View Full Version : WWE RAW Live Coverage - February 10th, 2020

02-11-2020, 12:35 AM

Rollins, Murphy & AOP to battle KO, Samoa Joe & The Viking Raiders on Raw

An epic Eight-Man Tag Team Match will pit Raw Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins and Murphy with AOP against Kevin Owens, Samoa Joe & The Viking Raiders. The match was first reported by Sports Illustrated in an interview with Seth Rollins, as The Monday Night Messiah continues to pull the strings of the Raw locker room.


- Tonight's WWE RAW on the USA Network opens up with the usual video package.

- We're live from the Toyota Arena in Ontario, California as the pyro explodes. Tom Phillips welcomes us and reminds us we're only 55 days away from WrestleMania 36. Tom is joined by Byron Saxton and WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler. They hype tonight's show - the big eight-man main event, RAW Women's Champion Becky Lynch defending against WWE Women's Tag Team Champion Asuka, plus Drew McIntyre on The VIP Lounge with MVP.

- We go right to the ring and Mike Rome does the introductions as RAW Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins and Murphy are already standing there with The Authors of Pain - Akam and Rezar. Rollins welcome us to RAW and says he's proud to stand here as our Monday Night Messiah. Fans boo.

Rollins talks about how he didn't like the new nickname at first but it's growing on him and he understands he has to lead the people because they can't do for themselves. Rollins shows us footage from last week's six-man with The Viking Raiders and Kevin Owens vs. AOP and Murphy. Rollins goes on and on about how he's frustrated with Owens and his friends. Rollins says they aren't leaving the ring tonight until their message is heard. The music interrupts and out comes Owens.

Owens and Rollins trade words until Owens brings out The Viking Raiders. They end up going to the ring but Murphy and AOP meet them at ringside. The six Superstars brawl at ringside as Rollins watches from the ring. Samoa Joe comes from behind and drops Rollins into a Coquina Clutch as fans go wild. Murphy and AOP make the save for Rollins. The Vikings and Owens enter the ring to continue the big brawl. Murphy is left alone in the ring with a babyface. Owens delivers a big Stunner, sending Murphy out of the ring. Joe's music hits as they celebrate and pose in the ring.


RAW Women's Title Match: Asuka vs. Becky Lynch

RAW Women's Champion Becky Lynch makes her way to the ring while the other Superstars are still wrapping up the opening segment. The Man hits the ring and poses as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes WWE Women's Tag Team Champions The Kabuki Warriors - Asuka with Kairi Sane. Asuka talks trash on the mic but she's just laughing and carrying on, some in Japanese. Becky and everyone else looks confused. We get formal ring introductions from Rome. Back and forth to start the match. They trade counters and attempts for a few minutes. Becky fights up and they taunt each other. Lynch rocks Asuka and starts working on the arm as fans chant her name.

Asuka blocks a pin attempt but Lynch keeps her grounded with a side headlock. Sane cheers Asuka on. They get up and run the ropes but Lynch drops Asuka with a big shoulder as fans pop. Lynch flexes and shows off but Asuka rocks her a few times. Lynch sends Asuka back down. Lynch charges in the corner but misses. Sane ends up on the apron with Lynch. Sane taunts Lynch. Lynch goes for a big boot but misses as Sane jumps back to the floor. Asuka takes advantage of the distraction and knocks Lynch to the floor with a Hip Attack. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Asuka is in control now. Fans try to rally for Becky as Asuka keeps her grounded in the middle of the ring. Becky fights up and out but Asuka hits another Hip Attack. Asuka keeps charging but Becky fights back. Becky with a series of clotheslines and a dropkick now. Fans pop for Becky as she kicks Asuka back down.

More back and forth now. Becky blocks a German suplex. Asuka avoids the Dis-Arm-Her. Asuka with a big knee to the face. Asuka drives Lynch down with a sitdown powerbomb variation but Becky still kicks out at 2. Asuka charges but Becky avoids it Lynch ends up sending Asuka to the floor. Lynch flies off the apron but takes out Sane instead of Asuka as Sane sacrifices herself. Asuka takes advantage and drops Lynch from behind with a kick. Asuka brings it back in the ring but runs into a huge boot to the face. Lynch comes off the top but Asuka catches her with a Codebreaker in mid-air for another close 2 count. Sane and Asuka can't believe it.

Lynch avoids the Asuka Lock but Asuka sends her shoulder-first into the ring post. Lynch dodges a Hip Attack and Asuka gets stuck in the ropes. Lynch applies a Dis Arm Her on the ropes but the referee counts. They tangle some more on the apron now. Lynch ends up driving Asuka down on the apron for a pop from the crowd. We go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Asuka hits a big superplex for a close 2 count. Asuka shows some frustration now, delivering the dropkick to the face for another pin attempt. Asuka goes right into an armbar. Lynch finally powers up from a triangle, dropping Asuka back down into the mat. Asuka kicks out at 2 as Sane yells at them. Fans chant "this is awesome!" now. Asuka dodges Becky's top rope leg drop and goes right into the Asuka Lock.

Lynch struggles on the mat as they tangle some more. They trade pin attempts. Lynch ducks a kick and rolls Asuka up for another 2 count. Asuka blocks the Dis Arm Her again for a pin attempt. Lynch ends up driving Asuka back down and covering for the pin to retain.

Winner: Becky Lynch

- After the match, Becky stands tall as her music hits. Becky raises the title in the air until WWE NXT Superstar Shayna Baszler suddenly attacks out of nowhere, dropping Becky from behind. Baszler works Becky over and then goes after her the back of her neck. Baszler bites the back of Becky's neck and comes back up with blood pouring all out of her mouth. Baszler screams out as the referee checks on Becky, who is rolling around in pain as the referee checks on her. Some fans boo Baszler as she marches up the ramp. A frantic Becky is talking with the referee with blood everywhere. The referee puts on his gloves and tends to Becky as we see paramedics coming down to check on The Man. Lynch insists she's fine. She yells at one paramedic to take it easy as they try to check on the wound. Back to commercial with a split screen as Lynch is helped away from ringside.

Mojo Rawley and Riddick Moss vs. The Street Profits

Back from the break and WWE 24/7 Champion Mojo Rawley is in the ring with Riddick Moss. We see Becky Lynch backstage insisting she doesn't need medical attention. The Street Profits are out next - Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins. They celebrate with fans and the ring. Tom says Mojo's 24/7 Title is not up for grabs during this match. Fans chant "we want smoke!" as The Profits take the mics. They take shots at Mojo and we get the bell.

There's some back and forth to start but The Street Profits quickly put Moss away after a double team Spinebuster and splash combo.

Winners: The Street Profits

- After the match, Mojo comes in to help Moss back to his feet. Moss rolls Mojo up and pins him to become the new WWE 24/7 Champion. Moss takes off with the title.

- We see Becky Lynch backstage, still arguing with officials and paramedics. She ends up stealing the ambulance and driving away with the sirens on.

- We go to the ring for the return of The VIP Lounge as MVP makes his way to the ring. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and MVP is in the ring with the setup for The VIP Lounge. Some fans chant his name. He gives an intro and says he gave back because he had an itch to scratch, and he's still ballin' like Roddy Ricch. MVP goes on and introduces his guest for tonight. Out comes Drew McIntyre for a pop.

Drew marches down the ramp and he's stopped by two guys at the bottom of the ramp, who aren't sure about letting him through MVP's red ropes. They want to check his name on the guest list but he powers past them and hits the ring. MVP gives Drew some props for doing things his own way and they mention the WrestleMania 36 match with WWE Champion Brock Lesnar. Drew jokes about pointing to the sign and he does for a pop. MVP wants Drew to keep his eye on the prize and ignore what the non-VIP people are saying behind his back. MVP goes on about how some people think Drew isn't ready to be champion. Not MVP, but some people. MVP goes on and there's some tension brewing. MVP wants to be Drew's business manager, to help guide him. Drew says that's the catch.

Drew says maybe MVP could be his Paul Heyman. MVP agrees but he would be a much better looking version. Drew says the difference between he and Lesnar is that he doesn't need an external brain thinking for him, someone talking for him, or a business partner kissing his ass like MVP is doing. MVP says Drew knows better, he's never been an ass kisser, but he is an ass kicker. They face off for a second. Drew goes to leave but MVP grabs his arm and tells him not to turn his back because he needs MVP.

Drew drops MVP with a Glasgow Kiss headbutt. Drew gets hyped up and takes his shirt and jacket off as fans pop. He counts down from 3 and drops MVP with a Claymore kick when he gets up. Drew mocks the "Ballin'" gesture for a laugh from the crowd. Drew poses in the corner and points up at the WrestleMania sign as his music hits. We go to replays. Drew marches out of the ring and stops to intimidate the guys controlling access to The VIP Lounge. Drew poses on the stage and yells out one more time to end the segment.

- The announcers show us a video package on Randy Orton's recent attack to WWE Hall of Famer Edge. Orton will be here tonight to explain the attack.

- Still to come, Angel Garza will be in action. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see Seth Rollins and his crew backstage.

Angel Garza vs. Cedric Alexander

We go back to the ring and Cedric Alexander waits in the ring as NXT Superstar Angel Garza comes out with Zelina Vega. Vega takes the mic and shows us how Garza debuted on RAW last week by taking out his cousin Humberto Carrillo and then going at it with Rey Mysterio. Garza takes the mic and talks some trash until Carrillo runs down to the ring and tackles Garza. Carrillo unloads on Garza until officials and security hit the ring to pull him off. Garza talks trash from the floor but Carrillo is held back. Security and referees back Carrillo up the ramp as Vega and Garza taunt him from ringside.

The referee orders Garza into the ring. The bell rings and Cedric tries to attack but the referee backs him off. Vega provides a distraction and Garza takes advantage, dropping Cedric. Garza grounds Cedric and works on his arms now. Cedric turns it right around but Garza breaks it with a back headbutt. Garza sends Cedric to the apron but Cedric rights back in and hits a hurricanrana. Cedric clotheslines Garza and unloads with kicks as fans cheer him on. Cedric with a running forearm in the corner and a big dropkick to the back of the neck. Cedric kips up for a pop.

Garza goes out for a breather. Cedric tries to attack through the ropes but Garza catches him and slams him on the floor as Vega applauds. Garza looks to expose the concrete as the referee counts. He changes his mind and goes back to Cedric but gets rocked and sent into the barrier. Cedric brings it back in and goes to the top but Garza dropkicks him in mid-air. Garza rips his pants off for another pop. Garza grabs Cedric and hits the Wing Clipper in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Angel Garza

- After the match, Garza is all smiles as he stands with Vega in the ring. We go to replays while the music plays.

- The announcers show us how NXT Women's Champion Rhea Ripley interrupted Charlotte Flair last week on RAW. No mention of Flair's appearance on NXT. Charly Caruso is backstage with Ripley now, asking if she's still waiting for an answer from The Queen. Ripley says no because she gets up, gets out and does what needs to be done. Charly brings up the "Takeover: Portland" match with Bianca Belair this coming weekend but Sarah Logan interrupts. Logan isn't happy with Ripley thinking she can just come to RAW. They have some words as Ripley knocks Logan by asking who she is. It looks like we've got a match for later. Ripley walks off and Logan isn't happy. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Carmella vs. Bayley for the title is confirmed for SmackDown.

- Sarah Schreiber is backstage with Lana and Bobby Lashley for comments on tonight's match with Ricochet. Lana and her "My Bobby" shtick is getting really old and annoying but she continues. Lashley looks like he might be getting annoying too. Lashley says he will reintroduce Ricochet to reality tonight, and he won't make it to Super ShowDown to face WWE Champion Brock Lesnar. Lashley says Lesnar can thank him for this one. Lana dismisses Schreiber.

Sarah Logan vs. Rhea Ripley

We go back to the ring and out comes Sarah Logan with a mic. She has words for Rhea Ripley and introduces herself. Out next comes the NXT Women's Champion for a match. Ripley hits the ring but the music interrupts and out comes Charlotte Flair.

Flair waves at Ripley from the stage and tells her to proceed. The bell rings and Logan attacks but Ripley gets the upperhand. Ripley dominates Logan while looking up at Flair. Ripley dropkicks Logan as Flair claps from the stage.

Ripley with a few more shots before hitting the Riptide in the middle of the ring for the squash win.

Winner: Rhea Ripley

- After the match, Flair claps from the stage as Ripley stands tall and her music hits. We go to replays. Ripley takes the mic and wants to know where her answer is. Ripley says she's gone to RAW and Flair to NXT, but still no answer. Flair says maybe that's just how The Queen operates. Ripley says maybe Flair just likes being a royal pain in her... Flair interrupts and has a question before she answers Ripley's question. Flair asks how do we know that Ripley will still be the champion after her "Takeover: Portland" match with Bianca Belair this Sunday. Flair throws a "Wooo!" at Ripley from the stage and her music starts up. Ripley raises the title in the air as they stare each other down. The segment ends without an answer to the WrestleMania 36 challenge.

- Still to come, Lashley vs. Ricochet. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a promo for WrestleMania 37 in Los Angeles.

- We get a video package on Ricochet winning the recent Fatal 4 Way to earn the Super ShowDown title shot from WWE Champion Brock Lesnar.

Ricochet vs. Bobby Lashley

We go back to the ring and out first comes Bobby Lashley with Lana. Charly is backstage with Ricochet now, asking about Lashley's threats from earlier. Ricochet isn't concerned and says he's never backed down from a fight, and doesn't plan to start now. Ricochet has dreamed of being the WWE Champion for 17 years and nothing will stop him from the biggest opportunity of his career, nothing will stop him from walking, crawling or limping into Super ShowDown. The music hits and out comes Ricochet to the ring now.

This match is presented by the new Sonic The Hedgehog movie. The bell rings and Ricochet attacks in the corner. Ricochet keeps trying to mount offense but Lashley drops him in the corner. Ricochet uses some of his speed to get over on Lashley but Lashley drops him with ease using a shoulder. Lashley presses Ricochet high over his head but he slides out. Lashley still drops him.

Ricochet fights back with kicks after they tangle near the apron. Ricochet ends up kicking Lashley to the floor. Ricochet runs the ropes and hits a big suicide dive. Ricochet brings Lashley back into the ring but he fights back. Ricochet tosses Lashley back to the floor. Ricochet runs and leaps out again, taking Lashley back down. Back to commercial.

More back and forth after the break. Ricochet keeps fighting and lands another big kick. Lashley ends up launching Ricochet into the top of the ring post. Ricochet falls out to the floor and lands hard. Lana cheers Lashley on as we get a replay. Lashley follows to the floor and works Ricochet over against the barrier now, keeping him down.

Lashley picks Ricochet back up and tosses him into the barrier as Lana applauds. Lashley brings it back into the ring. Lashley with a suplex for a 2 count. Lashley grounds Ricochet in the middle of the ring now as we get a split screen with a trailer for the Sonic The Hedgehog movie, which is the presenting sponsor of this match. Ricochet tries to get up but Lashley keeps hitting him with big knees to the gut. Ricochet fights back and drops Lashley with an enziguri.

Ricochet keeps fighting and sends Lashley to the corner but Lashley is still standing. Ricochet with a kick to the face. Ricochet dropkicks Lashley into the corner. Ricochet goes on and hits a big crossbody from up high, then a running standing Shooting Star Press. Lashley still kicks out at 2. Ricochet scoops Lashley when he gets up but Lashley clubs his way right out. Lashley dumps Ricochet to the mat after blocking a few shots. Lashley overpowers again and hits a massive Spinebuster in the middle of the ring. Ricochet somehow kicks out and Lashley can't believe it. Lashley with a big forearm to the back. Lashley takes Ricochet to the top for a back superplex but Ricochet lands on his feet. Everyone is shocked. Ricochet unloads with kicks in the corner. Ricochet goes to the top as fans pop. Ricochet hits the 630 from the top for the pin to win.

Winner: Ricochet

- After the match, a furious Lana throws a fit at ringside as Ricochet's music hits. We go to replays.

- Still to come, Randy Orton will be here. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Tom plugs Charlotte Flair's appearance on WWE Backstage tomorrow night.

- We see a replay of Shayna Baszler attacking Becky Lynch earlier tonight following her title defense over Asuka. We also see how Becky stole the ambulance.

- We go to the ring and out comes Randy Orton.

Orton enters the ring as fans boo him. He takes his time and looks out around the arena like he did last week. Orton takes t mic and says he still owes everyone an explanation for what he did two weeks ago to WWE Hall of Famer Edge. Orton says what he did to Edge hurt him more than it did Edge. Before he can continue, the music interrupts and out comes Matt Hardy to a pop.

Fans chant "Delete!" as Matt walks to the ring with a mic. Matt says he and everyone else wants to know why Orton did it. Matt is in the ring now. Matt says Orton is probably thinking why does Matt give a damn about Edge. Matt talks about his history with Edge and fans chant for WWE Hall of Famer Lita. Matt says there was a time when he absolutely hated Edge, but before that he and his brother Jeff Hardy were really close with Edge and Christian. Matt goes on about how they revolutionized the Ladder Match. Fans chant "TLC!" and Matt goes on about what they did with the TLC Match, and how it will be a staple in WWE forever. Matt says they went to WrestleMania a few times and stole the show multiple times, and they did it together.

Matt goes on about Edge's retirement and how he finally made the most miraculous return ever 9 years later, but Orton took that away. Matt tells Orton to look at him. Matt asks what the hell is wrong with Orton. Orton goes to speak but tries for the RKO instead. Matt blocks it and they tangle. Orton blocks a Side Effect and then drops Matt with the RKO in the middle of the ring. Some fans boo as Orton goes to the timekeeper's area and brings a few steel chairs in the ring. Orton places one chair under Matt's head and then uses the other chair to smash his head as referees run down. It's too late. Orton drops the bent chair and stands over Matt as fans continue to boo. Orton rolls out of the ring as referees come in to check on Matt. Fans boo as we go to replays. Orton stops on the stage and turns around as the boos get louder. Orton stares back at the ring as we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see how Liv Morgan was attacked by the returning Ruby Riott. Sarah Schreiber is backstage with Riott now, asking why she has so much animosity for her former partner. Ruby says Liv was her best friend and best friends know everything about each other. Ruby says she knows the real Liv and she's like a little puppy dog on a leash. Ruby says she's not buying this new Liv who acts like she can strike when she wants to. Ruby says Liv is a follower and she came back to put her in her place, to remind Liv that she strikes when she says so. Ruby walks off.

Aleister Black vs. Akira Tozawa

We go back to the ring and out comes Aleister Black as Akira Tozawa waits in the ring.

The bell rings and Tozawa avoids a big boot. Tozawa dodges a shot again but Black ends up sending him to the mat. Black runs into boots in the corner. Tozawa with a dropkick to drop Black. Tozawa mounts some offense but Black nails a big pop-up knee strike in the middle of the ring.

Black stands over Tozawa and lifts him up with his foot. Black then levels Tozawa with a big Black Mass. Black takes his time covering for the pin to get the easy win.

Winner: Aleister Black

- After the match, Black sits up next to Tozawa as his music hits. We go to replays and come back to Black standing tall. Black takes the mic and says he's enjoyed these past few weeks, getting to share these intimate moments with fans and he's appreciative of every person here tonight because that is what it's all about. Black says everyone here tries to escape to their given idea of paradise, one way or another, and he knows a thing or two about rebelling to paradise. As for himself, Black is starting to feel like an animal inside of a cage. He takes a seat in the middle of the ring again as the lights go down and a spotlight shines on him. Black says those who come out from now on should know it's not him in the ring with them, it's them who will be trapped in a cage with him.

- We see Becky Lynch walking in the back after returning to the arena in the ambulance, sirens blaring. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a promo for WrestleMania 36, which is just 55 days away.

- The announcers show us a family at ringside who received a seat upgrade from Little Caesars.

- We go back to the ring and out comes RAW Women's Champion Becky Lynch and she's all business.

Lynch takes the mic and fans chant her name. Baszler says the doctors numbed her up, gave her something real nice for the pain and now she's back on RAW to smash her face in. Becky calls Baszler out. Becky says Shayna got her attention. She doesn't care how tough Shayna is or who she hangs out with because she's ran through them all. Becky says she will break Baszler down week by week, little by little. Becky says Baszler better find her before she finds her first. She tosses the mic and exits the ring as her music hits. Becky marches back up the ramp.

- We see Samoa Joe and Kevin Owens backstage walking with The Viking Raiders. Back to commercial.

Samoa Joe, Kevin Owens and The Viking Raiders vs. Seth Rollins, Murphy and The Authors of Pain

We go back to the ring for tonight's main event and out comes Samoa Joe, Kevin Owens and The Viking Raiders - Erik and Ivar. Out next comes RAW Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins and Murphy, and The Authors of Pain - Akam and Rezar.

Rollins takes the mic before the match and goes to speak but a big brawl breaks out. Both teams spill out to the floor and keep fighting. Back to commercial before the bell hits.

Back from the break and the match is underway. Joe unloads on Murphy early on. Joe drops Murphy in the corner and then nails an enziguri. Owens tags in and hits a big elbow drop in the corner. Owens taunts Rollins and he tries to come in. Ivar tags in and slams Murphy as Erik also tags in. Erik slams Ivar on top of Murphy. Erik covers for a 2 count on Murphy.

Akam ends up tagging in and beating Erik down. Erik tries to hold Akam's leg but he gets kicked. Rezar tags in for the big AOP double team. Rezar drops Erik with a big knee for a 2 count. Rezar clubs away on Erik now. Murphy comes back in and keeps control. Erik knocks the others off the apron and unloads on Murphy. Ivar tags in with big power moves and a splash on Murphy. Ivar knocks others down on the apron and dukes it out with Murphy. Murphy tries to use his speed but Ivar levels him with a huge clothesline for a pop. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Akam brings Owens back in the ring for a 2 count. Murphy tags in and keeps him down, then tosses him out of the ring. Murphy distracts the referee, allowing Rollins to rock Owens on the floor. We get a big fall-away slam into the barrier now. Owens crawls in but Rollins rolls Murphy in to stop the tag. Akam tags in and drags Owens back to their corner. Rezar tags in with a big elbow to the ribs for a quick pin attempt on Owens.

Rezar keeps Owens grounded in the middle of the ring now. Akam tags back in for the double team on Owens. Rollins plays to the crowd from the apron and they mostly boo him. Owens tries to fight to his corner but Akam takes him back down and works him over. Murphy tags in and unloads on Owens again, grounding him to the mat now. Fans try to rally for Owens. Owens fights up and out, trading strikes with Murphy. Owens rocks Murphy and then rocks Rollins off the apron with a right hand. Owens spikes Murphy into the mat with a big DDT.

Joe gets the hot tag and unloads on Rollins as he also comes in. Fans pop. Rollins boots Joe and comes off the second rope but Joe nails the inverted atomic drop. Joe keeps the offense going and sends Rollins to the floor. Joe goes to runs the ropes for a dive but AOP gets on the apron to meet him. The Vikings come in and knock AOP off the apron. Joe and The Vikings run the ropes, diving out at the same time on AOP and Rollins. Rollins and Joe trade shots in the ring again now. Rollins fights off the Coquina Clutch with a jawbreaker. Joe slams Rollins with a Uranage but Murphy breaks it up at 2.

There's chaos in the ring now as everyone gets involved, hitting some of their signature moves as the referee tries to restore order. Owens goes to the top and hits a big cannonball to the floor, taking down AOP and The Vikings against the barrier, breaking it. Joe dodges a Stomp from Rollins in the ring. Murphy tags in as Joe applies the Coquina Clutch on Rollins. Joe breaks it and applies it on Murphy now, bringing him down. Rollins breaks it with a Stomp while the referee is distracted by AOP on the apron. The referee didn't see Murphy tap out to Joe. Rollins rolls back out after hitting Joe with the Stomp. Murphy immediately covers Joe for the pin to win.

Winners: Seth Rollins, Murphy, Akam, Rezar

- After the match, the heels immediately retreat up the ramp as Rollins' music hits. They all stand tall together and stare back at the ring, laughing at the losers of the match. RAW goes off the air.