View Full Version : WWE NXT Live Coverage - June 3rd, 2020

06-03-2020, 08:30 PM

Maverick and Fantasma duel for NXT Cruiserweight title

Can Drake Maverick do it again? He'll try to score one more upset, this time against El Hijo del Fantasma, to become NXT Cruiserweight Champion. Mia Yim and Candice LeRae will also take their hostilities to the ring after a bitter war of words in recent weeks. Who else will look to make a statement four nights before NXT TakeOver: In Your House?


- The WWE NXT "Takeover: In Your House" edition of NXT opens up on the USA Network, live on tape delay from the NXT Arena at Full Sail Live on the campus of Full Sail University. Tom Phillips welcomes us and sends it to Mauro Ranallo and WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix, who aren't in the arena. We see NXT developmental talents in the crowd as "fans" again tonight.

Candice LeRae vs. Mia Yim

We go right to the ring for tonight's opener as Candice LeRae makes her way out. Mia Yim is out next as Alicia Taylor does the introductions.

LeRae tries to start off with a cheap shot but it backfires. Yim unloads on LeRae and dominates her for a pop. Yim sends LeRae to the corner and slams her out. Yim with a punt kick to the back. LeRae goes to the apron and whines some. Yim grabs from behind and LeRae tries to choke her with the top rope. Yim powers her into a Full Nelson, bringing her in the ring. LeRae knocks Yim back with a kick. LeRae attacks with a forearm and beats Yim down as the crowd boos her.

LeRae with a step-up senton for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. LeRae shows some frustration but hits another senton, and another. LeRae covers for another close pin attempt. More back and forth between the two as Yim looks to mount some offense. LeRae unloads again and beats Yim into the corner. Yim ends up sending LeRae out to the floor with a big forearm. Yim follows and beats LeRae around the outside as the referee counts. Yim launches LeRae into the barrier. They tangle at the bottom of the ramp and LeRae takes Yim down, mounting her with strikes. They're both counted out.

Double Count Out

- After the bell, they continue brawling up the ramp to the stage. LeRae sends Yim face-first into the big screen with a scissors, and the LED board is busted. Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez rush out to get involved, as do Shotzi Blackheart and Tegan Nox. Officials try to break things up but they keep brawling. Things finally calm down some but Yim runs over and levels LeRae with a forearm. LeRae runs down the ramp and attacks Yim from behind as officials are walking her down. Johnny Gargano comes down now to check on his wife. NXT North American Champion Keith Lee is out to check on his girlfriend. Gargano and LeRae stand tall together in the ring now, staring down Lee and Yim. Lee and Yim rush the ring together but The Garganos retreat to the ramp, taunting Yim and Lee. Taylor announces that NXT General Manager William Regal has made this a mixed tag team match. Gargano isn't happy as we go to commercial.

Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae vs. Keith Lee and Mia Yim

Back from the break and the impromptu tag team match kicks off with Johnny Gargano starting off with NXT North American Champion Keith Lee, who is wearing his street clothes, as is Gargano. Mia Yim and Candice LeRae look on from the apron.

Gargano points out how he's not dressed to wrestle. He and Candice go to leave but Lee follows up the ramp and presses Gargano over his head to bring him back. LeRae jumps on his back. Yim ends up nailing a dropkick as Gargano is tossed back in. Lee then carries Candice to her spot on the apron.

LeRae comes in and Yim immediately goes to work, nailing a big dropkick and more. Yim goes on and ends up hitting Sole Food for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Yim ends up going over to Gargano after he taunts her from the apron. LeRae takes advantage of the distraction and turns it around, focusing on the arm. LeRae with a 2 count now. More back and forth now. Yim with a running boot int he corner. She stares Gargano down and talks more trash to him. They argue as Lee looks on but it appears he's keeping her from tagging. Yim ends up nailing a Dragoon Suplex for a 2 count as Gargano breaks it up. Lee comes in and launches Gargano across the ring.

Lee works over Gargano in the corner now, then tosses him across the ring again. Lee goes on and hits a big press slam. Lee goes for the powerbomb but Gargano stabs Lee in the eye with his car keys. Lee goes down, clutching his eye. Yim runs in to check on Lee but LeRae takes advantage, dropping yim from behind for the pin to win.

Winners: Candice LeRae and Johnny Gargano

- After the match, LeRae and Gargano stand tall at ringside as the music hits. Lee crawls to the apron to warn Gargano but Gargano kicks the steel ring steps into his hand. Gargano grabs the NXT North American Title belt and poses with it on the ramp as the crowd boos. Lee and Yim look on from the ring as Gargano lays the title belt down at the bottom of the ramp. He leaves it under the Takeover logo as he and LeRae head to the back.

- We get a video package for Karrion Kross vs. Tommaso Ciampa at Sunday's "Takeover: In Your House" event.

- McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with Dexter Lumis. She asks about The Velveteen Dream's chances of defeating NXT Champion Adam Cole on Sunday. Lumis doesn't speak but he steps to the side and comes back with an art easel. Lumis starts drawing something as Mitchell watches. Maybe we will get the reveal later on.

- Still to come, a Prime Target preview for The Velveteen Dream vs. Adam Cole at Takeover. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and McKenzie Mitchell catches up with Drake Maverick outside. He says today is the day - it could be a good day or a bad day. He says he's not feeling pressure ahead of tonight's finals. He seems a bit nervous but says he's excited because he doesn't know will happen tonight. Drake event addresses the camera man. He goes on and says this could be the best or worst day of his life, he will find out tonight.

- Mauro announces that The Velveteen Dream vs. NXT Champion Adam Cole at "Takeover: In Your House" will be a Backlot Brawl. We go to the Prime Target video preview for Dream vs. Cole now. It shows Cole and The Undisputed Era celebrating his one year as NXT Champion. He also toasts to a beautiful victory on Sunday. We see Dream talking himself up while looking in a mirror. He sees a Prince look-a-like at one point.

- Still to come, a #1 Contender's Triple Threat with a mystery team vs. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch vs. The Undisputed Era.

- Back from the break and McKenzie is backstage with Dexter Lumis. He shows off his drawing on the easel and it looks like he drew The Undisputed Era in the back of a car that he was driving. This could be something for Takeover.

Tony Nese vs. Isaiah "Swerve" Scott

We go back to the ring and out first comes Tony Nese. Isaiah "Swerve" Scott is out next.

The bell ring and Swerve immediately aggressively takes Nese down. Swerve unloads and takes it to the floor, sending Nese into the barrier as the referee counts. Scott with an uppercut against the apron. Nese counters at the 8 count and sends Swerve away twice. Swerve makes it back in at the 9 count but Nese charges and levels him. Nese beats Swerve around to boos now. Nese with more offense and a close 2 count. Nese stomps on Swerve after dropping him again.

Nese sends Swerve into the turnbuckles and he goes back down. Nese with another close pin attempt. Nese drops Swerve and grounds him with a body scissors. They start trading big strikes while Swerve is still stuck in the scissors. The crowd tries to rally for Swerve. Swerve powers up with the guillotine. Swerve counters Nese and nails a Brainbuster in the middle of the ring. More back and forth. Nese mounts offense but Swerve sends him out to the floor. Swerve boots Nese back to the floor face-first as the referee counts.

Swerve launches Nese face-first into the steep steps now. Swerve brings it back in at the 8 count. Swerve fights the offense off and goes to the top but here comes Jack Gallagher down the ramp. The quick distraction allows Nese to rock Swerve and bring him down. Scott still counters Nese in the middle of the ring and rolls him up for the pin.

Winner: Isaiah "Swerve" Scott

- After the match, Scott stands tall as we go to replays and his music hits. Scott is yelled at as he heads to the back.

- We see The Undisputed Era backstage ahead of tonight's Triple Threat. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch are also shown. Back to commercial.

#1 Contender's Triple Threat: The Undisputed Era vs. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch vs. Breezango

We go back to the ring and out comes Bobby Fish and Roderick Strong of The Undisputed Era. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch are out next. Out next comes the mystery team - Breezango. Tyler Breeze and Fandango make their returns to pops from the "fans" in the crowd. They are dressed like astronauts.

Fish, Burch and Breeze start things out, going at it. Fish gets double teamed as they take turns on him. Fish goes down. Breezango with a big Spinebuster slam to Fish. Burch headbutts Fish but Breeze breaks the pin attempt up. Burch and Breeze argue now. Fish comes over but Breeze plants him. More back and forth between all three competitors. Strong gets sent to the floor and re-groups with Strong. Breezango faces off with Burch and Lorcan in the ring while Fish and Strong look on from the floor. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Breeze gets beat down. Strong cuts Burch off and unloads on him. Burch with an enziguri in the corner. Breeze drops Strong. Burch with a big missile dropkick to Breeze. Burch knocks Strong out and that sends Fish off the apron to the floor. Strong ends up coming back and launching Breeze into Burch. Strong with a Pop-Up backbreaker to Breeze while Fish levels Burch at ringside. Fish tags back in and they double team Breeze some into the corner.

Fish sends Burch back to the floor and goes to work on Breeze in the corner with Strong. Strong tags back in and delivers a big chop to Breeze in the corner. Fandango tries to make the save but he's backed out as Strong drops Breeze for another pin attempt. Strong keeps Breeze grounded now as the crowd tries to rally for Breezango. Burch decks Strong and fights off Fish as he runs in. Burch takes shots between both opponents but he gets dropped. There's some chaos now but Fandango comes in, taking out both members of The Undisputed Era for a pop. Fandango with a tornado DDT to Burch and then a suplex to Strong for a 2 count as Fish breaks it up. Lorcan tags in and unloads on Fandango with chops into the corner. Lorcan runs over Strong, then decks Fandango in the corner. Lorcan screams out and hits double Blockbusters to Strong and Fish for a pop. Fandango ends up launching Lorcan out to the floor, on top of Breeze, Fish and Strong. Fandango runs the ropes for a suicide dive but Burch jumps up from the corner and sends him on top of the others. The crowd chants "this is awesome!" now. Burch and Breeze trade strikes in the ring. The match falls apart again as Fish and Strong double team Breeze after he hits a Supermodel kick.

We see Dexter Lumis watching on the other side of the barrier, staring at the ring like he does. Breeze with a Beauty Shot to Strong. Fandango immediately follows up with the big Last Dance top rope leg drop, covering for the pin to win and earn a future title shot.

Winners and New #1 Contenders: Breezango

- After the match, Breeze and Fandango stand tall as their new music hits. We go to replays. NXT Tag Team Champions Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner of Imperium come down the ramp next to stare down at the new #1 contenders. Out next comes Rinku Singh and Saurav Gurjar - Indus Sher. They have manager Malcolm Bivens with them. We get a three-way staredown between the teams.

- We see Drake Maverick backstage preparing for the main event.

- Back from the break and we see how Chelsea Green fired Robert Stone in a post-show NXT segment last week, after she teamed with NXT Women's Champion Charlotte Flair to defeat Io Shirai and Rhea Ripley.

Aliyah vs. Santana Garrett

We go back to the ring and out comes Aliyah to some boos. Mauro and Phoenix remind us how Aliyah almost had a shot in The Robert Stone Brand a few weeks ago. Santana Garrett is out next.

Aliyah gets aggressive and goes to work early on. She hits a neckbreaker and mounts Garrett with a bunch of strikes. We see a disheveled Robert Stone walking down the ramp now, applauding Aliyah and cheering her on from ringside.

Aliyah continues to dominate Garrett. She waits for Garrett to get up and nails a flying kick in the corner. Aliyah with a close 2 count. Aliyah grounds Garrett now. Garrett comes back and mounts offense now. Aliyah goes for Santana's hair and slaps her. Santana slaps Aliyah back and hits the handstand hurricanrana. Garrett unloads and hits the handspring moonsault for the pin to win in the middle of the ring.

Winner: Santana Garrett

- After the match, Garrett stands tall as her music hits. A rough looking Stone is devastated at ringside. Aliyah tries to approach him but he backs away up the ramp.

- We see El Hijo del Fantasma backstage getting ready for the main event. Still to come, Drake Maverick vs. Fantasma in our main event. Plus, a Prime Target preview for the NXT Women's Title match at Takeover. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Tom leads us to a Prime Target video preview for Io Shirai vs. Rhea Ripley vs. NXT Women's Champion Charlotte Flair at Sunday's "Takeover: In Your House" event. We see footage of Flair training while she speaks. Ripley was also shown speaking and training. Sam Roberts, Natalya and Peter Rosenberg also provide comments on the match. We see clips of Shirai in action and footage of Pat McAfee predicting she will win the title. Back to commercial.

Cameron Grimes vs. Bronson Reed

Back from the break and out first comes Cameron Grimes for the next match. Grimes brags about his recent win over Finn Balor on the way to the ring. Out next comes Bronson Reed. Reed slaps the Plexiglas barrier and stomps on the steps, making the camera shake.

The bell rings and they size each other up. Reed goes for the leg but struggles to take Reed down. Reed powers Grimes up for a Canadian backbreaker but is forced to drop him. Grimes chops Reed but just upsets him. Reed unloads on Grimes and hits a big Bionic elbow now. Reed presses Grimes high in the air over his head, and tosses him to the mat. Reed with a big senton now.

Reed drags Grimes back but Grimes fights back with elbows. Reed catches Grimes off a crossbody but Grimes fights free. Grimes with a leaping forearm. Reed blocks a roll and nails a standing Thesz Press for a pop. Reed stomps around and hits the big Hip Attack in the corner. Grimes goes to the floor for a breather but Reed brings him right back in. Reed goes to the top but misses a flying splash as Grimes rolls out of the way.

Reed gets back up but Grimes immediately nails the Cave In for the pin to win.

Winner: Cameron Grimes

- After the match, Grimes has his arm raised as his music hits. We go to replays. Grimes brags some more and makes his exit as Karrion Kross suddenly appears in the ring. Scarlett looks on from the outside as Kross stares down at Reed. Kross plants Reed back into the mat with the Doomsday Saito suplex. Kross addresses the camera and says "this Sunday... special" in regards to his match against Tommaso Ciampa at the "Takeover: In Your House" event. Kross issues a "Tick Tock..." warning as we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Shotzi Blackheart, Tegan Nox, and Mia Yim vs. Raquel Gonzalez, Dakota Kai and Candice LeRae is announced for Takeover.


Tournament Finals for the Interim NXT Cruiserweight Title: El Hijo del Fantasma vs. Drake Maverick

We go to the ring for tonight's main event - the finals of the tournament to crown an Interim NXT Cruiserweight Champion. El Hijo del Fantasma is out first as we see the title on display on the stage. It's interesting to note that they are no longer using "interim" for the title, indicating that this could be the new champion to replace Jordan Devlin altogether while he's stuck in the UK due to COVID-19. Drake Maverick is out next.

The bell rings and they meet for a handshake in the middle of the ring. They shake but Fantasma tries to roll Drake for the win. Drake recovers and they lock up. More back and forth during the slow start to the match. Fantasma takes control and launches Drake with a Monkey Flip. Fantasma with a close 2 count. Drake ends up sending Fantasma out after a headscissors. Fantasma counters on the floor but Drake makes it to the apron to safety. Drake leaps off the apron with a rolling senton, taking Fantasma back down on the floor. We go to commercial with Drake limping but in control.

Back from the break and Drake works over Fantasma in the corner. Drake with a big dropkick to the knee and a kick to the face in the corner. Drake comes off the top with a missile dropkick for a pop from the "fans" in the crowd.

They end up on the floor as the referee counts. Fantasma with a big sitdown powerbomb on the floor. Drake continues to yell out as Fantasma brings him back in for a close 2 count. Fantasma with a stiff forearm shot to the lower back, and another to bring Drake back down for some boos. Fantasma with the Surfboard submission as Drake screams out some more. Fantasma with more offense as Drake sells around the ring. Fantasma with a back-drop driver for another close 2 count. Fantasma shows a bit of frustration over the count.

Maverick blocks a move with a strike to the face. Drake with another shot to the knee and a dropkick to the knee. Drake comes off the second rope but Fantasma catches him and turns it into a Boston Crab as Drake screams out. Drake finally makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold, crying out to the referee about how he's not going to quit.

Drake tries to get his hands on Fantasma but Fantasma drops him with another sitdown powerbomb. Drake manages to kick out at 2. They trade shots in the corner now but Fantasma unloads with big shots to the lower back. Fantasma screams in Drake's face, showing frustration. Drake manages to drop Fantasma. Fantasma gets up but Drake beats him into the corner with one arm. The referee pulls Drake off and he yells out. Drake counters and hits the bulldog on Fantasma. Drake goes to the top and hits the flying elbow drop for a 1 count. Fantasma comes back with a big Spinebuster.

Fantasma goes to the top but Drake crotches him. More back and forth now. Fantasma ends up on the outside. The masked mystery men run down and stare at Fantasma. He stares back while still down on the ground against the apron. Drake runs the ropes and takes them down on the floor with a suicide dive. Drake brings Fantasma back in but we get a superkick. Fantasma decks him and hits the Phantom Driver in the middle of the ring for the win and the title.

Winner and New NXT Cruiserweight Champion: El Hijo del Fantasma

- After the match, Fantasma stands tall and takes the title as his music hits. Mauro plays up how this is the end of Drake's run in WWE. Tom shows us replays from the match. Tom also says Drake's career is over. Fantasma poses with the title and makes his exit with it over his shoulder. A disappointed Drake sits up in the ring. Fantasma raises the title on the stage and then makes his exit. Drake addresses the camera and thanks everyone for their support as a "thank you Drake!" chant breaks out in the crowd. The trainees pound on the Plexiglas barrier in a show of respect as Drake makes his exit around the ring. Triple H meets Drake on the stage and shakes his hand. Triple H then offers a NXT contract to Maverick. He opens the folder and signs as a "NXT!" chant breaks out in the crowd. An emotional Drake raises the contract in the air and yells "yes!" as NXT goes off the air.