View Full Version : 2 Year Old Drives Van

02-17-2006, 06:07 PM
CARROLLTON, Ill. (AP) -- A toddler apparently isn't interested in taking baby steps when it comes to driving.

Police here said that Vicki Evans' son, who turns 2 years old next month, managed to work his way into the driver's seat of his mother's van on Feb. 7 when she hustled into a convenience store, leaving the engine running and the toddler in his safety seat.

Evans, 33, told police in a report released Wednesday that when she glanced outside, she saw her van cross U.S. 67. As she gave chase, the vehicle ran through a car-wash bay and two panels of fencing before hitting the side of a house.

Evans' son was found in the front seat, unhurt.


Police Chief Mike Kiger said the toddler was too short to reach the gas pedal, so the van must have just coasted after the boy got in to drive.

No citations were issued.

Carrollton is about 50 miles north of St. Louis.

Dumb bitch for leaving the van going AND leaving her "born to be wild" baby in it as well

02-17-2006, 07:21 PM
Now that's just fuckin' idiotic right there. Why leave a toddler in a running car unsupervised? Especially if you're going into a store. She shouldn't be having that kid if she doesn't know how to take care of him properly.

02-17-2006, 07:34 PM
I agree at least have the decensy to cut off the car. But my question how in the hell did she allow the baby to be in a way where he can get out of his seat .

Thats neglegence right there.

02-17-2006, 07:51 PM
this is stupid...