View Full Version : WWE Friday Night Smackdown Live Coverage - May 29th, 2020

05-29-2020, 03:48 PM

Jeff Hardy looks to keep comeback rolling against Daniel Bryan

The Intercontinental Championship Tournament heads into the semifinal round as Jeff Hardy faces Daniel Bryan, and Elias battles AJ Styles.


- Tonight's WWE SmackDown on FOX opens up with Renee Young outside of the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. She says a man dressed in a black shirt and black pants was involved in an accident and Elias is now being tended to by medics. A police offer on the scene says Jeff Hardy's rental car is the one there. We go to Kayla Braxton with WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman. Braun saw what happened and says a car drove by, then there was a crash. The person ran away and then he saw Elias down. Strowman hopes they find the person who did this to Elias.

Hardy is shown struggling to get up. The officer asks his name and if he was the driver. Jeff is also asked if he was drinking. The officer says Jeff smells like the bottles found in the car. The officer tries to tell Hardy he's being taken downtown but WWE producers Jason Jordan and Jamie Noble come over to help as well. Jeff is confused and wants to know what is happening. Jeff sees Elias being loaded into an ambulance. He is still confused and demands to know what is happening. Jeff is placed into a police car and taken away. We see the ambulance drive off with the sirens on. The crashed car is shown and people are outside looking concerned. We go to commercial.

- We come back and WWE Producer Adam Pearce is backstage with the locker room. He says Elias has been hit by a car but his injuries are not life threatening, but he can't compete against AJ Styles in the Intercontinental Title tournament match tonight. A crew member walks up and tells Pearce that Jeff Hardy has been arrested. Sheamus sarcastically says what a shock. Pearce says this isn't the point but Jeff also can't compete tonight against Daniel Bryan. Sheamus calls Hardy a junkie. AJ says it's not rocket science that he and Bryan should be the finals for the title.

Bryan proposes that he and Styles pick opponents for tonight as the semifinals. Styles says that's the dumbest thing he's ever heard. There's more back and forth until Sheamus agrees with Bryan. Sheamus trashes Hardy some more and says he will face Bryan tonight. King Baron Corbin interrupts and says he will face Styles tonight. AJ says the guys making the noise are the ones that previously lost. There's more arguing among everyone. Jey Uso wants a piece of the action even though his brother Jimmy Uso is hurt. Dolph Ziggler says that's not how this works. Everyone argues some more until Pearce announces a Battle Royal. The winner will face Bryan later and then the winner of that match will face AJ for the title in two weeks. Pearce says the Battle Royal starts now and everyone is ready. Bryan walks up to AJ and says this is really a good idea, isn't it? AJ says Bryan really is an idiot. AJ walks off and we go back to commercial.

10-Man Battle Royal for a Spot In the Intercontinental Title Tournament: King Corbin, Shorty G, Drew Gulak, Jey Uso, Dolph Ziggler, Shinsuke Nakamura, Sheamus, Lince Dorado, Gran Metalik, Cesaro

We're at the ring inside the WWE Performance Center now as the 10-Man Battle Royal for a shot in the Intercontinental Title tournament is underway. Michael Cole and Corey Graves welcome us. We see WWE NXT developmental talents as "fans" in the crowd and Cole says they have all been medically tested, presumably for COVID-19.

Drew Gulak and Shinsuke Nakamura are going at it. Cesaro and Lince Dorado are trading shots. Sheamus works on Shorty G. Jey Uso and King Baron Corbin are in the corner now. Dolph Ziggler almost sends Gran Metalik out. Cesaro presses Ziggler high in the air but he hangs on. Metalik almost dumps Cesaro. Sheamus yells at /Cole and taunts him. G takes advantage and tries to dump Sheamus.

Lucha House Party double teams Corbin now. Sheamus drops G and Uso. Corbin eliminates Lince. Gulak works on Corbin now. Corbin eliminates Gulak to more boos. Sheamus works on Metalik. Uso rocks Cesaro but gets dropped by Corbin. Nakamura works on G in the corner. Nakamura misses a high knee as G moves. G tries to dump Nakamura now. Cesaro sends Uso to the apron but he hangs on. Corbin and Ziggler double team Metalik but he takes them both down with a springboard elbow. Ziggler superkicks Metalik off a counter, then Corbin eliminates Metalik.

Corbin and Ziggler appear to be on the same page but Ziggler tries to eliminate Corbin from behind. Ziggler says he was just messing around. Corbin eliminates Ziggler. Corbin talks trash but turns around to a superkick from Uso. Corbin has been eliminated. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and it's down to 5 - Sheamus, Uso, Cesaro, Nakamura, and G. Cesaro and Sheamus double team G, then Uso. Sheamus tries to dump G. Nakamura works on Uso in the corner. G with an armbar on Sheamus using the rope. G fights Sheamus off and hits a big tornado DDT from the corner. Uso superkicks Cesaro, then Nakamura. G with a rolling Liger kick to Cesaro in the corner. Uso follows up with a big shot to Cesaro in the corner. Nakamura and Uso trade counters. Nakamura drops Uso with an enziguri.

G tries to eliminate Nakamura but Cesaro makes the save. Cesaro rocks G with a big uppercut. Cesaro tries to eliminate G but he hangs on and fights back up. Cesaro knees him. G eliminates Cesaro. Cesaro is furious now but he runs back into a forearm. Nakamura with a knee to G from behind.

Nakamura with knees to G against the ropes. Nakamura keeps control but G catches him with a belly-to-belly over the top rope. Nakamura has been eliminated. G, Uso and Sheamus are left in the ring. Referees try to keep Nakamura from going back in the ring. Cesaro takes advantage, coming from behind and tossing G to the floor. G has been eliminated. The referees were dealing with Nakamura and didn't see. Uso and Sheamus are alone now.

Uso strikes first and they go at it. Uso with a big right hand. Sheamus dumps Uso to the apron but he hangs on. Sheamus with the big forearms to the chest but Uso hangs him up over the top rope. Uso with a big kick from the apron. Uso goes to the top but lands on his feet as Sheamus moves. Uso with a big kick to the jaw. Uso rocks Sheamus to the apron but he hangs on. They both tangle on the apron now. They trade shots on the apron with Uso getting the upperhand. Sheamus catches a kick and rams Uso back into the ring post with the back of his head hitting first. Sheamus with a Brogue Kick to knock Uso off the apron for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

- After the match, Sheamus stands tall as he now has his second chance in the tournament. Sheamus poses in the corner and yells out as his music hits. We go to replays. Cole shows us the updated Intercontinental Title tournament brackets. AJ got a bye into the finals. Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan will take place later as the semifinals.

- Still to come, a special Tag Team Champion Summit edition of "A Moment of Bliss" with The New Day.

- Sonya Deville is backstage warming up. She recalls dominating Mandy Rose last week and says the same fate awaits Lacey Evans this week. Evans has appeared behind her now. Deville continues looking at the camera and says for Evans to put her hair up and square up. Evans shoves Deville from behind and sends her to the ground. Evans talks some trash to Deville and heads to the ring as we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and a referee is in the middle as Shorty G argues with Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura. He says he was robbed. Cesaro talks some trash and says he's not fit to be Intercontinental Title. Cesaro continues to put G down and mentions a potential match to show him a lesson. Cesaro looks at Nakamura and laughs, but G rocks Cesaro and sends him to the ground. G says he accepts Cesaro's challenge. G walks off with Cesaro on the ground.

Lacey Evans vs. Sonya Deville

We go back to the ring and out first comes Lacey Evans. We see what happened last Friday with Sonya Deville and Dolph Ziggler putting down Otis and Mandy Rose. Deville is also out to the ring to face Evans.

The bell rings and they size each other up. Evans taunts her and Deville misses a takedown. More stalling and talking trash early on. Evans gets down on all fours and offers to let Deville have an easy chance at her. Deville comes over and they go at it. Evans with the first takedown. They tangle on the mat and we have a stalemate. They lock up and Deville drops Evans with a stiff shoulder. Deville shows off some to mostly boos.

Deville puts her hair up and is ready to fight, taunting Evans. Evans kips up. Deville has challenged Evans to put her hair up and square up, and she does. Evans rocks Deville and stuns her. Evans taunts Deville now and mentions Mandy. Deville is upset. She drops Evans with a big right hand. Deville launches Evans into the turnbuckles now. Deville takes it to the corner and rocks Evans in the face after more trash talking. Evans stands on Evans' hair as the referee counts. Deville keeps Evans down with a kick and covers for a 2 count. Evans with a takedown and some kicks. Evans plants Deville face-first and does a Gator Roll.

Evans traps Deville in the apron and works her over. Evans pulls Deville down in the apron now as the referee counts. Deville comes back with a big takedown on the floor, then mounts Evans with big strikes on the mat. They continue brawling on the floor as the referee counts them out.

Double Count Out

- After the bell, Evans keeps fighting and working Deville over. Deville fights back but Evans sends her ribs-first into the corner of the announce table. Evans goes back into the ring and talks trash, telling Deville to bring her ass back in the ring. Deville picks up a headset from the announce table and says she will fight Evans on her own terms. Evans' music hits as she stands tall in the ring, taunting Deville as she heads up the ramp to the back.

- We get a "Viewer Discretion Advised" disclaimer before the next backstage promo from The Forgotten Sons - Jaxson Ryker, Steve Cutler and Wesley Blake. Ryker and Cutler introduce themselves, referencing their time in the service. Blake says he's the one who appreciates what they did to serve our country. They go on and Blake says they will no longer turn the cheek after what was done to them. Their blood was on your hands before, now it's only fair that your blood is on their hands. They pose and put their fists on their hearts at the same time, ending the promo.

- We see Alexa Bliss, Nikki Cross and The New Day backstage together. They all walk off to the ring. Cross told Bliss she had a surprise her before The New Day walked off. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out come WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross to the ring for a special Tag Team Champion Summit edition of their "A Moment of Bliss" segment. Bliss welcomes everybody. Cross is so excited for their guests and Bliss agrees. Bliss introduces tonight's guests and out come SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day - Big E and Kofi Kingston.

Bliss welcomes them to the summit where they will scope out the competition. Cross has their present she's been waiting to give them. She gives Big E the box and she has Scottish pancakes in there. Cross says she made them using her grandmother's special recipe. Kofi and Big E also have a gift. They mix up Bliss a cup of coffee with ingredients from their gear and she's not really thrilled. Cross encourages her but she says she will save it for later. Bliss goes on and asks The New Day if any tag teams stand out to them.

Kofi talks about how The Forgotten Sons stand out and they know they have to keep an eye on the group. Big E says he knows Bliss and Cross have been mixing it up with The IIconics, but he wants to know which SmackDown teams... the music interrupts Big E's "Who!? Who?!" as Sasha Banks and SmackDown Tag Team Champions Bayley come out. Bayley says there are some champions in the ring right now but she doesn't see the best SmackDown tag team. Banks doesn't either but now she does as they enter the ring and Banks throws her jacket at Bliss. Cross holds her back. There's more talk between the two teams. Bliss points out how Banks is the only one in the ring without a title.

Bayley calls bliss Charlotte Jr. for trying to start trouble between the two. Bayley praises Banks. This leads to Banks and Bayley saying they can win the WWE Women's Tag Team Titles back. Bliss tells them to name a time and place. Bayley says Banks is about to beat Bliss right now. Banks doesn't look so sure about this and complains about how she's not dressed to compete. Bayley promises to go get her stuff from "the bus" but Bliss turns around to Bliss dropkicking her. The New Day pops for the dropkick as we go back to commercial.

Sasha Banks vs. Alexa Bliss

Back from the break and Cole confirms Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan as tonight's main event. Alexa Bliss and Sasha Banks are in the ring as the bell rings. Nikki Cross and Bayley are on commentary.

Banks gets the upperhand on Bliss to start but Bliss catches a kick and rolls her for a 2 count. Bliss with a takedown and a roll-up for another 2 count. Banks rocks Bayley but gets rolled up again. Banks with a 2 count of her own. Banks catches a kick but Bliss dodges her comeback kick and strikes her in the face. Bliss taunts Banks. Bliss takes Banks down and focuses on her arm now. Banks drops double knees and back-flips the knees again. Banks kicks out at 2.

Bayley wants Cross to calm down some at the announce table. Banks unloads on Bliss in the corner now, using her double knees for a close 2 count. Banks mounts Bliss with right hands in the corner. Banks with a 2 count and another quick pin attempt. Banks stomps away in the corner as the referee warns her. Banks takes Bliss back down and hits the Meteora in the middle of the ring but Bliss still kicks out.

Banks grounds Bliss and yells out at Cross, who is loudly cheering Bliss on. Bayley yells at Cross to sit down. Graves pokes at Cole for losing control at the announce table. Cross and the crowd rallies for Bliss as she fights up and out. Banks counters and hits a backbreaker for a close 2 count. Banks with more offense and trash talking in the corner. Bliss rocks her in the face and mounts more offense coming out of the corner. Bliss slams Banks down on her face. Bliss with clotheslines, strikes and more offense to Banks now.

Bliss with a dropkick and more. Banks counters and sends Bliss face-first into the turnbuckles. Banks with a Meteora in the corner and double knees for another close pin attempt. Bliss counters with a roll up for 2. More back and forth. Bliss levels Banks with a right hand. Bliss goes to the top for Twisted Bliss. Bayley jumps on the apron. Cross jumps up to stop her. Bliss is distracted as Bliss and Banks go at it. This leads to Banks getting the upperhand and the roll-up on Bliss to win.

Winner: Sasha Banks

- After the match, Bayley joins Banks to celebrate as Bliss sits up in the ring. We go to replays as the music hits.

- Still to come, a look at how Otis and Mandy Rose got away earlier today to celebrate what looks like a budding love story. Also, an update on the breaking news story about Elias and Jeff Hardy. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see what happened with Jeff Hardy and Elias earlier, which pulled them from the tournament for the vacant Intercontinental Title. Cole hypes Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus as the tournament semifinals later tonight.

Cesaro vs. Shorty G

We go back to the ring and out first comes Cesaro. Shinsuke Nakamura is with him. Out next comes Shorty G as Greg Hamilton does the introductions.

The bell rings and G launches at Cesaro with two straight rolling kick attempts. Cesaro fights back but misses in the corner and G rolls him up. G keeps the offense coming and nails a moonsault from the top but Cesaro kicks out at 2. G keeps control and shocks Cesaro with the fast offense, focusing on his left leg know. Cesaro comes back with a huge clothesline to turn G inside out. Cesaro with the stiff leg drop for a 2 count. Cesaro drops G with an uppercut now.

Cesaro goes for the gutwrench suplex but it's blocked. Cesaro overpowers and slams G for a 2 count. Cesaro keeps G grounded in the middle of the ring now. G runs the ropes and dropkicks the hurt knee out again. Cesaro catches the flying kick in the corner and turns it into a big powerbomb. Cesaro covers for another close pin attempt. More back and forth now. Cesaro levels G with a huge uppercut for another close 2 count but G continues to kick out just in time. Cesaro goes for the Gotch Neutralizer now.

G counters the Neutralizer but Cesaro rolls through. G kicks out two ties in a row. Cesaro catches G's rolling kick again and goes for another powerbomb, but G counters that and rolls Cesaro up once again, this time for the win in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Shorty G

- After the match, G heads out as his music hits. Cesaro is shocked at the loss. We go to replays. G celebrates and makes his exit as they have a few more words.

- Still to come, a look at Otis and Mandy Rose having a day at the pool. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see Mandy Rose, Otis and his Money In the Bank briefcase at the pool. Mandy is so excited for their day alone. Otis pours some champagne for he and his "peach" as he calls her. They toast to alone time for the two of them. Otis wants to hit the water and asks if Rose wants to. She says no because she's tired and wants to take a nap. Otis heads over to the pool and Rose puts her sunglasses down for a nap.

We're apparently in Mandy's dream now. She looks over and sees Otis testing the water temperature with his toe. She looks at him again like he's the hottest man alive. Otis comes out of the pool, walking like he's some supermodel. She blows him a kiss in her dream. He rips off his shirt and they start kissing. Mandy watching this, eating a peach of her own, is turned on. We snap back to reality and Otis hits a big cannonball in the pool, soaking Rose with water. He asks if she was sleeping and she says kind of. He apologizes. She says she was having an amazing dream. She joins him in the pool and they start making out to end the segment.

- WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle is backstage now. He says it's good to be back on SmackDown. He says he used to run SmackDown and names guys like WWE Hall of Famer Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, The Undertaker and others. Angle also plugs Randy Orton vs. WWE Hall of Famer Edge at Backlash. Enough about the past, Angle is here to talk about the future. He's here to reveal the next face of SmackDown, who he's gotten to know and got to know more when he officiated the WWE NXT Cage Fight this past Wednesday, which Timothy Thatcher won. Angle introduces a video package on Matt Riddle and the video shows clips of him now. Riddle's pre-recorded promo mentions how he's pretty laid back and chill but he has fought all his life and can crank it up with the flip of a switch. Riddle has defeated all kinds of bros and won in all kinds of rings and done it all, without wearing shoes. Bro.

- Kayla Braxton is backstage. She says we're all excited for Matt Riddle's arrival but... Sheamus interrupts for their interview. He mentions Jeff Hardy and Riddle, and says why they get all the hype, he gets results. Sheamus says that's why he won the Battle Royal and will enjoy hitting the Brogue on Daniel Bryan tonight. He's going for the one title he hasn't won in WWE, and won't let someone like AJ Styles or Bryan stand in his way as he becomes Grand Slam Champion. Sheamus goes on about leaving a trail of bodies in his wake as there is no room for the weak. Bryan walks up and gets in Sheamus' face. They face off and he taunts Bryan. Bryan stomps on Sheamus' foot and walks off. Sheamus is furious.

- Cole plugs Sheamus vs. Bryan as we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a video and the announcers plug The Miz and John Morrison vs. WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman in the Handicap Match at Backlash. Miz and Morrison will have a special warning for Braun next Friday night. Also announced for next week is a title match with WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross defending against Sasha Banks and SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley.

Semifinals for the WWE Intercontinental Title Tournament: Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

We go back to the ring for tonight's main event as Daniel Bryan is out first. The winner of this match will face AJ Styles in the tournament finals for the vacant WWE Intercontinental Title in two weeks. Sheamus is out next.

The bell rings and they go at it to start. Big shots from both competitors early on. Bryan unloads into the corner but Sheamus blasts him coming out of the corner with a big clothesline. Sheamus talks trash and beats Bryan around, keeping him down. Sheamus grounds Bryan and the referee warns him. Some of the trainees boo Sheamus as he keeps Bryan down. Sheamus with uppercuts in the corner now.

Bryan counters out of the corner and ducks a clothesline. Bryan drops Sheamus with a knee. Sheamus is right back up but Bryan knocks him out to the floor. Bryan runs the ropes and nails a suicide dive. Bryan tells Sheamus to come on as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and they're going at it. Sheamus unloads with big elbows, beating Bryan down with them and continuing to hit him with more elbows and knees. The referee checks on Bryan and the trainees boo Sheamus as he poses. The Celtic Warrior is all smiles. He goes back to beating on Bryan, sending him out to the floor.

Sheamus follows and sends Bryan into the barrier. Sheamus taunts Cole and mocks Bryan's "yes!" chant as the trainees break out in a "no!" chant. Bryan makes it back in the ring. Sheamus comes off the top with a flying clothesline but Bryan still kicks out at 2. Sheamus continues yelling at Bryan, taking credit for the Yes Movement after his quick win over Bryan at WrestleMania 28. Bryan fights back and unloads with offense. Sheamus counters and applies the Cloverleaf submission in the middle of the ring.

Bryan makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold. The referee counts as Sheamus keeps it locked for a few extra seconds. Bryan fights back from the apron now, hanging Sheamus up on the top rope. Bryan goes to the top rope but Sheamus runs over to the corner and Brogue Kicks the legs out from under Bryan. Sheamus climbs up for a superplex but Bryan resists. Sheamus with a shot to the ribs but Bryan is still blocking the superplex, hitting Sheamus in his own ribs. Bryan knocks Sheamus to the mat. Bryan follows up with a big missile dropkick. Bryan looks to make a comeback as the trainees rally for him now. Bryan with Yes Kicks while Sheamus is on his knees. The trainees chant "yes!" but Sheamus ducks the roundhouse kick. Bryan blocks a Crucifix and rolls Sheamus for 2.

Bryan is still working on the arms. Sheamus powers up and drops Bryan with White Noise for another close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Sheamus limps over to Bryan and sends him into the corner. Sheamus with another uppercut in the corner. Sheamus whips Bryan but it's countered. Bryan drops Sheamus face-first into the turnbuckle. Bryan keeps control and hits a running missile dropkick in the corner. He charges again but Sheamus levels Bryan with a huge double ax handle smash, turning him inside out. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick as he waits for Bryan to get up.

Jeff Hardy comes walking down the ramp to ringside, distracting Sheamus. Bryan takes advantage and drops Sheamus with a flying knee strike. Bryan covers for the pin to win and advance.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

- After the bell, a furious Hardy hits the ring and attacks Sheamus. Jeff beats on Sheamus, sending him retreating from the ring and up the ramp to the back. Jeff stands tall and claps as his music starts up. We get a look at the updated tournament brackets. Bryan vs. AJ Styles is official for two weeks from now and the winner will capture the vacant Intercontinental Title. We get a replay of the finish. The announcers wonder what has happened with Hardy because the last time we saw him he was being arrested. Jeff claps and poses in the ring as SmackDown goes off the air with a look at two of the female trainees doing Jeff's signature dance to his music.