View Full Version : Alicia Fox Celebrates 6-Months In Recovery

02-21-2020, 07:49 PM
Victoria Crawford, better known to wrestling fans as Alicia Fox, is celebrating 6-months of recovery. The former Divas Champion took to social media to comment on her accomplishment.

"Happy Six months #recovery to me! 🤘🏾💕 #speechless and still growing! Recovery and addiction challenge forms of #norm 🧘🏾*♂️ but who’s want to mature to ‘normal’ anyway!? 💓 keep EXPANDING (OK…. Now that’s a complete thought 🥰😂🤔💭)"

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Fox’s status as an active wrestler in WWE is unclear. Her profile was moved to WWE.com’s alumni section in October last year but no formal announcement of her retirement has been made.

Last November, Fox posted the following to her Instagram account and spoke about being 2-months sober at the time:

"🤔💕… for a WHILE I thought I could avoid addressing my #recovery of alcohol. I am human, and realized it was time to be #transparent and #honest w you #socialmedia now written on #cyberconcrete 👀💕 TODAY, Im a few months #sober, I’ve creatively navigated my emotions, snagged some new skills AND I WANT TO HELP!!! Ive learned that alcoholism is life threatening situation and support is available!! I figured I can share my insight and BE of SERVICE to anyone finding it hard to believe that ‘YOU ARE IMPORTANT’ and deserve an opportunity to learn how to live a clean and sober life… it would be an honor to share my #hope, #strength, and #experience 🙌🏾✨ SNAIL MAIL ME at @resilienceamongmankind 3948 3rd Street South suite #442; Jacksonville Beach 32250 🌻💕 I’m inviting everyone to a safe social place to discuss and expand understanding of our transforming minds 🙏✨ #fancyasfox 🦊#foxyladies are in #recovery too!! Ok! Thx for allowing me get that off my chest!! 🐏 💨✨#rambrand #resilienceamongmankind V. III. x."

It was reported last summer that Fox was sent home following an incident with a fan.

Allegedly Alicia Fox was a drunk mess over the week. Trying to confirm what exactly went down. Very sad. Hope she gets the help she needs.

— Casey Michael (@ifyouseekcasey) August 13, 2019

Arn Anderson’s firing from WWE last year is said to have been related to Fox as well. Anderson is said to have been released for allowing Fox to work while intoxicated.

Fox has had a lengthy run in WWE, first signing with the company in 2006. She made her main roster debut in 2008. She is a former Divas and OVW Champion. From 2006 until 2019, Fox wrestled in 1012 matches with WWE, Ohio Valley Wrestling, or Florida Championship Wrestling. Her overall record is 330W-680-2D.