't thrilled with Page just showing up during their promo and not saying hi. They feel like he's got a problem, he says he could kick both of their asses and storms off. He comes back to get his drink, Cassidy says Page is gonna pay for his comment to them.

- MJF and Wardlow head to the ring, MJF will announce his stipulations to wrestle Cody. During the commercial break MJF barks at some fans ringside. He has a woman kiss his ring and then kiss him. He offers the ring to another woman, who passes. MJF snaps one of the fans signs. He offers the ring up to a male fan and he kisses it. Crowd does not like MJF as we return to the show. MJF says he's the good guy here, but the fans are two dumb to figure that out.

MJF lists off his stipulations to face Cody, it has to be at AEW Revolution. If Cody even touches him, no match at the PPV, or ever. MJF says the second one is Cody has to face Wardlow, and beat him in a steel cage match. The last one, he wants Cody to get down on all fours and MJF is going to whip him ten times.

- Backstage, Jen Decker talks with Jungle Boy about being able to last ten minutes with Chris Jericho. Jungle Boy says he did what he set out to do and in 2020, he's looking for a win. Says it will be a big year for Jurassic Express.

- A tipsy Adam Page joins commentary for the main event.

- Backstage, Riho is asked about next week's match against Kris Statlander. Britt Baker interrupts and isn't happy about being here each week (along with running her dental practice!), yet Riho just rolls on in, steals a win, and heads off. Baker says Riho doesn't deserve to hold the title. Riho looks sadden by Baker's words.

- Next week: Cody and Dustin Rhodes vs. Lucha Bros. Also, Private Party vs. Hangman Page and Kenny Omega.

PAC and Lucha Bros vs. The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega

Lots of a face paced action to get things started. Omega out on the floor, PAC with a twist flip down on Omega. Back in the ring, Omega is able to get the tag and get the Young Bucks going. Matt and Nick with some slick double team moves on PAC. The brothers with stereo canadian destroyers on the Lucha Bros.

Omega back in the ring against PAC. Omega offers PAC to throw a shot, back and forth strikes. PAC with a snap german suplex, misses an enziguri and eats a knee strike to the back of the head, snap dragon suplex, sitdown powerbomb, but Pentagon with a big kick to Omega's head. Pentagon with slingblades on both Young Bucks. Omega with a boot to Pentagon's mid section, but then eats a back stabber.

Fenix tags in, Pentagon eats double superkicks, Fenix with double cutter on Matt and Nick. Omega with a snap dragon on Fenix, rolling cutter by Fenix. PAC tags back in black arrow hits, cover, Bucks break up the pin. Double superkicks on Pentagon. Fenix tags in, flies in off the top rope and eats a big kick to the face. Omega with one winged angel, cover, 1-2-3.

Winners: Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks

- Post-match, Cody comes out and celebrates with the group. Page tells commentary he's heading out. The guys are calling for Page to come into the ring. Page gives a thumb up, says "I didn't do anything though," and doesn't go to the ring.