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View Full Version : WWE News: Rey Comments On Guerrero Angle; Stacy Keibler, The Rock

02-17-2006, 08:46 PM
The Baltimore Sun conducted an interview with Rey Mysterio to help promote the No Way Out PPV in Baltimore this Sunday. In the interview, Mysterio discusses the usage of Eddie Guerrero's name in a storyline, the storyline involving his son Dominick and more. Click here to read the interview. (http://www.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/bal-li.mixqa16feb16,0,7843762.story?coll=bal-live-headlines)

There will be another Stacy Keibler feature on Entertainment Tonight later tonight. In the preview from yesterday's show, ET mentioned that they were going to be showing "the lost Keibler tapes." The feature looks to just be some old footage from the Divas Undressed bikini contest they held at WWF New York back in 2002.

Turner Broadcasting purchased the rights to the The Rock's movie "Doom." It was part of a deal involving several Universal films including "King Kong."