View Full Version : AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - March 11th, 2020

03-11-2020, 08:22 PM

AEW Dynamite

This week on DYNAMITE, Hangman Page selects a partner to take on The Inner Circle's Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara. The newly formed Death Triangle (Pac & Lucha Bros) face Private Party & Joey Janela. MJF joins The Butcher & The Blade to battle Jurassic Express. Also, Cody goes up against Ortiz of The Inner circle for the first time ever in singles action!


- After highlights are shown from last week's show, this week's show opens up with what we're later told was an "earlier today" interview segment backstage at the Maverik Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, where Tony Schiavone is with "Hangman" Adam Page and The Young Bucks.

Schiavone asks Hangman about the mystery tag-team partner Page has lined up for tonight's match against The Inner Circle duo of Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara. The Young Bucks asks Page if that is why they asked them to come here. Hangman bickers with one of the Bucks while giving Schiavone nothing in terms of hints when asking who his mystery partner will be tonight.

- From there, we shoot inside the Salt Lake City arena where pyro goes off, fireworks explode and Jim Ross formally welcomes us to the show. After that, Schiavone references the interview segment we just saw, hyping the mystery partner for Hangman Page later in the show.

Ortiz vs. Cody

After that, the theme music of Proud 'N' Powerful plays as The Inner Circle duo of Santana and Ortiz make their way to the ring for tonight's opening contest. His opponent, Cody, is out next to a great pop from the Utah fans, as he is greeted by Brandi Rhodes and Arn Anderson.

The referee calls for the bell and tonight's one-on-one opening contest between Ortiz and Cody is now officially underway. As the fans chant "Cody! Cody!" we see "The American Nightmare" jump off to an early offensive lead.

Out of nowhere, with no music, we see Jake "The Snake" Roberts accompanied by Lance Archer as the two make their way through the fans in the Maverik Center as they are apparently going to sit ringside for this one. The announcers point out who Lance Archer is for the viewing audience that might not be aware.

We are reminded of Jake's recent debut and vow to make Cody's life a living hell. Meanwhile, Ortiz is taking over in the offensive driver's seat in this match after Jake "The Snake" and Lance Archer's entrance distracts Cody.

The fans break out into "Holy sh*t" chants upon seeing Jake and eventually "Jake The Snake! Jake The Snake!" chants. Cody is firing up with punches and a drop-down punch to finish, but moments later a distraction provided by Santana on the floor outside the ring allows Ortiz to take the legs out from behind Cody.

Ortiz is now working on the leg of Cody. Cody gets a brief hope spot in the match to showcase the sell-job on his leg that is already becoming a clear-cut focal point from The Inner Circle member. Ortiz is clearly in the lead now in this match. Ortiz dumps Cody to the floor and grabs the ref to show him something. While the ref is distracted, Santana gets in some cheap shots.

Back in the ring, Ortiz comes up short on a pin attempt as the camera cuts to Jake and Archer watching from their seats in the crowd over-and-over again. Cody takes a weight belt off and starts making his comeback now as the crowd goes into an extended roar that is sustained so long that J.R. addressed it. "They love this kid!" said 'Good Ole' J.R."

Cody with the ten-punch spot now as the crowd counts along. Brandi takes her belt off and takes a swat at Santana. Ortiz turns the tide in the ring now and gets Cody to the top rope. He brings Cody down with authority by way of a massive super-plex off the top-rope.

Ortiz loses focus briefly and Cody fights his way back in the match. As Santana closes in on Brandi and Arn again, Cody runs and dives through the ropes, splashing onto Santana in the process. Ortiz tries to follow up with a dive on Cody, but Cody catches him on his way out and slams him.

We see as Jake and Archer are standing up now from their seats. Archer was about to jump the guard rail but Jake stops him and whispers something in his ear. The two begin to leave now as they make their way through the fans out of the arena.

Cody with a dragon-screw wrenching on the leg of Ortiz in the ropes in the corner of the ring. Now he jumps off the middle romp and stomps the same leg. He lets out a war cry before sweeping the legs of Ortiz and applying the figure-four leg lock. Ortiz eventually rolls over to counter the move. Cody rolls him back to reverse the counter, putting the hold back on Ortiz. Ortiz taps out. Cody wins in this week's opener.

Winner: Cody

- The chaos continues after the bell as Cody's post-match celebration is cut off when Santana bashes Cody while he was posing for the fans on the ropes. He starts putting the boots to Cody but out of nowhere runs Matt Jackson of The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega to make the save.

As they check on Cody after running off Santana and Ortiz, we see Chris Jericho appear on the big screen from backstage. Jericho, who is with Jake Hager and Sammy Guevara, reminds us that he has put the entire AEW roster on notice.

Jericho then reveals that they just ran into Matt Jackson to start delivering on that promise. The camera pans and we see a garage door lowered on the bloody face of an unconscious Matt Jackson. Jericho makes a wise-crack and The Inner Circle trio walk off.

Moments later, Cody, Omega and Nick Jackson show up where Matt is, and they stand and watch as doctors rush in to check on him and tend to him. We head to a commercial break on that note.

- We return and we see a car that we are told Cody and Nick Jackson are in following an ambulance that Matt Jackson was just loaded into out of the arena parking lot and to the hospital.

Kris Statlander & Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose & Bea Priestley

We shoot back live inside the Maverik Center in Salt Lake City where we move on to action in the women's division here in AEW, as a women's tag-team bout is up next.

Out first comes Kris Statlander as the announcers make Star Wars references. Now her partner for tonight, Hikaru Shida, makes her way to join her in the ring.

Their opponents are out next. First out is Bea Priestley, who the commentators talk about being someone with a big upside as she is still young and early in her career.

Her partner, the reigning AEW Women's World Champion Nyla Rose comes out next wearing a Deontay Wilder (pre-Tyson Fury 2) style mask as fire pyro explodes behind her while she poses with the AEW Women's World Title.

The announcers sell the dominance of Rose as she finishes her entrance by kneeling in front of the belt in the ring. This AEW women's tag-team bout is now officially in progress as the bell sounds.

Rose and Priestley charge at Statlander and Shida immediately to start the match to jump off to an early offensive advantage. When the smoke clears, it is Rose and Shida left as the legal participants in the ring, as Rose dominates the action in the early goings.

The AEW Women's World Champion tags in Priestley now, who comes in and picks up where she left off, taking it to Shida in the corner. The fans break out into a "Shida! Shida!" chant as Tony Schiavone does some AEW Shop promotion. We head to a mid-match commercial break.

The fans chant "Holy Shida! Holy Shida!" after she hits a cool spot and begins making her comeback on offense. She's all fired up now, hitting release German suplexes, running knee strikes and other offense.

Priestley manages to make the tag to Nyla Rose before Shida can tag in Statlander. As a result, a fresher, much larger, Rose comes in bullying the already weakened Shida.

Rose sets Shida up for the knee-drop guillotine off the top, but Statlander makes the save. Shida looking for a brainbuster on Rose. She gives it up in favor a kick to the dome. Now she scoops the much larger champ up and hits a sit-out slam for a pin attempt that gets broken up.

After a lot of interference spots from both teams, Shida hits a super plex on Priestley, however Rose grabs her and hits her finisher seconds later. 1-2-3. Nyla Rose and Bea Priestley win.

Winners: Nyla Rose & Bea Priestley

- Once the match is over, as the announcers are putting over how good of a tag-team Rose and Priestley are, Priestley takes the opportunity to take a free shot at the champ. She knocks her down and poses with the title.

- After we see highlights of Christopher Daniels faking out The Dark Order by dressing up as "The Exalted One" only to reveal it was himself before attacking them at the AEW Revolution pay-per-view, we shoot to a comedy parody vignette that shows Christopher Daniels doing a mock-version of the "Join The Dark Order" ads that have been airing throughout the weeks on AEW Dynamite.

Daniels goes on to claim there is no Exalted One. He says he's challenging Evil Uno and Stu Grayson in separate one-on-one matches. He says when he beats them both and no "Exalted One" comes to save them, it will prove there is no "Exalted One" in the first place. We head to commercial after this segment.

The Butcher, The Blade & MJF vs. Jurassic Express

When we return from the break, The Butcher and The Blade are making their way to the ring accompanied by The Bunny. Out next is their tag-team partner for tonight, who comes out accompanied by Wardlow, Maxwell Jacob Friedman (MJF). Jim Ross tells us for those keeping score, MJF turns 24 soon. A cocky MJF poses in the ring as the fans boo while he finishes up his entrance.

Out next are the trio of Jurassic Express -- The Luchasaurus, Marko Stunt and Jungle Boy -- complete with the fireworks treatment for their ring entrance. Jungle Boy, 22, and Marko Stunt, 23, are also touted as young prospects by the announcers. Our first of two big six-man tag-team matches this week at AEW Dynamite is now in progress. Aubrey Edwards will be the ref for this one.

Once the bell sounds, it doesn't take long before the heels are in the offensive driver's seat after The Butcher and The Blade hit a double chop-block on the back of both of Luchasaurus' knees. MJF takes over from there as we head to a mid-match commercial break.

We're back from the break and we see Luchasaurus finally starting to show signs of life, although he is still walking extra careful on the two legs that The Butcher and The Blade took out earlier in the contest.

Now his legs appear to be strengthening up, as while both guys hold on to each leg of Luchasaurus, he drags them step-by-step from one end of the ring to the other before ultimately making the tag.

Jungle Boy takes the hot tag and has already hit two spots off the top rope and is gearing up for a dive to the floor. He is momentarily stopped until Marko comes in to make the save. Afterwards, Marko hits the tope suicida but is caught and held until Jungle Boy follows behind him to knock down The Butcher and The Blade as they were holdingj him. Now, Luchasaurus hits a crazy step-up dive of his own that looked super impressive in live speed.

Back in the ring, Luchasaurus hits Blade and MJF with a double chokeslam before following up with a standing moonsault. His pin attempt is broken up and now the ring is cleared of everyone except Luchasaurus and The Butcher, who exchange shoulder smashes into each other like two rams or rhinos or something.

Now Marko is up looking for a high spot but The Bunny hops on the apron for a distraction while The Blade throws him off and onto the floor. MJF yanks Marko in his Salt of the Earth submission finisher and this one is over.

Winners: MJF, The Butcher & The Blade

- We see highlights of Darby Allin's incredible performance in last week's AEW Dynamite main event. From there we cut to a new black-and-white vignette that shows Darby Allin driving a pickup truck that has "RIP Sammy" spray-painted on the side of it while he drives around dragging a body bag with something written on it behind him.

- Back live in the Maverik Center, Tony Schiavone is holding a stick mic at the entrance stage ramp as he introduces Dr. Britt Baker.

Baker comes out and is immediately talking trash about the dental care that the fans of Salt Lake City appear to practice. She continues taking digs at the local fans in the arena while a smirking Tony Schiavone sips on his coffee.

As she continues talking smack, out comes Big Swole to confront Baker. Swole says she watches the product and brings up Baker's mouth and attitude. Swole says she shouldn't hide behind Schiavone, he doesn't even like her.

Baker takes a shot at Baker by claiming the only person who knows anything about wrestling in her house is her boyfriend, referencing WWE Superstar Cedric Alexander.

Swole says she doesn't know what Baker is talking about. She holds up her wedding ring and says, "I'm married, Bay-Bay!" referencing Baker's real-life boyfriend NXT Champion Adam Cole. Baker throws Schiavone's hot coffee on Swole and runs away as the fans chant "Swole! Swole! Swole!" in response to her "Bay Bay" line.

Joey Janela & Private Party vs. Death Triangle

We return and Joey Janela is making his way down to the ring where he will join Private Party -- Marq Quen and Isaiah Kassidy against the newly formed trio faction of "The Bastard" PAC and The Lucha Bros -- Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix, who now make their ring entrance together.

The bell sounds and here we go. PAC and Kassidy get things going inside the ring. Early on PAC is controlling the action, but within a few seconds Kassidy is firing up and evening up the offensive exchanges a bit. He tags in Quen. Quen and Kassidy hit some awesome double-team spots, including the Silly String.

Janela is tagged in as is Pentagon Jr. Janela hits a big clothesline and peppers The Lucha Bro with strikes before PAC runs in with a cheap shot from behind. Everyone hits the ring now as the baby faces eventually clear the ring. Janela hits a high spot from the ring to the floor before yelling "I'm A Bad Boy!" into the camera.

The action returns to the ring as we head to a mid-match commercial.

We return and see Janela hit a big diving headbutt to the floor. Private Party hit their Gin 'N' Juice double-team move into a Death Valley Driver. One of the Private Party members hits a crazy shooting star press off the top rope for a near fall that elicits a "This Is Awesome" chant from the Salt Lake City fans.

The Lucha Bros hit some double team offense including a diving double foot stomp for a near fall. Private Party lights the fans on fire with some more improvised-style high spots. Janela with a Death Valley Driver into a pin attempt that doesn't get the job done.

Once again the heel trio of Death Triangle is taking over on offense. The Lucha Bros hit a piledriver / stomp double team spot and PAC follows up with his wicked Black Arrow finisher off the top-rope for the win. Death Triangle is 1-0 as a trio in AEW after tonight's debut match.

Winners: Death Triangle

- Once the match is over, Death Triangle locks Joey Janela and Private Party in their "Death Triangle" finisher of the same name as their team name. It's a triple-submission hold with each member yanking back in a seated camel-clutch style position on grounded opposition simultaneously.

As they tighten the hold, out comes The Best Friends and Orange Cassidy to run off Death Triangle and break things up.

- We shoot backstage where Dustin Rhodes is in his ring gear and face paint ready for action after not being in ring gear or wearing face paint when shown earlier during the Matt Jackson injury angle.

Dustin goes on to reveal that whether Hangman likes it or not, he is going to be his tag partner tonight and help him do some "Cowboy Sh*t."

He mentions being sick and tired of seeing The Inner Circle running around like they own the place and can do whatever they feel. We shoot to a commercial break on that note.

- The announcers run down some of the action in store for next week's AEW Dynamite show from Rochester, New York.

- In addition to some announced matches, we are informed that "The Exalted One" of The Dark Order, which Daniels claimed just earlier in the show doesn't exist and would soon be proven after he beats both Dark Order members in singles matches, will officially be revealed.

- We are informed that Moxley has been medically suspended from the ring and as a result, is not here tonight in Salt Lake City. As a result, we kick it to a pre-recorded interview that Jim Ross did in one-on-one, sit-down fashion.

Moxley talks about how if Chris Jericho is as smart as he thinks he is it's scary, and how he has dared anyone from The Inner Circle to try and take what is rightfully his, the AEW World Championship.

Things end with Moxley delivering one final statement to Jericho as he stares into the camera with a big smile on his face.

Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara vs. Hangman Page & Dustin Rhodes

Justin Roberts is shown standing in the ring and he begins his intro for the first of two teams in tonight's AEW Dynamite main event, as out comes Chris Jericho and "The Spanish God" of The Inner Circle, Sammy Guevara, for their tag-team bout against Hangman Page and his mystery partner.

Out comes Hangman Page now as the familiar theme music of one-half of the AEW Tag-Team Champions plays in the building in Salt Lake City. The announcers speculate who Page's teammate is going to be. His music fades down and up comes the music for Dustin Rhodes.

Dustin makes his way out after clapping hands with Brandi Rhodes and QT Marshall. Hangman waves him down to the ring. The two appear to be arguing about something now as Dustin enters the ring.

The bell sounds and we're off and running with tonight's main event. Early on, Hangman is handling things well by himself but after things get hairy for 50-percent of the AEW tag-champs, he is finally forced to tag in Dustin. The announcers act surprised after reminding us that Hangman refused to tag Jackson when he was teamed up with one of The Young Bucks recently.

In the ring now, Guevara is the legal man and he continues to go to work on Dustin. Out on the floor now, Dustin is beaten up at ringside by Jake Hager and Proud 'N' Powerful while the ref is busy with the action in the ring.

We head to a mid-match commercial break on that note. When we return from the break we see Dustin is still isolated in the ring and the duo of Jericho and Guevara are still in control with ease.

Finally, Dustin makes the tag. Hangman takes the hot tag and is all fired up, knocking down and taking out everything in sight that moves. Jericho tags himself in and tries getting a cheap shot in on an unsuspecting Hangman, however Page catches him coming in and blasts him.

Dustin and Hangman both climb to the top rope together. Dustin dives on Jericho in the ring while Hangman dives onto Guevara, Hager and others on the floor. The fans chant "Cowboy sh*t!" as Hangman looks for the Buckshot but is caught by Jericho coming in.

Now Guevara goes to the top rope and lands on his feet after a shooting star press finds no one to land on when Hangman gets up. On the floor, Hangman and Jericho exchange punches as Dustin hits The Destroyer on Guevara. Hangman follows up with the Buckshot Lariat. 1-2-3. Hangman and Dustin pick up the win.

Winners: Hangman Page & Dustin Rhodes

- As soon as the match ends, every member of The Inner Circle hits the ring and starts taking out Hangman and Dustin. The announcers remind us that Hangman and Dustin "are out of allies," as they remind fans that Cody and Nick Jackson followed Matt in a car when he was ambulanced to the hospital.

Out of nowhere, Omega sprints down to the ring to make a save but is eventually swallowed up by The Inner Circle. Cody sprints to the ring to a big pop from the fans as the announcers appear surprised Cody is back from the hospital. Hager drags Hangman up the ramp by his neck. They set him up for a triple power bomb like they did to temporarily put Moxley on the shelf.

Matt Jackson makes the save just in time to stop the triple power bomb. A fired up Matt takes out The Inner Circle members and finally locks eyes with Hangman. He yells something at Hangman when from behind, Jericho blasts him with a steel chair shot.

The Inner Circle start to dominate the scene again, as bodies are laid out everywhere. The Inner Circle talk trash to the camera as the announcers promote the upcoming showdown between the groups of The Inner Circle and The Elite when AEW Blood & Guts comes to Newark, N.J. on 3/25.

Before that, AEW Dynamite rolls into Rochester, N.Y. next Wednesday where among other things, The Exalted One of The Dark Order is being advertised to finally be revealed.

Fade to black.