View Full Version : WWE NXT Live Coverage - April 15th, 2020

04-15-2020, 08:12 PM

Finn Bálor battles Imperium’s Aichner

Finn Bálor put NXT United Kingdom Champion WALTER on notice last week, letting The Ring General know that his reign is on borrowed time. In response, WALTER has sent one of his top lieutenants, Imperium’s Fabian Aichner, to silence The Prince. Will Aichner carry out his mission, or will Bálor move one step closer to The Ring General?


- Tonight's WWE NXT episode opens up on the USA Network with a video package to hype tonight, also featuring recent happenings for the brand. The video shows how newcomers Killer Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux were seen sitting in a car last week at Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae were walking out of the empty building following Gargano's main event win over Tommaso Ciampa. The WWE Twitter account also pointed this out.

- We're live from the empty closed-set NXT Arena at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida as Tom Phillips welcomes us. He's joined by Byron Saxton.

Finn Balor vs. Fabian Aichner

We go right to the ring and out first comes Finn Balor as Alicia Taylor does the introductions. Fabian Aichner is out next with Marcel Barthel, representing Imperium.

Balor stares the two down as they enter the ring. The bell rings and Balor has some trash talking as they lock up and trade holds. Balor takes it to the mat and they tangle. They eventually go back to their feet, still trading holds. Aichner controls Balor some and tosses him across the ring. Barthel provides a quick distraction from the floor, allowing Aichner to level Balor and work him over.

Balor comes back and dropkicks Aichner. Balor shoots a stare out to Barthel and goes to work on Aichner in the corner. Balor with a big chop. They run the ropes on each other and Aichner catches Balor on his shoulders. Balor slides out and drives Aichner into the mat. Barthel tries to provide another distraction but the referee warns him and Balor stares him down. Balor unloads on Aichner while he's down. Balor sends Aichner to the floor and rocks him through the ropes, sending him back into the barrier. Balor stands tall at ringside as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Balor remains in control. Barthel almost interferes again. Aichner ends up catching Balor with a big tilt-a-whirl backbreaker in the middle of the ring. Aichner with more offense but he can't put Balor away. Aichner works Balor over and stomps away in the corner again. Aichner whips Balor hard into the turnbuckles and he goes down. Aichner with some trash talking while booting Balor around. Aichner keeps control and launches Balor into the corner again. Balor goes back down and Aichner stays on him, talking trash and delivering another big chop.

Balor turns it right around in the corner and unloads with aggressive offense. Balor stares out at Barthel again. Balor with more offense. Aichner turns it right back around and delivers more strikes. Aichner clotheslines Balor for another 2 count in the middle of the ring. Balor dodges a powerbomb and hits a double stomp to the chest. Balor with a Slingblade.

Barthel gets on the apron again as the referee warns him. Balor swings and turns back around to Aichner on him. Aichner overpowers and hits a big powerbomb with one arm. The referee checks on Aichner in the middle of the ring as Barthel levels Balor on the floor. Aichner charges into the steel steps but Balor moves and Aichner crashes into the steel. Balor with a Slingblade on the floor to Barthel. Balor waits and then hits the running dropkick to send Barthel through the barrier.

Aichner approaches and rocks Balor from behind. Aichner rolls Balor back into the ring. Aichner goes to the top and goes for a moonsault but misses. Balor with the dropkick but he barely connects, if at all, sending Aichner back into the turnbuckles. Balor goes to the top and hits Coup de Grace. Balor immediately follows up with 1916 for the pin to win.

Winner: Finn Balor

- After the match, Balor stands tall as his music hits. We go to replays. Balor is on the stage now. He looks into the camera and delivers a message to NXT UK Champion WALTER, saying that this was just a little preview of what will happen the next time their paths cross.

- We see The Velveteen Dream backstage under his purple light. He's in deep thought, thinking about NXT Champion Adam Cole.

- Still to come, Charlotte Flair is here. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Tom hypes Tegan Nox vs. Raquel Gonzalez for tonight. We see recent events between Nox and former partner Dakota Kai, which led to Nox wanting revenge on Gonzalez for helping Kai.

- Tom sends us to a video package from NXT Women's Champion Charlotte Flair. Flair talks about her reign and big win over Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania 36. She gives some props to Ripley and says she will not apologize for her own greatness. Flair says winning this title will solidify her legacy because she will do what no one else has done before - dominate all 3 different eras of sports entertainment - the past, present and future. She names wrestlers from the generations she's defeated, starting with Natalya in NXT. She also names Nikki Bella, Paige, WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus. Flair says she's been the most dominant competitor in the women's revolution for the past 5 years. Flair also touts pinning the others in the WWE Horsewomen, and defeating RAW Women's Champion Becky Lynch, Carmella, ending Asuka's streak, and how she left Ronda Rousey a broken woman. She says now we come to the future. All she's heard is about NXT having the best women's division and they proved that at Survivor Series 2019. Flair says she's coming to NXT to run through the best women's division in WWE. She knows Ripley will want another shot, and then Io Shirai is the #1 contender. Candice LeRae is hungry and she's had her eye on Mia Yim because that was her first-ever NXT opponent. Now look at their careers. Flair wants to give a "lottery ticket" to Yim and then NXT General Manager William Regal can line them up one by one and after she defeats them all, there will be no argument, just a fact - that she is the greatest of all-time.

Aliyah vs. Xia Li

We go back to the ring and out first comes Aliyah. We see what happened to Xia Li getting attacked backstage a few weeks ago, and Aliyah taking credit for it on Twitter. Li makes her way out next.

The bell rings and Li immediately kicks Aliyah to the mat. Li mounts her and unloads. Aliyah goes to the floor for a breather. Li ends up chasing Aliyah around the ring and back in. Aliyah uses the referee to stall and distract once again but then sneaks over and drops Li with a pump kick. Aliyah unloads on Li in the corner now as the referee warns her. Li shoves her back. Aliyah with a Thesz Press to mount her for more strikes.

Aliyah shows frustration over the 2 count. Aliyah grounds Li in the middle of the ring now, talking trash. Li finally fights out and sends Aliyah across the ring. Li with a roll-up for 2. Aliyah gets fired up and rocks Li. Li slides out of a hold but they continue to trade holds. Aliyah misses a splash in the corner and her recently broken nose hits the top turnbuckle.

Li unloads with offense and hits a big clothesline, then more kicks. Li with a jumping knee and a dropkick in the middle of the ring. Li with a corkscrew kick to the back while Aliyah is down on the mat. Li covers for the pin to win.

Winner: Xia Li

- After the match, Xia stands tall as her music hits. We go to replays. Li poses as Aliyah sits up against the barrier on the floor and looks to be crying.

- Tom and Byron send us to a video package on the tournament to crown an Interim NXT Cruiserweight Champion due to current champion Jordan Devlin being stuck in the UK and unable to defend because of the coronavirus pandemic. The tournament begins tonight with Akira Tozawa vs. Isaiah "Swerve" Scott. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Matt Riddle is on the phone with partner Pete Dunne. Riddle wants to know who Dunne's temporary replacement is for tonight's NXT Tag Team Titles defense, but Dunne wants to leave it a surprise. Riddle asks, "Bro?"

Interim NXT Cruiserweight Title Tournament Match for Group B: Isaiah "Swerve" Scott vs. Akira Tozawa

We go back to the ring and out comes Isaiah "Swerve" Scott for the first match in the tournament to crown an Interim NXT Cruiserweight Champion. Tom says the winner of Group A will face the winner of Group B for the finals. This is a match for Group B. Akira Tozawa is out next.

The bell rings and they lock up, trading holds. Scott with an early 1 count right after they go to the mat. They trade holds again and Scott works on the arm. Tozawa fights out but Scott counters his hurricanrana. Tozawa looks to mount offense but Scott sends him into the corner and taunts him some. Tozawa with a big chop. Scott fires back with one of his own. They trade big chops. Tozawa jabs Scott in the jaw to drop him to one knee.

Tozawa goes to run the ropes but Scott chases him and uppercuts him. Scott advances but Tozawa sends him out to the floor with a pump kick. Tozawa with kicks from the apron. Scott returns to the apron but Tozawa keeps fighting. They trade shots on the apron now. Tozawa tosses Scott to the ground and the referee counts. Scott jumps up and brings Tozawa to the ground with a big kick. Tozawa lands hard on the outside. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and they're going at it. Swerve is on the floor next to the barrier. Tozawa runs the apron and nails a huge cannonball from the apron into Scott, crashing him into the barrier. Tozawa brings it back into the ring and goes to the top for a missile dropkick. Scott kicks out at 2.

Scott fights off Tozawa's shoulders now. They go back and forth in the middle of the ring. Tozawa catches Scott in the Octopuss submission and Scott is far from the ropes. Scott goes down to one knee. Tozawa takes to the mat for a version of the Dragon Sleeper. Tozawa with the body scissors and a Guillotine as Scott fights to his feet. Scott turns it into a big suplex or Brainbuster variation. More back and forth between the two now. Scott catches Tozawa with a big German suplex. Scott comes back and hits a House Call to the back of the neck for another close 2 count.

Scott is frustrated after that kick out. Tozawa ends up sending Scott into the corner. Tozawa with more offense to lay Scott out. Tozawa goes to the top and hits the big senton for the pin to win and advance.

Winner: Akira Tozawa

- After the match, Tozawa stands tall as his music hits and we go to replays. Tom says there will be more tournament matches next week as he looks at the competitors in Group A & Group B. Tozawa is interviewed by McKenzie Mitchell after the match. He says he must keep fighting and keep winning because he will become Cruiserweight Champion again.

- Tom says Adam Cole has not showed up yet for the chat with The Velveteen Dream.

- Still to come, Nox vs. Gonzalez. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a vignette from El Hijo del Fantasma to hype his upcoming debut and spot in the tournament to crown an Interim NXT Cruiserweight Champion. He cuts a promo in Spanish and says he will become the new champion. The former King Cuerno will make his debut in a tournament match next Wednesday.

Tegan Nox vs. Raquel Gonzalez

We go back to the ring and out first comes Tegan Nox. Raquel Gonzalez is out next with Dakota Kai. Gonzalez and Kai pose in the middle of the ring as Nox stares them down.

The bell rings and Gonzalez rushes but Nox ducks. They trade holds and have some words. Gonzalez overpowers and then levels Nox with a shoulder. Gonzalez raises Nox in the air by her arm again and drops her with another big shoulder block. Gonzalez goes on and catches Nox in a big backbreaker. Kai cheers her on from the outside.

Gonzalez continues to dominate and keep control in the ring. The referee warns her to leave Nox's hair alone. Gonzalez manhandles Nox on the mat some and the referee warns her again. Nox counters a move but Gonzalez counters and overpowers again, hitting a big clothesline to the back of the head. Gonzalez is still dominating Nox, preventing her from getting any offense in.

Nox finally gets her first bit of real offense in but Gonzalez levels her again. More back and forth between the two. Kai ends up interfering, nailing Nox with a running boot to the face on the apron while Nox tried to climb to the top as Gonzalez distracted the referee. Nox still kicks out at 2.

Shotzi Blackheart runs down and drops Kai with her spiked helmet. Gonzalez lifts Shotzi up on the apron with one arm, and yells at her. Gonzalez goes for a chokeslam to Shotzi on the apron but Nox makes the save. Nox rolls Gonzalez up from behind for the win.

Winner: Tegan Nox

- After the match, the music hits as we go to replays. Shotzi and Nox stand tall and pose together on the stage now.

- Tom points to how Johnny Gargano wants to hear what Tommaso Ciampa has to say tonight. Will Ciampa speak after last week's big main event loss to Gargano?

- Tom wonders what kind of man NXT North American Champion Keith Lee is. He announces a segment titled "Bask In the Glory of Keith Lee" for tonight, and says we will explore Lee's NXT journey. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a pre-recorded video from NXT North American Champion Keith Lee. He talks about his grandmother getting him into pro wrestling as a fan. He made the decision to train for a career at age 20, dropping college football to pursue the business, and the rest of his family didn't approve of it, including his dad. He was kicked out of his home and says with all of that and his career on the indies, working small shows over the years, he's really sacrificed everything to make this work. He mentions being heavily influenced by WWE Hall of Famer Randy Savage. Lee says for the next 13 years he kept getting told no, you're too big, and other criticism, but look at him now. He made it to the world where the best athletes are, and he stands out. He says his rivalry with Dominik Dijakovic opened everyone's eyes and now there is something special in the air about the Limitless One. Lee thanks everyone for their love and says they haven't seen anything yet. He talks about winning the title earlier this year and says everything has come full circle. Lee goes on and says he could've quit or kept fighting to become the best, which he did. Lee says that's what being limitless is.

Dexter Lumis vs. Tehuti Miles

We go back to the ring and out comes the bizarre Dexter Lumis. Tehuti Miles is out next, who lost to Angel Garza on this week's RAW, after recently losing to Killian Dain in his official NXT TV debut. Lumis stares Miles down as he enters the ring.

The bell rings and Miles does some friendly taunting to start. Lumis attacks and beats Miles down to take control. Miles blocks a shot and nails a pair of dropkicks. Lumis is still up but goes into the corner. He comes right back from one knee. They briefly tangle and Lumis nails a huge Spinebuster in the middle of the ring.

Lumis stalks Miles while he's down. Lumis grabs Miles and drives him into the mat with a sitdown Uranage. Lumis goes right into the Anaconda Vice submission for the win.

Winner: Dexter Lumis

- After the match, the announcers are confused by the bizarre Lumis. His music plays as he stares at Miles, who is being checked on by the referee. We go to replays. Lumis continues to stare ahead.

- We see The Velveteen Dream backstage again, still waiting for Adam Cole. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and NXT Champion Adam Cole has sent another video message from near the pool at his home, like previous weeks. It looks like no live chat between he and The Velveteen Dream this week. Cole says Dream is stupid for thinking Cole was going to show up. Cole says no one in all of WWE or NXT deserves a title shot, including Dream. Cole goes on and says there's more to focus on, like The Undisputed Era winning their titles back. He says then the group will become whole again.

- We go to the ring and out comes The Velveteen Dream. Dream addresses NXT Champion Adam Cole and downplays his success, his title reign and capabilities. Finn Balor suddenly appears from the side. Dream turns and sees him. Balor says he doesn't know Dream and doesn't like him, and has never said anything to him so this will be the first. Balor says when Dream talks about the greatest NXT Champion of all-time, he's looking at him in Balor. Balor tells Dream to be careful because ignorant comments will get him a date with The Prince. Balor walks off and Dream steps back to his podium. Dream asks if Balor will be a gentleman and pick him up next Wednesday for that date he mentioned. Balor stops, looks back at Dream and then keeps walking. Dream snaps his fingers and his music resumes.

- Still to come, Matt Riddle and a mystery partner will defend the NXT Tag Team Titles against The Undisputed Era.

- Back from the break and we get a pre-recorded video from manager Malcolm Bivens and the tag team of Indus Shera: Rinku Singh and Saurav Gurjar. Bivens said tonight's title match main event is of great interest to them because India has a population of more than 1 billion and he represents the baddest and most menacing men to come from that region. He goes on and then the two big men speak a few words in their native languages, mentioning the NXT Tag Team Titles.

- The announce team hypes next Wednesday's show


NXT Tag Team Titles Match: The Undisputed Era vs. Matt Riddle and Timothy Thatcher

We go back to the ring for tonight's main event as The Undisputed Era is out first, represented by Roderick Strong and Bobby Fish. There is no sign of the other members. NXT Tag Team Champion Matt Riddle is out next, carrying both titles. His partner Pete Dunne appears on the big screen as Riddle stands on the stage. Dunne said he'd want nothing more than to be there to defend, but he's stuck in the UK. He introduces his temporary replacement and out comes the debuting Timothy Thatcher, whose signing was announced with Killer Kross a few months ago.

Fish and Riddle start things off, sizing each other up and having words. They go to the mat and tangle. Riddle with a body scissors until Fish gets to the bottom rope to break it. More back and forth on the mat now. Riddle with a 1 count and another arm submission on Fish. Riddle finally hits a big suplex to send Fish out to the floor to regroup. Strong joins Fish on the ramp as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Thatcher has Strong on the mat, grounded. Thatcher with a body scissors. Strong tries to crawl away but Thatcher gets the Bow & Arrow submission applied. Thatcher with more offense but Strong gets away and tags in Fish for the double team. Fish with offense, including a senton from the apron for a 2 count. Thatcher goes at it with Fish and then Strong for a few minutes. Thatcher takes control of Strong until Riddle tags in. They quickly double team before Riddle unloads on Strong.

Riddle with big power moves on Strong. Riddle with a series of gutwrench suplexes to Strong now. Fish runs in but Thatcher runs in to stop him. Riddle and Thatcher hit big gutwrench suplexes on their opponents at the same time. Thatcher launches Riddle onto Strong for another double team. Strong kicks out at 2. Fish takes out Thatcher from behind on the floor. Strong turns it around on Riddle thanks to the distraction. Strong with shots to Riddle and a Butterfly suplex. Fish tags back in and they keep Riddle near their corner. Fish drives Riddle into the mat for another 2 count.

Strong comes back in and works Riddle over. Strong with a big backbreaker for a 2 count. Fish is legal now. Strong and Fish double team Riddle on the floor, sending him into the steel ring steps. A light shines over to the corner as we see Dexter Lumis staring the match down. Strong spots him as does the camera man. Strong and Fish bring Riddle back in. Thatcher has returned to the apron. Strong drops Riddle and tags Fish back in. Lumis is still staring the match down.

Strong and Fish unload on Riddle with the double team. Strong with an Olympic Slam for a close 2 count. Strong shows frustration as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Fish is manhandling Riddle around the ring. Tom confirms we will hear from Tommaso Ciampa after the match. Fish takes Riddle back to the corner and beats him down. Fish drives knees into Riddle and takes him back down. Thatcher gets restless waiting for the tag. Strong yells across the ring and taunts Thatcher. Fish with a snap suplex, and another to Riddle. Riddle counters the third and Riddle nails the Fisherman's suplex.

Thatcher finally gets the hot tag. Thatcher unloads on both opponents with big power moves. Thatcher with uppercuts and big strikes on Strong against the ropes. Thatcher rocks Strong and drops him with an enziguri. Thatcher goes for the Fujiwarma armbar. More back and forth between Strong and Thatcher now. Strong with several big strikes. Thatcher responds with a huge clubbing blow to drop him. Thatcher runs over to stop Fish from entering, sending him to the floor.

Strong rocks Thatcher in the face a few times. Fish tags in, running the ropes to take Thatcher down for a 2 count. The Undisputed Era with another double team and a 2 count. Riddle gets stopped from re-entering the ring. More double teaming on Thatcher in the middle of the ring. Fish is sent out. Thatcher fights off Strong and drops him down into the Fujiwarma armbar for the submission win to retain.

Winners: Timothy Thatcher and Matt Riddle

- After the match, Thatcher and Riddle stand tall with the titles as Riddle's music hits. We go to replays. We see Fish and Strong down on the floor. Riddle tries to get his temporary partner to dance but he won't.

- We go backstage to Tommaso Ciampa, who sets up a camera to speak. Ciampa says he's done with this. He's done with Johnny Gargano, Candice LeRae, and all of this. Ciampa says they agreed when it's over, it's over, and whoever won, wins. Ciampa says Gargano and Candice showed the world, so congratulations. Ciampa says Gargano is the better man. Someone suddenly grabs Ciampa from behind and slams him to the ground. The camera falls to the floor and all we hear is Ciampa being destroyed by someone. We see Ciampa fall on the ground face-first now. A shiny tall black boot appears in the camera shot. A bald man kneels down at Ciampa's face, breathing hard. It's Killer Kross. Kross gets in Ciampa's face and warns him - tick-tock. We never see who the black boot belongs to, but it's likely Scarlett Bordeaux's. Kross looks up from Ciampa and stares ahead. NXT goes off the air.
