View Full Version : MVP Thanks WWE For Final Match With Company

01-31-2020, 04:16 PM
MVP took to social media recently to thank WWE for what he is referring to as his final match with the company. The 46-year-old was a surprise appearance in the Royal Rumble match on Sunday and then dropped a single’s match to Rey Mysterio on RAW the following night.

Here is what MVP posted to social media:

"One for the history books. My FINAL WWE match took place on Monday Night RAW against my close friend and legend @619iamlucha A great way to close out that chapter. The end of my career looms larger every month. It's been one HELL of a ride! I'm not finished just yet. But soon. Very soon. Thank you @wwe and the #wweuniverse for all the love!!! What an amazing week I've had."

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“Salute to you boss! You’ve had one hell of a run. Next stop, Hall of Fame!” wrote AEW’s Scorpio Sky.

Mad respect…… &…… if it was the last one in WWE, it was a pleasure and an honor to be part of that chapter!

— ?Rey Mysterio? (@reymysterio) January 30, 2020

People keep asking me about the "deal I signed" with WWE. I never signed a deal. I came back so that my son could see me wrestle in person and for him to see me wrestle his favorite wrestler.
As usual the industry leeches are reporting misinformation as fact

— MVP (@The305MVP) January 30, 2020

Speaking to Vice, MVP opened up about how going to prison led to the start of his wrestling career.

“My life is an open book,” MVP said. “As a teenager I was into gangs and guns and nonsense. I was all about robberies, I used to say the world was my ATM, I ended up doing six-and-a-half months in the juvenile facility for robbery, armed robbery, aggravated assault, grand theft auto, resisting arrest. It was a nice little crime spree I was on.”

“When I was in work release that’s where I met my buddy, Prime Time Daryl D, aka Daryl Davis, who is a correctional officer and was also an independent pro wrestler.”