View Full Version : WWE NXT Live Coverage - May 20th, 2020

05-20-2020, 07:43 PM

Rhea Ripley returns to the ring against Io Shirai

The Nightmare will return to the ring for the first time since WrestleMania to take on Io Shirai! Elsewhere, Karrion Kross looks to build off his dominant debut with Scarlett, Roderick Strong tries to take care of The Undisputed ERA's Dexter Lumis problem and two bouts close out group competition in the Interim NXT Cruiserweight Title Tournament!


- Tonight's WWE NXT episode opens up on the USA Network with a graphic in memory of Shad Gaspard, who passed away at the age of 39 this week.

- We're live on tape from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL as Mauro Ranallo welcomes us. He's joined by WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix.

Karrion Kross vs. Liam Gray

We go right to the ring for tonight's opener as Karrion Kross makes his way out with Scarlett. Enhancement talent Liam Gray of EVOLVE waits in the ring.

The bell rings and Kross rushes his opponent, nailing the big Doomsday Saito suplex. Kross dominates with a few more power moves, hitting the Doomsday Saito again as Scarlett looks on. Kross takes Liam down into the Kross Jacket submission for the easy win.

Winner: Karrion Kross

- After the bell, Scarlett crawls over to Kross as the music hits. We go to replays. Kross and Scarlett pose until the music interrupts and out comes Tommaso Ciampa. Ciampa takes the mic and officially welcomes Kross. He goes on and gives Kross some praise as being special, saying he stands out in a locker room full of the best wrestlers in the world. Ciampa says the entrance is also special. Ciampa is on the apron now. Scarlett opens the rope and invites him in with a nod. Ciampa says he's also special, which is why he had to come out and let everyone know about Ciampa vs. Kross at "Takeover: In Your House" on June 7. Ciampa welcomes Kross to the main event, then tosses the mic down in front of him. They stare each other down as Ciampa backs out of the ring.

- Still to come, Io Shirai vs. Rhea Ripley.

- The announcers look at the tournament to crown an Interim NXT Cruiserweight Champion. Byron Saxton is also helping out again this week. Back to commercial.

Tournament to Crown the Interim NXT Cruiserweight Champion: El Hijo del Fantasma (1-1) vs. Akira Tozawa (2-0)

We go back to the ring and out first comes El Hijo del Fantasma. Akira Tozawa is out next. They both stopped to look at the NXT Cruiserweight Title belt on display at ringside. This is the final match for Group B in the tournament.

They lock up and trade holds to start. Fantasma with some mind games early on. More back and forth on the mat now. They go at it again and show each other up before breaking. They unload with strikes now, trading shots. Tozawa ends up sending Fantasma to the floor for a breather after a bit takedown. Tozawa leaps off the apron with a hurricanrana on the floor as the referee warns them. Tozawa breaks the count and leaps off the apron again, launching himself into Fantasma. They both crash into the barrier and we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Fantasma turns it around. Fantasma with a big boot to the face. Fantasma leaps from the steel steps with a big splash on the edge of the apron. Fantasma brings it back in and launches himself over the top for a 2 count. Fantasma works on the ribs but Tozawa slides out of a move. Fantasma dodges a 540 kick. Tozawa keeps fighting and nails the German suplex.

Tozawa goes to the top for the senton but Fantasma gets up and cuts him off. Fantasma climbs up with forearm shots. Tozawa fights back while up top. Fantasma knocks Tozawa to the apron with back elbows. Tozawa comes back up but Fantasma drops him hard over the top turnbuckle. Fantasma brings Tozawa to the mat for another close 2 count. Fantasma with more offense to keep Tozawa down. Tozawa runs the ropes but catches Fantasma with a big bulldog.

Tozawa goes back to the top and hits the big senton. Fantasma rolls to the floor to avoid the pin. Tozawa quickly brings him back in but Fantasma kicks out at 2. Fantasma ends up sending Tozawa back to the floor. Fantasma runs the ropes and nails a big suicide dive, landing near the title on display. Fantasma brings it back in the ring and hits a running European uppercut in the corner. Tozawa blocks the Phantom Driver. Tozawa applies the Octopus submission in the middle of the ring. Fantasma fights it off and nails the Phantom Driver out of nowhere for the pin to win.

Winner: El Hijo del Fantasma (2-1)

- Fantasma and Tozawa are both at 2-1 in Group B now for the finals. Fantasma celebrates as his music hits and we go to replays.

- We see how Imperium defeated Matt Riddle and temporary partner Timothy Thatcher to capture the NXT Tag Team Titles last week, and how Thatcher and Riddle got into it, leading to their main event match that saw Thatcher get the win. Thatcher is backstage now. He says he left the Matt Riddle Circus last week. He enjoyed bringing pain to Riddle but he only got a fraction, he wants to go one more time. Pinfalls won't count, no fluke pins. Riddle must win by knockout or tap out. Thatcher says those are the rules, Riddle can pick the place. Anywhere he wants because Thatcher is ready.

- Still to come, Mia Yim vs. Santana Garrett. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a vignette for Shotzi Blackheart, who shows off her huge tank. She says she's just like a tank because she doesn't give a s--t. Shotzi was raised by her dad, who was a motorcycle riding badass. Shotzi feels like she can do anything to anyone at any time in the ring. Watch and see what she does to the NXT women's division. The video shows Blackheart riding a tank over some junk cars as she has words for Raquel Gonzalez, Dakota Kai, Chelsea Green and Candice LeRae. "Eat my tank!"

Mia Yim vs. Santana Garrett

We go back to the ring as Mia Yim makes her way out. Santana Garrett is also out.

The bell rings and they go back and forth. Garrett takes control and hits the back elbow into the corner. Garrett with a suplex, turning it into a full mount for a close 2 count. Yim fights right out and goes to work. Yim with a big Dragon suplex in the middle of the ring.

Yim with kicks to the face while Garrett is down. Yim nails Protect Ya Neck out of nowhere for the pin to win the fairly short match.

Winner: Mia Yim

- After the match, Yim stands tall as her music hits. Johnny Gargano comes out with a mic, mocking and taunting Yim. His wife Candice LeRae is with him. LeRae taunts Yim for her recent loss to NXT Women's Champion Charlotte Flair and says she dropped the ball because she was too busy pandering to the fans. Gargano is chiming in while LeRae cuts her promo on Yim. LeRae ends up going in for a fight. They go at it and Gargano pulls the rope down, which forces Yim out to the floor. NXT North American Champion Keith Lee comes down to check on his girlfriend. Gargano rushes back in with LeRae. Lee and Yim hit the ring but Gargano and LeRae retreat, heading to the ramp. Lee and Yim stare down Gargano and LeRae from the ring as Lee's music hits.

- We see what happened with Damian Priest attacking Finn Balor last week, which allowed Cameron Grimes to get the upset win over Balor. We also see Priest's post-match attack on Balor. We cut to a pre-recorded video from Grimes. He brags about last week's win and says he used to look up to Balor. He goes on and says people can say what they want about the win but it's Grime Time. Later tonight, we will hear from Priest. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Drake Maverick is backstage with McKenzie Mitchell. He's a little annoyed at everyone's recent comments ahead of what could be his final WWE match, but he's fired up and hoping to defeat Kushida to advance.

Roderick Strong vs. Dexter Lumis

We go back to the ring and out comes The Undisputed Era - Roderick Strong with NXT Champion Adam Cole and Bobby Fish. Fish and Cole return to the back as Strong heads to the ring. Dexter Lumis is out next as Alicia Taylor does the introductions.

The bell rings and they go at it. Lumis takes Strong to the ropes and the referee backs him off. Strong ends up going to the floor for a breather now. Strong comes back in and goes for a takedown but Lumis fights it and blocks it. Strong goes behind but Lumis takes him down with a headlock. Strong is upset as he goes back to the floor for a breather.

Strong runs back in but Lumis takes him down face-first. Lumis rocks Strong with punches and slams him in the middle of the ring. Lumis hits the ropes and nails a leg drop. Lumis with a running shoulder in the corner. Strong with a knee and another. Strong unloads on Lumis into the corner. Lumis runs into a big boot in the corner. Strong with another big right hand. Lumis comes back and nails a running bulldog. Strong goes back out for a breather. Lumis follows and kicks him. Strong kicks back. Strong returns to the ring but Lumis grabs his leg. Strong kicks him away. They trade shots on the floor until Strong slams him on the edge of the apron with a backbreaker. The referee keeps counting and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Strong nails big power moves into the corner. Strong with a Pendulum backbreaker for a 2 count. Strong grounds Lumis with an abdominal stretch now. Lumis stares at Strong but Strong works him over while he's down. Lumis turns the spook factor up but Strong keeps him down. Lumis rocks Strong and they trade big punches. Lumis drops Strong with a forearm. Strong blocks a shot with a knee, then nails the Olympic Slam in the middle of the ring. Lumis powers out at 2 and Strong shows frustration.

Strong keeps Lumis down with more punches and boots. Strong stomps while Lumis is down. Lumis blocks the Strong Hold and kicks Strong away with a shot to the face. They trade more shots on their feet now and Strong takes back control. Lumis blocks the Olympic Slam and hits a Thesz Press. Lumis keeps control with big right hands and a big uppercut. Lumis back-drops Strong across the ring. Lumis rocks Strong and hits a slingshot suplex with the top rope. Strong still kicks out at 2.

They both get up and trade strikes. Lumis runs into a boot and another to send him down. Strong with a chop while Lumis is on his knees. Lumis just rubs his chest after each strike, apparently enjoying the punishment. Strong unloads with rights while Lumis is on his knees still. Lumis catches Strong with a big Spinebuster out of nowhere. Strong fights Lumis off and drops him again. Strong counters on the mat and rolls Lumis into a pin out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong

- After the match, Strong jumps up and goes to the floor to celebrate as his music hits, right next to the ring. Lumis grabs him from the ring and applies the Kata Gatame submission. They tumble to the floor with the hold still applied. Lumis won't let go. Cole and Fish run down to make the save but The Velveteen Dream attacks them before they can do anything. Cole gets dropped on the concrete on the other side of the barrier. Dream goes to the top rand hits a huge flying elbow, nailing it perfectly on Cole and the concrete. Dream goes back over the barrier to the steel steps, posing while selling the elbow from the top. Lumis sits up with Strong on the ground, petting him as Dream poses.

- We see Rhea Ripley pacing in the back. Back to commercial.

- We come back and see footage from during the commercial break. El Hijo del Fantasma and Akira Tozawa were having a few friendly words of respect in the parking lot as Fantasma got into his car. He closed the door to leave when the SUV pulled up and the masked men jumped out. They beat Tozawa down next to Fantasma's car as Fantasma watched. Fantasma got out of the car to check on Tozawa as the men retreated back into their SUV and sped off.

Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch vs. Ever-Rise

We go back to the ring as Danny Burch and Oney Lorcan are out for the next match. Out next are Ever-Rise - Matt Martel and Chase Parker.

Burch starts off with Parker. Burch unloads to start and drops him on his face. Burch with a corner clothesline and an enziguri. Burch with a big missile dropkick as he stays on top of Parker. Martel tags in but eats a headbutt to the face. Lorcan tags in for the double team. Lorcan unloads on Parker as he comes back in. Lorcan with a running European uppercut and a big Blockbuster to Parker.

Martel runs back in to make the save but Burch rushes him and takes him down. This happens as Lorcan takes Parker down into a single-leg Crab submission for the easy win.

Winners: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch

- After the match, Lorcan and Burch stand tall as their music hits. We go to replays. Burch and Lorcan seem to be taunting NXT Tag Team Champions Imperium after the match.

- We see what happened earlier tonight with Johnny Gargano, Candice LeRae, Mia Yim and Keith Lee. We also see how this led to a tweet exchange between Tegan Nox and Dakota Kai. Lee is backstage with McKenzie now, who says he requested this time. Lee knocks The Garganos for filming their recent dinner. He goes on and says he has a problem with their actions tonight, and he believes these problems will come to a head at Takeover.

- Still to come, Drake Maverick vs. Kushida. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a video for Code Orange's "Underneath" single as the official theme song for the "Takeover: In Your House" event.

- Io Shirai is backstage getting ready for the main event.

- Matt Riddle is backstage with a response to Timothy Thatcher. Riddle says Thatcher is not a stallion for trying to ruin last week's win. Riddle is down for the Knockout or Tapout match. Any location, where does Riddle want to fight? Riddle says let's go where we're both familiar - the cage. It looks like Riddle vs. Thatcher will take place in a Steel Cage.

Tournament to Crown the Interim NXT Cruiserweight Champion: Kushida (2-0) vs. Drake Maverick (1-1)

We go back to the ring for the final Group A match in the tournament to crown an Interim NXT Cruiserweight Champion. Kushida is out next. Drake Maverick is out next for what could be his final WWE match. They both stopped to look at the title belt on display at ringside.

The bell rings and they lock up. Kushida backs off and they go at it again. Kushida takes control and Drake takes it to the ropes, then breaks as the referee warns them. Kushida takes Drake to the mat and keeps him grounded with a headlock. Drake rolls Kushida for a 2 count. Kushida rolls Drake into a submission on his arm. Kushida with a shoulder tackle and a basement dropkick. They trade kicks now. Drake unloads but Kushida hits the springboard back elbow.

Kushida tries for the Hoverboard Lock but Drake resists. Kushida works on the arm and snaps it back. Drake clutches the arm as we see Jake Atlas come walking down at ringside to watch the match. Kushida focuses on Drake's arm. Kushida sends Drake into the corner and keeps the offense coming. Kushida grounds Drake again, focusing on the arm. Kushida goes on and hits a cartwheel dropkick for a 2 count. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Drake fights Kushida off with strikes. Drake keeps control and hits a high knee in the corner as Atlas cheers him on. Drake with a missile dropkick. Drake goes on and covers for a close 2 count. Kushida with a big kick to the arm. Kushida with a stiff right hand to the mouth of Drake. Kushida drops Drake with an open palm strike. Kushida drops Drake in the corner again as we see Atlas watching at the ring post now.

Kushida continues to focus on the arm, dropping a knee across the arm. Kushida tosses Drake out to the floor. Drake makes it back in right before the 10 count. Drake with right hands but Kushida scoops him and slams him. Kushida with a big stomp to the elbow as it's bent. Kushida with another hold on the arm but Drake gets to the bottom rope. The referee asks Drake if he wants to stop the match but he wants to continue. Kushida keeps focus on the arm as Drake screams out in pain but won't give up.

Drake yells at the referee to keep the match going. Drake gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the hold. Drake keeps fighting but Kushida keeps control. Drake counters from up top and hits a big bulldog but Kushida counters and drops him into another submission. Drake somehow turns a submission into a pin out of nowhere to get the win.

Winner: Drake Maverick

- After the match, Drake's music hits as he celebrates. Drake, Kushida and Atlas are all at 2-1 for the finals now. Byron Saxton takes the mic at ringside now as Atlas is in the ring with Drake and Kushida. Byron announces a Triple Threat for next week and the winner will go to the finals of the tournament. Drake's music starts back up as the three have words in the ring.

- We get a video package for tonight's main event.

- Still to come, Damian Priest will speak. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and the announcers confirm Maverick vs. Kushida vs. Atlas for next week. Also, Thatcher vs. Riddle will take place in a Cage Fight.

- Damian Priest appears in a pre-recorded video now. He says the key to infamy is multiple targets. He wants to be a champion and all that will come but now he's focused on Finn Balor. Balor put NXT on the map and that's why he's coming for Balor. He's not coming for Balor on just any stage, he's coming for him at Takeover. Priest says the name Finn Balor will turn to ash at Takeover while the name Damian Priest will live forever. Priest poses as his name lights up in fire behind him.

- The announcers confirm Kross vs. Ciampa for Takeover.

Rhea Ripley vs. Io Shirai

We go back to the ring for tonight's main event as Io Shirai makes her way out first. Rhea Ripley is out next.

The bell rings and Shirai immediately nails a dropkick to start. They go at it and Shirai blocks a back drop with a kick. Shirai smiles and ends up raking her nails down Ripley's back after another counter. Ripley levels her with two big clotheslines. Ripley keeps going and nails a dropkick to send Shirai to the apron. Ripley stays on Shirai and slams her face-first in the middle of the ring. Ripley with another big face-first spike into the mat.

Ripley goes for another big slam on her face but Shirai fights out. Shirai keeps control for a double stomp. Ripley kicks out at 2 in the middle of the ring. Shirai looks a bit surprised and Ripley crawls on the mat as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and they're going at it. Ripley catches Shirai in mid-move and goes for a powerbomb. Shirai ends up rolling Ripley for a 2 count. Shirai with a Crossface submission now. Ripley screams but won't tap. Ripley powers up and slams Shirai back into the turnbuckles. Shirai with a boot to the face. She goes to the top but Ripley rocks her a few times. Ripley climbs up and hits Shirai with forearms to the back. Ripley goes for a superplex but Shirai keeps fighting. Ripley with headbutts up top. Ripley unloads with headbutts now.

Ripley nails the superplex but Shirai kicks out in the middle of the ring. More back and forth now as the referee warns Shirai to stay off the hair. They trade strikes and Ripley levels Shirai with a big shot. Shirai slides out of a slam and then drops Ripley into another Crossface. More back and forth. Shirai ends up sending Ripley to the floor and nailing a big suicide dive.

The music hits and out comes NXT Women's Champion Charlotte Fair. She walks down the ramp as Shirai and Ripley brawl on the ramp while on their knees. Ripley brings Shirai back in but Shirai catches her in a headscissors on the edge of the apron. Shirai sends Ripley crashing into Flair at ringside. Shirai brings Ripley back in the ring but she's slow to roll in after her. Shirai with the running double knees in the corner. Ripley kicks out at 2.

Ripley catches Shirai but Shirai turns it into a big DDT for another close pin attempt in the middle of the ring. Shirai gets up first but Flair suddenly hits the ring and levels Shirai with a big boot for the disqualification.

Winner by DQ: Io Shirai

- The bell rings but Flair immediately drops Ripley with a Spear as the referee tells her to get out of the ring. Flair stands tall while Ripley and Shirai are down now. Flair's music hits as she raises the title in the air over Shirai and Ripley. NXT goes off the air.