View Full Version : WWE NXT Live Coverage - January 29th, 2020

01-29-2020, 06:51 PM

Who will challenge Adam Cole at TakeOver: Portland?

WWE COO Triple H revealed after Worlds Collide that the challenger to NXT Champion Adam Cole at TakeOver: Portland will be revealed tonight on USA Network. The Game also noted that NXT General Manager William Regal is working on something “pretty epic” for the Feb. 16 event in the Rose City. Just what is in store for The Undisputed ERA’s leader?


- Tonight's WWE NXT episode opens up with highlights from last Wednesday's episode and Saturday's WWE Worlds Collide event. We also get a plug for the finals of the 2020 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, featuring comments from the late WWE Hall of Famer himself.

- We're live on the USA Network from the NXT Arena at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida as Mauro Ranallo welcomes us. He's joined by Nigel McGuinness and WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix. Mauro mentions Beth's Royal Rumble return and we go to the ring.

Finn Balor vs. Trent Seven

Finn Balor makes his way out first for tonight's opener. NXT UK Superstar Trent Seven is out next. We see video of Balor attacking Seven in the parking lot on Tuesday night, warning he and Tyler Bate to stay out of his business after Bate saved Johnny Gargano from a backstage attack at Worlds Collide on Saturday night.

Seven goes to enter the ring but Balor immediately kicks him to the floor. Balor unloads as fans go wild. Balor comes back in the ring as fans cheer. The referee talks to Balor as Seven recovers on the outside. Seven comes in and tosses his towel as the bell rings but Balor goes right to work on him. Balor beats Seven back down and stomps away.

Fans try to rally for Seven but Balor dominates him. Balor with another dropkick through the ropes, sending Seven into the barrier. The referee counts as Balor sends Seven into the apron and then the barrier. Balor with a chop and more offense before bringing it back in. Balor keeps Seven grounded in the middle of the ring now. Seven fights out and chops Balor but Balor drops him and nails a double stomp for a close 2 count. Balor keeps control and slams Seven, then drops an elbow for another close pin attempt. Balor goes for 1916 but Seven rolls him up with a small package out of nowhere for a close 2 count.

Balor comes back with more chops and nails a Slingblade to bring Seven down. Balor works on Seven's neck while he's down and the referee warns him. Balor drops Seven with another big shot to keep control. We go to commercial with Seven in pain on the mat.

Back from the break and Seven is mounting offense. Seven avoids a back-drop and drops Balor with a DDT. Fans rally for Seven now as he takes Balor to the corners. Seven runs into double boots but comes right back with a snap back suplex. Seven with a big back-fist and a lariat for a close 2 count. Seven sends Balor out and then nails a suicide dive, sending Balor into the barrier for a big pop.

Seven brings it back into the ring and goes to the top, still clutching his throat. Balor knocks Seven from the top to the mat. Balor sends Seven face-first into the turnbuckles, then nails the dropkick back into the turnbuckles. Balor goes to the top for a Coup de Grace and he nails it. Balor follows up with the 1916 DDT for the pin to win.

Winner: Finn Balor

- After the match, Balor stands tall as his music hits. We go to replays. Balor stares at the camera to send a warning to Johnny Gargano ahead of their "Takeover: Portland" match.

- Cathy Kelley is backstage with Matt Riddle and Pete Dunne. They're both confident about winning the 2020 Dusty Classic finals tonight.

- The announcers hype Dakota Kai vs. Tegan Nox and we get a video for the match. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get some sort of teaser. The numbers could indicate something for 5/2/20, which could be May 2, 2020. The numbers were shown inside flaming circles with two more empty flaming circles that were sort of blue.

Shotzi Blackheart vs. Deonna Purrazzo

We go to the ring and out first comes Shotzi Blackheart. Deonna Purrazzo is out next. This match comes after Deonna attacked Shotzi backstage after last week's show.

They lock up and trade holds. Deonna takes Shotzi down first but Shotzi tosses her by the arm. Shotzi comes back and drops Deonna with an enziguri. Deonna catches Shotzi in mid-move and drops her with an armbar. Deonna dominates for several more minutes but Blackheart mounts offense and hits a Question Mark kick.

Purrazzo comes back with a counter to a kick but Shotzi nails a Lungblower. Shotzi goes to the top while Deonna is down. Blackheart hits a big senton splash and covers for the pin to win.

Winner: Shotzi Blackheart

- After the match, Blackheart celebrates as her music hits. We go to replays. Blackheart makes her exit in her mini-tank, riding it to the back.

- We get a look back at Keith Lee winning the NXT North American Title from Roderick Strong last week. Lee will be here tonight. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see highlights from WWE Worlds Collide.

- We go to the ring and out comes new NXT North American Champion Keith Lee to a big pop. Fans start chanting his name after the music stops.

Lee introduces himself as the new champion and a "you deserve it!" chant breaks out. He goes on about winning the title last week from Roderick Strong, and says he's a moment maker, a game changer, and a prophecy ender. Lee says next on his agenda is... the music interrupts and out comes Damian Priest with his spotlight entrance. Priest fires his imaginary arrow at the big screen to light his name up in flames. He heads to the ring.

Priest takes the mic and says he doesn't know if Lee is aware of this, but he likes taking things, that mean something to him. It could be a group of women or a prized possession, but he gets what he wants and what he wants right now is Lee's title. Lee says everyone does. Priest just wants to know how Lee is going to give the title to him. The music interrupts and out comes Dominik Dijakovic to the ring.

Dijakovic says he and Lee have been through their share of battles, some of the best, and if anyone deserves the title it's Lee. Lee agrees. Dijakovic says if anyone is going to be the first to challenge Lee, it won't be bootleg Marilyn Manson, it will be me. Fans pop as Dijakovic and Priest face off and have words. Lee says it looks like they have a debate to handle, so he's going to leave that to them. Lee goes to leave the ring but Dijakovic stops him by grabbing his shoulder, and they have a few words that we can't hear. Priest does the same to Dijakovic from behind. They face off and have words as Lee watches. Priest ends up dropping Dijakovic with a punch as Lee exits the ring. The referee rushes the ring and we've got a match as Mauro says NXT General Manager William Regal just made it official that quick.

Dominik Dijakovic vs. Damian Priest

The bell rings as Damian Priest and Dominik Dijakovic start brawling back & forth. Dijakovic ends up hitting a big Pendulum backbreaker and then a second rope splash. Priest kicks out at 2.

Priest rolls to the floor to regroup but Dijakovic immediately follows and clubs him in the back. Priest rocks Dijakovic back in the face. Priest goes for a Crucifix Bomb on the floor, slamming Dijakovic across the apron and he nails it. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and they're going at it. Dijakovic launches Priest across the ring for a pop. Priest blocks a chokeslam and unloads with kicks. Priest with a big forearm and a lariat to drop his opponent. Priest goes on and hits a Flatliner for another close 2 count. They trade counters again and Dijakovic hits a sitdown powerbomb but it's not enough. They end up on the floor and Dijakovic hits a big moonsault to the floor as fans chant "NXT!" now.

Dijakovic brings it back into the ring but Priest catches him with a big chokeslam for a 2 count. Priest leaps from the ring to take Dijakovic back down on the floor, interrupting his breather. They come back in and both go down after colliding with big boots. More back and forth now. Dijakovic goes for a big move from the second turnbuckle but Priest fights back with elbows.

Priest hits a super Poison Rana from the top and fans go wild but Dijakovic still kicks out at 2. Dijakovic blocks The Reckoning. Dijakovic with a Torture Rack, right into Feast Your Eyes. Dijakovic immediately covers for the pin to win.

Winner: Dominik Dijakovic

- After the match, Dijakovic recovers and is slow to get up as his music hits. We go to replays. Dijakovic celebrates his win to cheers.

- We see The Grizzled Young Veterans warming up backstage. We also see highlights of what led to tonight's tournament finals.

- Cathy is backstage with Tommaso Ciampa. She brings up William Regal announcing Adam Cole's "Takeover: Portland" opponent later tonight. Ciampa interrupts and says Goldie is coming home at Takeover, and tonight "Daddy" will make sure of it. He knocks a pipe against the wall and walks off. Back to commercial.'

- Back from the break and we see The Undisputed Era's Bobby Fish, Kyle O'Reilly and Roderick Strong laid out in the back. Tommaso Ciampa comes walking up and he drops the pipe, apparently just using it on the three members of the group. Ciampa comes walking out to the arena and his shirt is ripped. He's carrying a table as fans pop and chant "Daddy's home!" at him.

Ciampa sets the table up in the ring as we see medics and officials tending to The Undisputed Era backstage. Fans chant "Psycho Killer!" now. Ciampa has a big yellow "X" over the table. NXT Champion Adam Cole has arrived in the back, asking officials who did this to his partners. Cole walks out to the arena with a mic and asks Ciampa who he thinks he is. He calls Ciampa a coward and says he can't get away with that. Ciampa says he's a guy who never lost that NXT Title, he's Goldy's Daddy.

Ciampa says Cole is going to walk down the aisle, step into the ring, and Ciampa is going to whip his ass. Ciampa says then, he's going to powerbomb Cole through the table. "X" marks the damn spot, Adam. Ciampa says then he's going to sign a contract for his match against Cole in Portland. Ciampa says he's going to take his title and his life back, and Goldy will come home. NXT General Manager William Regal comes out and says while the attack was happening, he was with Cole in his office and Cole doesn't care who he faces at Takeover as he's already signed the contract.

Cole snatches the contract from Regal and says he's got this. Cole goes on about how he's Adam Cole and he's the NXT Champion of the world. Fans cheer his promo. Cole says hes going to enter the ring and he's going to... Cole decks Ciampa and they start fighting with Cole getting the upperhand. Ciampa levels Cole with the title belt and drops him. Ciampa then puts Cole through the table like he said he was going to do. Ciampa is bleeding from the top of his head, and maybe his wrist, as he picks the contract up and signs it. Fans chant "Use the blood!" and Ciampa wipes his blood all over the contract. Ciampa then wipes his blood on the title belt and stares at it as fans chant "Daddy's home!" again. Ciampa makes his exit as the music hits.

- The announcers go over the "Takeover: Portland" card now. Beth leads us to a video package on Bianca Belair. Belair and NXT Women's Champion Rhea Ripley will meet for an in-ring segment next Wednesday.

- Still to come, Nox vs. Kai. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see how NXT UK Superstar Jordan Devlin won the NXT Cruiserweight Title over former champion Angle Garza, Isaiah "Swerve" Scott and Travis Banks in the Worlds Collide Fatal 4 Way on Saturday night. Devlin will be here live next Wednesday.

Tegan Nox vs. Dakota Kai

We go right to the ring and out comes Tegan Nox. She's all business and ready to fight. Nox waits in the ring with the knee brace in her hand as she's forced to watch a video on the big screen of Dakota Kai turning on her at WarGames last year. Out comes Kai and she rushes the ring. Nox tosses the brace at Kai and goes right to work on her.

Kai turns it around coming out of the corner. Nox with an inverted senton. Kai turns it around on the floor and tosses Nox over the barrier into the crowd. They fight over near a production area and Nox slams Kai face-first into some steel as the referee counts. Nox beats Kai around the NXT Arena and back to ringside. Nox breaks the count but rolls back to the floor as Kai levels her with a big kick to the face.

Kai tosses someone from a steel chair and brings it over but Nox kicks it out of her hand. Nox sends Kai face-first into the ring post. Nox sends Kai into the ring and grabs the chair to follow but the referee is distracted by Kai. Nox comes in and ducks a shot with the brace. Nox with a big German suplex. Nox runs the ropes for a suicide dive but Kai decks her at the ropes with a forearm. Kai goes to swing the chair but Candice LeRae runs down and comes from behind, pulling it out of her hands.

Kai returns to the ring as the referee is distracted by Candice on the outside. Kai turns around to a big shot to the face with the knee brace from Nox. Nox follows up and nails the Shiniest Wizard. Nox covers Kai for the pin to win.

Winner: Tegan Nox

- After the match, Kai recovers in the ring as Nox backs up the ramp with LeRae. We go to replays as Nox's music plays.

- We see The BroserWeights backstage warming up. Beth shows us a video of what led to tonight's tournament finals. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get the teaser with the flaming circles again. This time they re-arrange in this order: 2, 5, 20.

Chelsea Green vs. Kayden Carter

We go back to the ring and out comes Chelsea Green, representing The Robert Stone Brand. Stone accompanies her to the ring. Kayden Carter is out next as Alicia Taylor does the introductions.

The bell rings and Carter immediately nails a dropkick. Green comes right back and sends Carter face-first into the ropes. Green works Carter over and nails a big dropkick for a 2 count in the middle of the ring. Carter looks to mount offense but Green kicks her from the corner. Green sends Carter back down in the corner. Green grounds Carter right in front of Stone as he watches. Green sends Carter face-first into the turnbuckles.

Green beats Carter down in the corner again. Green keeps Carter grounded with a side headlock now. Carter fights up but Green slams her back to the mat. Carter blocks the Unprettier and rolls Green for a 2 count. More back and forth now. Carter springboards from the bottom rope with a superkick. They tangle some more and Carter nails another kick to the face for a 2 count.

Carter talks some trash and smacks Green. Carter charges but Green counters and drops her with a big boot Green talks some trash and shows off now as some fans boo her. Carter takes advantage and rolls Green up out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Kayden Carter

- After the match, Carter heads to the stage to celebrate as Green throws a fit. Stone tries to calm her. We go to replays. They continue talking trash from the stage and the ring.

- Still to come, the finals of the 2020 Dusty Classic. Back to a break.

2020 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Finals: The BroserWeights (Matt Riddle, Pete Dunne) vs. The Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake, Zack Gibson)

Back from the break and it's time for tonight's main event. Out first comes The BroserWeights for the finals of the 2020 Dusty Classic Tag Team Classic tournament. Pete Dunne stops and checks out the Dusty Classic Cup trophy on the stage. Matt Riddle is out next and they head to the ring together. They also pose together in the middle of the ring. Out next are NXT UK Superstars James Drake and Zack Gibson - The Grizzled Young Veterans.

The bell rings and we get formal ring introductions from Taylor. Dunne and Drake start things off, locking up and trading holds. Dunne goes right to work on the arm and the hand, bending the fingers back to take Drake down. Dunne keeps control and tags in Riddle for the double team as they work on both hands now, then deliver stomps to the back of the head. Drake turns it around on Riddle but Riddle goes for an ankle lock. Drake grabs the ropes to break it, then nails a back elbow. Gibson tags in for the double team on Riddle.

Gibson unloads on Riddle in the corner now, beating him down. Riddle turns Gibson around in the corner and unloads with kicks. Riddle with a big gutwrench suplex for a pop from the crowd. Dunne tags back in for double teaming on Gibson. Drake tags right back in and they run the ropes. Dunne clotheslines him down. Dunne goes to the apron. Dunne knocks Drake back and then moonsaults onto Gibson on the floor. Drake rocks Dunne to the floor. Dunne gets leveled on the floor by both opponents as fans boo. Dunne grabs at his shoulder as Drake brings him back in for a close 2 count.

Dunne fights Drake off with a bunch of chops. Drake rocks him back into the ropes. Drake sends Dunne shoulder-first into the ring post. Dunne falls out to the floor as the boos continue. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Gibson hits a big German on Dunne. Dunne comes back and finally tags in Riddle. Riddle unloads on Gibson and knocks Drake off the apron. Dunne with forearms and an Exploder suplex to Gibson as fans cheer him on. Riddle goes on and hits the Broton, then the big kick to the face. Riddle with a German suplex to Gibson for a 2 count in the middle of the ring.

Gibson comes back with a jawbreaker to send Riddle back. Drake tags in but Riddle levels him with a Spear. Riddle with a BroHammer to Gibson as fans chant his name. Dunne tags in and they double team Drake. Dunne and Riddle with a powerbomb from Dunne into Riddle's knee. Dunne covers Drake for a close 2 count. Riddle comes back in off a tag as Drake sends Dunne over the top to the floor. Gibson tags in but Riddle nails a double jumping knee. Gibson comes back with another powerbomb variation for a 2 count. More back and forth now. Gibson drives Riddle into the mat with another big suplex for a 2 count. Riddle slaps from his knees. Gibson slaps back and talks trash. Riddle slaps back. Gibson unloads. Riddle counters a move and they trade holds. Drake tags in and they double team Riddle some more. Drake dropkicks Dunne from the apron to the floor. Drake with an enziguri to Riddle. They double team Riddle again but Dunne makes the save and they drop the NXT UK Superstars. Riddle with a powerbomb and Final Flash to Gibson for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring.

Riddle with a Broton and a Fisherman's buster to Drake but he still kicks out. Riddle kicks Drake and nails another Broton, and another in the middle of the ring. Drake counters Riddle and hits a DDT in the middle of the ring. Gibson and Dunne tag in at the same time. They unload with strikes in the middle of the ring as fans cheer them on. Dunne with a German suplex and a double stomp on the fingers. Gibson rolls Dunne and they trade attempts Dunne with the ankle lock submission. Riddle runs in to stop Drake from charging at Dunne to break the ankle lock. Riddle now has the ankle lock on Drake while Dunne has the same hold on Gibson. The NXT UK Superstars counter at the same time, sending their opponents out to the floor. Gibson and Drake recover on the mat as fans boo the reversal. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Gibson tries to put Dunne away. Riddle comes up to the apron but Gibson rocks him. Drake also stops Riddle. Drake leaps to take Riddle out and down on the floor. Gibson comes off the top with a Ticket to Ride, taking Dunne down for another close 2 count. Gibson grounds Dunne with a submission now. Riddle comes in to break it but Drake mounts Riddle's back with a submission, both submissions locked in at the same time. Riddle breaks them both and all four competitors are down as fans pop.

Drake leaps off his partner's back but Dunne and Riddle catch him in mid-air powerbombing him on top of Gibson's back. Dunne and Riddle double team Drake again for another close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Riddle scoops Drake for the Tombstone and Dunne goes to assist off the second rope, but Gibson shoves Dunne off. Drake drops Riddle for a close 2 count. Drake with a big enziguri to Riddle. Drake dropkicks Dunne on the apron, sending him into an Electric Chair on Gibson, who is on the floor. Drake runs the ropes and leaps out, taking Dunne off Gibson's shoulders to the floor. Fans chant "holy s--t!" now.

Riddle rocks Gibson but Drake assists with the double team. Gibson drops Riddle and Drake flies off the top rope. Gibson covers but Riddle still kicks out at 2 as fans go wild. Gibson and Drake go for another double team but Dunne comes back in. Dunne and Riddle hit the Bro Derek on their opponents at the same time. Dunne takes Gibson down on the floor with a big moonsault as Riddle hits a Floating Bro on Drake in the ring. The finish sees another double team as Dunne hits an enziguri to the head while Riddle connects with Bro To Sleep on Drake for the pin to win.

Winners of the 2020 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: Matt Riddle and Pete Dunne

- After the match, The BroserWeights celebrate in the ring as we go to replays. We come back to the confetti falling and sparks going off next to the trophy in the middle of the ring. Riddle and Dunne celebrate as NXT General Manager William Regal stands in the ring and applauds them. Riddle and Dunne vs. The Undisputed Era is official for Takeover in Portland. NXT goes off the air with Dunne and Riddle continuing their big celebration as fans cheer them on.