View Full Version : ECW House Results - 15th Oct 2006 (Phoenix, Arizona)

10-17-2006, 05:46 AM
ECW House Results - 15th Oct 2006
Location: Phoenix, Arizona

Thanx for report from Steve Gomez-Montes:

Hey guys, love the website... went to the ECW show last night and thought I'd send a recap. Super fun show, way better than any Raw or Smackdown event I've been to in the larger arenas. Lots of crowd interaction with the wrestlers since it's a small venue. Celebrity Theatre holds about 2700 seats and no seat is farther than 75 ft from the stage, so great place for a show, 6th row seats were awesome. Although they put rows 1 + 2 as folding chairs right up against the ring apron which is already on a 1 1/2 - 2 ft stage, so the people up front weren't too happy. Here's what went down:

Balls Mahoney def Shannon Moore - OK match, typical "Balls" chants, he got the night off to a good start. Balls wins via Michinoku-Driver.

Heyman's Security def FBI - again, OK match, more technical match. Slow in some parts but still good. Crowd really hated the Security team. Security uses the nightstick to win.

Stevie Richards def Eric Perez - typical filler match, Stevie got more than decent crowd reactions. This Perez guy I think was a local wrestler... the guy sitting behind me was from a local promotion and he and his crew cheered for Perez big time. Richards wins with a roll-up after Perez complains to the ref.

Tommy Dreamer & Sandman def Matt Striker and Rene Dupree - interesting start... Striker comes out in pink tights and a pink sweater. He plays up a gay angle where he found a man who he can change in the locker room with and be in the shower with. And out comes Dupree, who counters the gay angle by talking about women. So I don't know where that's going. They run down ECW and us fans for not being classy. Out comes Dreamer and sticks up for ECW and the fans. Dreamer gets jumped and out comes Sandman. Match begins after Dreamers suggests he and "this drunken bastard" take them on. Funny moment... in the beginning, Sandman uses an arm-drag takedown into and armbar on Striker, and Dreamer in the close corner to us looks out at the crowd and says to everyone "Did the Sandman just do an arm-drag? Am I drunk?" Dupree charges in and Sandman arm-drags him in to another armbar and Dreamer looks back at the crowd and signals "2?" Solid match, more offense from Sandman than I'd expect. Still he ended up the whipping boy of the match and got the hot tag to Dreamer who cleans house. Finish saw Dreamer use a wicked DDT and Sandman hit the Heineken-Rana and White-Russin Leg Sweep for the win.

After the bout, Sandman was about to leave but Tommy got on the mike and told him to get "his drunken ass" back in the ring. He asked the crowd if there was anyone extreme enough to get in the ring and have a beer with the Sandman. He said they were leaving for Japan tomorrow and the wanted to have a send-off party. They invited about 15 people into the ring, including a handicapped guy who used forearm cructhes to get around (Tommy said "Wow, you are extreme") and had a beer bash. They cleared the ring except for Dreamer and the handicapped guy. Tommy took his shirt off, gave it to the guy and raised his arm. Super class act. He thanks everyone and leaves the ring. Thank you Tommy Dreamer!

***Intermission time***

Trinity wins over Rebecca & Kelly Kelly in best body contest - a bit of a surprise since I'm sure Kelly was meant to win. Trinity wore a strip of yellow caution tape as a top and short shorts. The new girl Rebecca wore a white bikini, and Kelly wore a super small skin-colored string bikini (good Lord she's smokin!!!) After the win, Trinity talked trash and both girls got in Kelly's face and pushed her down, then Trinity and Rebecca get into a cat-fight. Mike Knox comes out to pick up help Kelly as the other 2 girl finish the fight and are led back. And CM Punk's music hits...

CM Punk def Mike Knox - The crowd's super hot for Punk as he gets a great reaction. Knox dominates early and Kelly disapproves. Knox goes out of the ring and sits her in the corner on the other side of the ring (boo). Back in the ring, Punk takes over and takes out Knox. Knox gets frustrated and Punk leaves the ring and goes over to Kelly. He checks her out and shows her off to the crowd... Knox chases him around the outside and gets the upper hand as Punk comes back in the ring. Kelly is sad for everytime Knox attacks Punk. As Knox is about finish him off, Kelly gets up on the ring to tell him to stop, allowing Punk to turn the tide and launch a final offense on Knox. Punk wins with the knee in the corner - bulldog - punches and kicks - Americana submission. After the match Punk celebrates in the ring while Knox is on the outside of the ring close to us and Kelly comes over (yeah!, finally). She consoles him and Knox grabs her as if he's about to hit her. Punk looks over and everyone wants him to go after Knox. Knox calms down and he and Kelly head back. Punk stays in the ring and salutes everyone on all 4 sides of the ring. He is extremely thankful and gracious. Thank you too Punk!

RVD and Sabu def Test and Kevin Thorne under Extreme Rules. Thorne and Ariel come out and do their usual entrance. Then Test comes out and man is he hated. He is damn huge too!!! He goes around the ring talking back to everyone, flipping them off as they're doing to him. Sabu comes out to a great ovation. RVD comes out to a monster pop. He plays off to the crowd and we love it! The ref starts the match but it doesn't actually get going for another 5 minutes or so. RVD still hearing it from the crowd who won't stop and he plays off it. Then in a great moment, as the crowd dies down for RVD, a "Test likes penis" chant starts behind him. Test looks back angrily as Thorne backs away from him to a neutral corner playing off it. In the corner, Thorne starts cracking up as does Test a bit. The chant continues and Test gets on the mike and says "Remember, you guys are buying the Divas posters while I'm hittin' them!" Which gets mostly heat, but some applause. The match begins with Sabu and Thorne. Soon Sabu and RVD double team including an Air Sabu off of RVD on all fours, who was too far from Thorne in the corner making Sabu barely hit Thorne, which RVD and Sabu have a quick laugh about. A "You F'd up" chant starts and RVD is outside in the corner telling the crowd it was his fault. Then Test and RVD go at it, with more heat for Test and some *Test is Gay" and "Steroids" chants. It's not too long till the chairs come out and a table is set up in the ring. Lots of chairs thrown (they were either thrown really hard getting a great reaction from the crowd or really softly getting a bit of a bad reaction), Air Sabu off a chair (a good one this time), Sabu body slammed as Thorne holds a chair against his back. Finish saw the double RVD Frogsplash - Sabu Legdrop combo off opposing ropes onto Thorne on the table, which was just sick. RVD and Sabu celebrate with the crowd as the show ends.