View Full Version : WWE Money In The Bank 2020 Live Coverage - May 10th, 2020

05-09-2020, 03:22 AM

Money In The Bank 2020

The chaos hits a whole new level as this year's competitors will have to traverse the halls, offices and boardrooms of WWE Headquarters to reach the briefcase located upon the roof of the multi-story building.


May 10, 2020 at 7:00 PM ET (Preshow at 6:00 PM ET)

WWE Global Headquarters Stamford, CT / WWE Performance Center Orlando, Fl


WWE Championship
Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Seth Rollins

WWE Universal Championship
Braun Strowman (c) vs. Bray Wyatt

WWE SmackDown Women's Championship
Bayley (c) vs. Tamina

Men's Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Daniel Bryan vs. Aleister Black vs. Rey Mysterio vs. King Corbin vs. Otis vs. AJ Styles

Women's Money In the Bank Ladder Match
Nia Jax vs. Asuka vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Dana Brooke vs. Lacey Evans vs. Carmella

WWE Smackdown Tag Team Championship (Fatal Four-Way)
The New Day (c) vs. The Miz and John Morrison vs. The Forgotten Sons vs. Lucha House Party



- Scott Stanford and Peter Rosenberg are on tonight's Kickoff panel. Rosenberg says much like the Boneyard Match and the Firefly Fun House Match, he has no idea what to expect for tonight's MITB Ladder Matches.

- Rosenberg and Stanford run down tonight's card, including Jeff Hardy vs. Cesaro happening on the Kickoff.

- Recap of the history between Bray Wyatt and WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman, along with clips of their feud. Rosenberg commends Strowman for staying focused, despite Wyatt's mind games, but he's concerned about the pressure during the match and if the continuous games could get the best of the champion. Rosenberg picks Bray, Stanford picks Braun.

- Alicia Ashton is in the lobby of the WWE HQ where the MITB Ladder Matches will begin. She runs down the rules of the match as wrestlers can use whatever is at their disposal as they make their way to the roof to get the contract. Some of the top 10 moments are shown from previous MITB matches, including when Randy Orton cashed-in and beat Daniel Bryan for the title (thanks to an assist from Triple H).

- Earlier this week, Dana Brooke joined WWE's The Bump to talk about being involved in this year's MITB Match. Says if she gets the briefcase she's got to step her game up.

- Renee Young, Booker T, and JBL talk about the ladder matches. Booker gives his pick for the women's match: Shayna Baszler. JBL goes with Asuka. Young picks Lacey Evans.

- Backstage, SmackDown Tag Team Champions New Day talk about tonight's tag title match. Kofi says they don't run from a challenge, it doesn't matter what kind of match it is, they will always come out on top. Big E gets pumped up with a "New Day rocks!" chant.

- Recap of WWE SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley and Tamina's feud. We see Tamina's wild "nobody meaner" promo that she did for the upcoming match. Rosenberg says Bayley could be a little scared, but says Sasha Banks is always lurking.

- Corey Graves and Michael Cole handling commentary as we head to the WWE Performance Center for the Kickoff Match.

Jeff Hardy vs. Cesaro

Cesaro sent into the ropes, shoulder tackle, early cover, and it's barely a one-count. Hardy with a shoulder tackle of his own, hip toss, atomic drop, snapmare, and both head outside of the ring. Hardy runs and leaps off the steps, but is caught in midair and then dropped on the barricade. Cesaro shoves him over it and heads back into the ring as the ref starts his ten-count. Hardy makes it back in at nine.

Cesaro stomps away at his opponent, lands an elbow drop to the back of the neck, cover, two. Cesaro with some knees, gets sent into the corner, eats a forearm, and a kick that sends Cesaro out of the ring. Hardy with a dropkick, sending Cesaro back and Hardy follows. Hardy is then whipped hard into the apron. Back in the ring, Cesaro stays on Hardy, goes for another cover, two. European uppercuts by Cesaro, abdominal stretch locked in, but Hardy is eventually able to flips Cesaro out of it.

Cesaro with a flurry of punches, cover, and another two-count. Hardy fights his way back into the match. He looks for twist of fate, nope, lands a back elbow, heads to the top, but gets crotched on the top turnbuckle. Cesaro heads up and looks for a gutwrench suplex, Hardy with a couple back elbows to send Cesaro back. Hardy with a whisper in the wind, landing hard on Cesaro's knee. Cesaro is up and throws more uppercuts, Hardy with a backslide pin, two. Hardy hits twist of fate, cover, Cesaro kicks out at two.

Hardy slams Cesaro the mat, heads to the top rope, Cesaro charges, hits an uppercut, climbs up and hits a gutwrench superplex, cover, two! Hardy ends up rolling out of the ring, Cesaro follows and clobbers Hardy. Cesaro selling his knee, Hardy ends up throwing Cesaro into the steps, doing more damage to the knee. Hardy leaps off the barricade and connects. Throws Cesaro into the ring, climbs to the top, hits the swanton bomb, cover, 1-2-3.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

- Rosenberg and Stanford talk about AJ Styles, who was on WWE The Bump. Styles said on the show that Apollo Crews got hurt, and he took advantage as a means to get back to a title shot. Stanford picks Styles to win the Men's MITB Match.

- More of the top 10 MITB match moments are shown, including Brock Lesnar winning the briefcase, then dancing and using it as a boombox the next night.

- Alyse walks through WWE HQ as she shows off more of the building, teasing maybe the wrestlers will stop in Mr. McMahon's office.

- Back to Renee, Booker, and JBL. JBL says the WWE HQ building is amazing, it's a shrine to the wrestling business. Said it's like a maze there and will be interesting to see them try to find their way to the top.

- Back to the top 10 countdown with Edge cashing in his opportunity against John Cena, eventually winning the title. The number one moment was Seth Rollins cashing-in at WrestleMania to win the championship.

- Peter and Scott move to WWE Champion Drew McIntyre defending against Seth Rollins. Scott notes Drew's confidence is through the roof after beating Brock Lesnar and then Big Show shortly afterwards. Peter says everything Rollins says about himself, he truly believes, it's not just mind games, he believes he should be on top.

- Switching to the Women's MITB Ladder Match, Rosenberg picked Nia Jax and Stanford is going with Lacey Evans. For the men, Stanford is picking Styles while Rosenberg picks Aleister Black as the Kickoff show ends.


- Michael Cole and Corey Graves on commentary at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida.


SmackDown Tag Team Championship Fatal 4-Way Match: The New Day (c) vs. The Miz and John Morrison vs. The Forgotten Sons vs. Lucha House Party

Metalik and Kingston get things started, Kingston with a splash. They trade wrist locks, Kingston with a back elbow, but then takes an enziguri and another kick. Kofi with some kicks of his own. Blake tags himself into the match, knocks a couple guys off the apron, then tags in Cutler, double backbreaker on Metalik. Metalik hits a springboard double back elbow on both guys. Morrison tags in and takes a dropkick, Metalik heads up top, Morrison stops him and goes up, spanish fly to the floor on a big group of wrestlers!

Metalik still trying to fight off his opponents, but not having much luck. Cutler in there now, stomps away, back elbow, cover, two. New Day kept off the apron as The Forgotten Sons are still beating up Metalik, he really needs to tag out. Morrison tags in, Dorado is able to finally get in the match. Dorado with a springboard moonsault, cover, Miz breaks that up. Dorado with a dropkick straight into a moonsault for a pin attempt on Morrison, cover, two. Dorado with another pin attempt, but it gets broken up. Kofi in the ring, Morrison with a disaster kick, then tags Miz in. Kofi with a standing double stomp, cover, two. Kingston lands another kick, leg drop, looks for trouble in paradise, but Miz blocks it.

Miz with a sneaky tag, gets rid of Forgotten Sons, tags Morrison who hits starship pain on Big E, cover, but Lucha House Party breaks it up.

Miz looks for figure-four, Miz boots him away, Cutler tags in. Big E gets into the match for a moment, Kofi with a boot to Cutler, tags in, then hits a big double stomp on Cutler off Big E's shoulder, cover, two. Morrison takes a top rope hurricanrana by Metalik. Dorado with a kick to Big E, then a big splash on Big E. Metalik walks the ropes, elbow drop, cover, and it's broken up.

Kofi with a splash out to the floor, but then gets sent into the ring post. Big looks to fly, but when he hits the ropes, Jaxson Ryker pulls the ropes, so Big E crashes out to the floor. Referee saw it and send Ryker out from ringside. Back in the ring, Metalik looks to fly, but Big E catches him. Kofi nails Dorado with trouble in paradise. Big E hits the big ending on Metalik, cover, and that will do it.

Winners: The New Day

- Earlier today, Lacey Evans says this MITB match is made for her to win. She mentions being in the military and has learned the way to win is through a good plan. Evans says she's learned the entire layout of WWE HQ, will make her way to the roof, and get the briefcase. She tells Bayley "this women's right is ready anytime."

- Backstage, Charly Caruso talks with WWE Champion Drew McIntyre about his match against Rollins. She asks Drew about possibly being an underdog, Drew gives it to Rollins that he has achieved a lot, but McIntyre has heart, and he'll be damned if he loses the title tonight. Drew says Seth hasn't learned how to close his mouth, so he plans on doing the world a favor and shutting Rollins up.

- Byron Saxton, Tom Phillips, and Samoa Joe on commentary. Phillips announces Backlash on June 14 at 7 pm ET.

- Before the match, R-Truth still goes through his usual "What's up?" entrance routine, despite nobody being in the crowd. MVP gets on the mic and asks R-Truth what he's doing. Truth says he's just "balling!" He does MVP's taunt a couple times, MVP has had enough and goes to get ready for the match, but Bobby Lashley's music hits. Lashley heads down to the ring. Lashley tells MVP, he's got this, MVP is cool with that and leaves the ring.

R-Truth vs. Bobby Lashley

Truth tries to get away, Lashley snatches him up and hits a shoulder thrust in the corner. Lashley launches Truth across the ring, then hits a spinebuster. Lashley tries for a suplex, Truth with a kick, tries for a scissors kick, Lashley moves out of the way and hits a spear, cover, and we're already done here.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

- Earlier today, King Corbin runs down some of his recent achievements, but tonight he's going to claim his second MITB victory. Corbin says he knows the risk is worth the reward when he became Mr. Money in the Bank.

- Backstage, Kayla Braxton talks with Bayley and Sasha Banks about tonight's match. She brings up Sasha messed up neutralizing Lacey Evans in their SmackDown tag match that they lost. Kayla wondered if Bayley blamed Sasha for that match. Bayley jumped in and says she never blamed Sasha for it and she's going to show everyone why she's the most dominate women's champion then heads out. Sasha lingers for a moment, looking like she wanted to say something.


WWE SmackDown Women's Championship - Bayley (c) vs. Tamina

Bayley pushing and taunting Tamina, saying she's not going to win a title by being nice. Tamina drops Bayley and continues to beat her up. Bayley ends up on the top rope, Tamina asks what her probably is and Bayley apologizes. Tamina backs away and lets Bayley get back into the ring. Tamina then hits a body slam and Bayley rolls out of the ring.

She trips up Tamina, drags her to the corner and whips her leg into the ring post and does it again. Bayley with a dropkick, sending Tamina's leg into the ring post. Sasha claps it up for Bayley as the champ goes back into the ring, cover, two. Bayley continues to target the leg, until Tamina lands a headbutt, splash in the corner, hip attack. Bayley then gets in a knee bar on the challenger, but she claws her way to the ropes.

Back and forth battle, Bayley rolls out of the ring again to take a breather. Bayley punches away and throws Tamina's head to the apron. Bayley gets a bottle of water, drinks a little, then throws some right in Tamina's face. An angry Tamina grabs Bayley, throws her into the rope and hits a big lariat. She then whips Bayley into the barricade. Tamina continues to work over Bayley, eventually launching Bayley over the announce table.

In the ring, Tamina heads to the top rope, tries for the splash, but saw Bayley was going to block her. Tamina with a superkick, samoan drop, cover, Banks climbs into the ring, but then backs away as Tamina sees her. Tamina then chases after Banks, Bayley runs in, Tamina tries for a samoan drop, but Bayley counters into a pin for the win.

Winner: Bayley

- Post-match, Tamina tries to drop Bayley, but she fights out of it. Banks runs in for a chop block, kick to the face, and then a slap to the face. Bayley and Sasha celebrate the win.

- Backstage, Seth Rollins says Drew McIntyre knows who he is and what he's capable of. He continues that Drew understands it's his destiny to win the title and lead the way. Rollins says he wants to unburden McIntyre, and Rollins winning the title will be for the greater good. "You need me to be WWE Champion."


WWE Universal Championship: Braun Strowman (c) vs. Bray Wyatt

"Firefly Fun House" Bray is out for this match. Bray is all smiles at first, he approaches and Braun shoves him back to the corner. "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Wyatt says. Braun with a chop and then a shoulder tackle. "You are strong," Wyatt says while laying on the match. Wyatt with a punch and a kick, but gets dropped with a shoulder tackle.

Out on the floor, Wyatt sent into the ring post. Braun charges around the ring and looks to take out Wyatt, but he moves and Braun crashes into the announce table. Huskis Pig shows up at ringside for the distraction, Wyatt hits a DDT on the floor. He sends Braun into the ring, clothesline, cover, two. Wyatt with a senton. On the floor, Wyatt sends Braun into the steps. He's not bothered by his action, "You made me do it!" Wyatt does his corner taunt, Braun with a punch, but eats a kick. Wyatt on the second rope and hits a tornado DDT, and hits sister abigail, cover, two. Wyatt can't believe it.

Braun drops Bray with a chokeslam as Bray hesitates for a moment during his second sister abigail. Big clotheslines in the corner on Bray, he then sends Wyatt out of the ring. Braun charges around ring and sends Wyatt into the barricade. Wyatt sent into the ring, kicks Braun back out of the ring. Braun gets back up, but he has his black sheep mask on! Wyatt laughs and says "It's you!" Braun gets back into the ring, rips his shirt off as Wyatt says this time around things will be perfect. Braun drops to his knees and does Wyatt's taunt. Bray laughs away, but Braun stands up and accepts his hug. The puppets at ringside all cheer what's going on as they hug. Braun then takes the mask off, then stomps on it. He then hits a running powerslam, cover, 1-2-3.

Winner: Braun Strowman

- Post-match, Wyatt is in the corner, staring off as images of "The Fiend" are spliced in a few times.

- The SmackDown Hacker shows up, saying he is everywhere and sees everything. "I am the truth and no one is safe." The hacker sits before his screens as a bunch of different SmackDown stars are shown on them.


WWE Championship: Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Seth Rollins

Rollins coming to the ring with some some music to fit his Messiah gimmick. Bit of a feeling out process early on with Seth getting the best of McIntyre. Drew then picks up the speed of things, blast Rollins out of the ring. He takes his time getting back in, giving Drew a chuckle as he circles around him. Drew with some big punches and chops. Rollins sent into the turnbuckle and then takes a big chop to the chest.

Rollins works his way back into the match with a dropkick to the knee, sends Drew out of the ring, then hits a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Rollins works Drew over with a single leg boston crab transitioning into other submissions to keep Drew in the middle of the ring, Drew finally grabs the bottom rope to break the hold. McIntyre out on the floor again, Rollins with a another suicide dive. Rollins with a high knee off the apron. "This is my destiny! It's not about you, Drew!" Rollins with another knee to the face.

Rollins jumps in the ring to break the count, then clears off the announce table. He leaps for a third knee strike to the face. Rollins goes for yet another suicide dive, gets caught and Drew hits a release overhead suplex, sending Rollins crashing over the table. Back in the ring, McIntyre hits another release suplex, and another! Rollins then takes a big boot to the face. McIntyre heads to the top rope and hits a forearm, kip up, looked for a claymore, but Rollins rolls out of the ring. Rollins with a kick to the face, springboard, nobody there, and Drew goes for a spinebuster into a jackknife pin for two.

Rollins hits an enziguri, kick to the face, pin, only a one-count. Rollins up top, frog splash, cover, two. Rollins gets a chair and brings it into the ring. Referee says to ditch the chair, he finally does so. Rollins tries for the stomp, nope, takes a headbutt. Drew goes up top, Rollins trips him up. McIntyre drops Rollins, goes up top again, Rollins goes up and hits a superplex into a falcon arrow, cover, two.

Future shock DDT by McIntyre, cover, two. Rollins put up on the top turnbuckle, McIntyre follows, gets crotched, Rollins throws a few punches, McIntyre falls to the tree of woe position, but he's able to reach up and hit a suplex, flipping Rollins down on his stomach! McIntyre counts it down for a claymore, but takes a superkick, Rollins hits a stomp! Cover, 1-2-no! Rollins looks for another stomp, nope, headbutt, superkick by Rollins, but McIntyre cracks him with a claymore kick, cover, and that will do it.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

- Post-match, Drew puts his hand out for Rollins. He tells Rollins, "You're the man, but not this night." Rollins looks at Drew's hand and decides to shake it.

- Charly talks with R-Truth about losing to Bobby Lashley, but Truth says he had a great match against MVP, and picked up the win. Truth felt like MVP lost a significant amount of weight though. Truth wants to celebrate, but has nobody to do it with. He then shows a photo of himself with the 24/7 Title and says he's coming for his title. He tells Tom Brady to look out because he's coming for the title and leaves. Charly then makes it clear he meant Rob Gronkowski.

Men and Women's Money in the Bank Ladder Matches

Both matches will take place at the same time at WWE HQ. Wrestlers start on the bottom floor and have to make their way to the roof to capture the briefcases. Cole and Graves call the action as the entrants all make their entrances at HQ. Looks like the men are starting in the gym while the women are in the lobby. Asuka shows up above all the women and splashes down on all of them! Asuka taunts and yells at the elevator to open, the doors close before anyone can get to it. The men battle in the gym, pairing off with each other.

Corbin grabs a weight, throws it and it smashes one of the mirrors. He stops and stares at the destruction he caused. Men are throwing each other into the workout equipment. Otis puts a weight bar down on AJ, and he can't lift it up. AJ asks Rey for help, but he just leaves AJ there. The rest run off, but Rey stops in the bathroom when he hears a flush. Brother Love comes out, "I love you!" Rey says, "I love you too, but I got to go." The guys make their way into the offices.

The elevator opens and four guys make their way in. The women run up the stares, battling each other along the way. They get to the elevators where the men get out and now everyone is battling. Auska dodges the action, but Baszler catches her running away. Black notices an opening and runs off. Bryan hits some "Yes" kicks and Otis does the "Yes!" chant, Bryan notices him and kicks the hell out of him. Bryan runs off leaving them behind. Doink the Clown (?) randomly pops up from behind a chair.

Carmella gets thrown into an office by Nia Jax while Baszler tosses Dana in. Nia and Baszler face-off for a moment and Baszler throws some forearms, but gets runs over. Dana with a chairshot to Jax's back. Dana see a briefcase and takes it, but that's not the right one. Stephanie McMahon then shows up and says the real one is on the roof. Carmella then grabs a one of her photos off the wall and smacks Dana over the head with it. Carmella moonwalks out and eats a women's right from Lacey.

AJ finally has gotten out of the gym. He's looking for Rey, yelling up and down the hallways. Styles then bumps into a photo of The Undertaker, stopping him in his place. AJ moves on, opening a door that has blue lights and a casket in it. We see clips from the Boneyard Match. Styles is freaked out, then eats a kick from Black. He shuts the door on AJ, "Nooo!" Styles yells. Paul Heyman randomly sitting at a buffet with tons of food around him. He goes to eat some and everyone goes running into the room.

They yell at each other and Heyman tries to get them to stop. Otis then yells "food fight" and launches a plate into Heyman's face! Dana ran into the room, still wearing the photo that Carmella smashed over her head. Food fight begins, Baszler chokes out Rey. Nia and Otis double squash him. More brawling continues as Heyman looks on. Jax powerbombs Carmella through a table. Otis is eating away and stares at Jax, they go their separate ways.

Otis finds another room with food and goes to town on some pie. John Laurinaitis shows up in his electric cart and says "People power!" Otis smashes a pie in his face. Janitor mopping the floor, Asuka yells for where the roof is. She gets chased off by three women, Dana runs in and slips on the wet floor. Asuka runs off as Nia drops both Baszler and Evans.

Bryan and Styles end up in Vince's office, swinging away at each other. They finally realize he's there and stop. Vince's music plays and he yells, "Out!" Bryan and Styles go to leave, come back, fix his chairs, and leave, closing the door behind them. Vince puts some hand sanitizer on and goes back to work. AJ says Bryan acted like a real coward in there, Bryan says AJ waned to put the chairs back...then they start fighting again.

Corbin then joins the fight with Styles and Bryan. Corbin then says he's going to the roof! Asuka and Nia make their way to the roof where the ring and briefcases are. Evans joins the fight, dropping Asuka. Jax fights her way to getting a ladder set up in the middle of the ring, Asuka stops her though and swings away. Jax sends her into the ladder and Evans pops Jax with a women's right. Evans heads up, but is yanked off by Asuka. Asuka throws the ladder down on Jax. Evans tosses Asuka's head into the ladder, she climbs up, but Asuka yanks her down. Asuka climbs up, Evans chases up after her, eats some elbows, Evans falls down on Jax. Asuka slides down the ladder a bit out of exhaustion. She heads back up, Corbin climbs up and argues with her, she slaps and kicks him off the ladder. Asuka then is able to get briefcase to win the women's match!

Winner (Women's MITB Ladder Match): Asuka

The men's match continues on as Otis heads into the ring to battle Corbin. Corbin hits him with a ladder, goes for a splash in the corner, nobody home, Otis hits the caterpillar.The other men enter the fray, Rey and Black climb up the ladder, but AJ shoves the ladder over. Corbin then apparently throws Rey over the edge of the building! He does the same to Black! Loud "thud" sound effects are heard as each hit the ground (or lower level of the building). Otis and AJ battle in the ring, Styles hit a phenomenal forearm on Otis. AJ climbs up, as does Corbin, they battle over the case. They both unhook it at the same time, but Elias shows up and whacks Corbin over the back, AJ goes to rip it away and it falls down to Otis!

Winner (Men's MITB Ladder Match): Otis

- Post-match, Otis bumps the ladder and AJ goes off it. Otis yells, "Yo, Mandy! I did it!"


05-09-2020, 04:49 PM
Actually looking forward to this show. They better do a big bump off the roof of The Titan Towers.

05-10-2020, 06:47 AM
who is going to fly off the roof?

05-10-2020, 09:27 AM
^^ Not sure, but if it happens, it will probably be in the womens one, to make a bigger stirr. Jax throwing someone off the roof maybe?

05-12-2020, 01:15 AM
Kino Otis