View Full Version : WWE NXT Live Coverage - June 10th, 2020

06-11-2020, 12:18 AM

Adam Cole faces Dexter Lumis in non-title match

NXT Champion Adam Cole, fresh off his Backlot Brawl victory over The Velveteen Dream, faces Dexter Lumis in a non-title match. Plus, Finn Bálor seeks redemption for his only loss of 2020 as he takes on Cameron Grimes.


- Tonight's WWE NXT episode opens up on the USA Network with a quick look back at Sunday's "Takeover: In Your House" event.

- We're live on tape delay from the NXT Arena at Full Sail Live on the campus of Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida. Mauro Ranallo welcomes us and he's joined by WWE Hall of Famer Beth Phoenix. They are not in the building again this week.

- We go right to the ring as The Undisputed Era comes to the ring - NXT Champion Adam Cole, Bobby Fish and Roderick Strong.

Cole says the reign of Adam Cole will continue. He says no one in their right mind believed The Velveteen Dream would beat him for the title in the Backlot Brawl. He gives Dream some props but says he's no Adam Cole, no one is. What's next for Cole? It doesn't freakin' matter, he says. He goes on about how good he is and how no one in NXT or the rest of WWE can do it like him. He addresses Dexter Lumis next. Fish and Strong talk about being stuffed in the trunk at Takeover. Fish says Lumis is scared of them too because they got out of the trunk on their own, and Lumis was nowhere to be seen. Strong is apparently seeing Lumis where he's not at. He really is there in the crowd but he keeps disappearing before Cole and Fish can see him. Cole goes on and says if you mess with Strong and Fish, you also mess with him so later tonight he and Lumis will have a match. They will fight and Cole will beat him, sending him back to the drawing board where he belongs. That is undisputed. Cole drops the mic as the trainees in the crowd as "fans" boo him. The Undisputed Era heads to the back together.

- Tom Phillips announces Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae vs. Keith Lee and Mia Yim for tonight.

- We see Dexter Lumis appear in the crowd again, staring at The Undisputed Era as they exit to the back. Roderick Strong sees him again and starts running away. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Adam Cole and Bobby Fish are trying to calm Roderick Strong down. Keith Lee and Mia Yim approach them and Lee indicates that he may want a shot at Cole next. The Undisputed Era leaves with Cole telling Lee not a chance.

Keith Lee and Mia Yim vs. Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae

We go to the ring and out comes NXT North American Champion Keith Lee. His girlfriend Mia Yim is out next and they head to the ring together for mixed tag team action. Out next are Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae.

The two teams meet in the middle of the ring and have words. Yim gets in Gargano's face while LeRae gets in Lee's face. Lee picks Candice up and sets her to the side, gently. Gargano attacks him and sends him into the corner. LeRae and Yim go at it into the corner. Yim and Lee both turn it around in their corners. They turn back around and run into boots from the heels. They counter and pick both opponents up for powerbomb positions, crashing Gargano and LeRae into each other. They keep control and Lee sends Gargano out. The bell finally rings as Yim and LeRae go at it while Lee drops Gargano on the floor.

Yim slaps LeRae in the face and sends her into the ropes. Gargano pulls Candice to safety. Lee comes over and holds them in place as Yim runs for a suicide dive but they move and Lee catches her. Lee and Yim scoop their opponents at the same time again, then drop them into the edge of the apron together. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and LeRae has Yim grounded with a Straitjacket. Yim tries to fight up and out but LeRae keeps control. LeRae chops against the ropes now. LeRae unloads in the corner and beats Yim down. LeRae almost runs into Gargano but puts on the brakes and goes back to Yim. Yim drops her with a Sole Food in the middle of the ring.

Gargano and Lee tag in now. Lee runs over Gargano and goes to work. Lee launches Gargano across the ring and he lands hard. Lee scoops Gargano but LeRae tags in while he's scooped. Lee has them both picked up now. LeRae rakes the eyes and Gargano falls free while she's still up. Gargano ends up nailing an enziguri on Lee, which lets LeRae drop Lee with a tornado DDT. Yim comes in and unloads on LeRae. Yim with a throat kick and a dropkick. Yim with more offense and a Dragon suplex for a 2 count. Yim gets in Gargano's face and forearms him. She beats on him some more and goes for a suplex but LeRae makes the save. Yim with a forearm to LeRae, a kick to Gargano, then big suplexes to both. LeRae blocks the next suplex and uses her own Sole Food. LeRae flies off the ropes onto Yim with a moonsault for a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. LeRae can't believe it.

Gargano tags in and attacks Lee on the apron before he comes in. Yim sends Gargano to the floor by pulling the rope. LeRae attacks and Yim works her over on the apron now. Lee comes over with a Pounce on Gargano, but he sends Gargano into LeRae, which knocks Yim off the apron to the floor. Lee tries to check on her but Gargano takes advantage and goes for the big One Final Beat DDT. Gargano accidentally drops Lee on top of Candice with the DDT. There's some confusion between everyone but Lee picks up Candice to help her. Gargano takes advantage again and rolls Lee up for the win.

Winners: Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae

- After the match, the music hits as Gargano goes to the floor to check on Candice. He raises her arm and they recover as we go to replays. Lee helps Yim in the ring and they recover, staring out at The Garganos as they celebrate on the ramp.

- We see how Finn Balor defeated Damian Priest at "Takeover: In Your House" on Sunday. We see McKenzie Mitchell's post-Takeover interview with Priest. He says the match was about his name living on and he thinks he accomplished that as the name Damian Priest will be here forever. Priest also told McKenzie she's gorgeous.

- McKenzie is backstage with Cameron Grimes now. Grimes is confident about facing Finn Balor tonight. He takes a shot at Damian Priest and looks forward to going up 2-0 over Balor. Grimes says the one thing in his eyes isn't fear. Priest appears behind Grimes and suddenly he's a bit afraid. Grimes says he knew Priest was close to beating Balor on Sunday. Priest drops Grimes with a shot to the face and taunts him while he's down.

- Still to come, new NXT Women's Champion Io Shirai. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a video package on new NXT Women's Champion Io Shirai and her win at Takeover. The video features comments from Shirai, who says the division is now hers. The video also shows Mauro and other fans & peers cheering on Shirai at home during Takeover, reacting to her big win.

Indus Sher vs. Mikey Debrey and Mike Reed

We go back to the ring and out comes Indus Sher - Saurav Gurjar and Rinku Singh with manager Malcolm Bivens. Enhancement talents Mikey Delbrey and Mike Reed wait in their corner.

Tom mentions that Cameron Grimes says he can't compete tonight. The bell rings and Saurav levels Mikey with a big boot. Saurav then knocks Reed off the apron with a big boot, sending him into the Plexiglas barrier. Rinku tags in next and charges in the corner to level Mikey. Rinku with another running splash. Saurav tags back in for a big double team finisher to get the pin for the easy win.

Winners: Indus Sher

- After the match, Bivens returns to the ring to raise the arms of Indus Sher as they stand tall. We go to replays.

- McKenzie is backstage with referee Drake Wuertz, who is video calling NXT General Manager William Regal for an update on Cameron Grimes. Drake tells Regal that Cameron Grimes thinks he has a broken jaw and can't compete tonight. Regal asks to be taken to Grimes and Drake walks off with the tablet.

- Still to come, new NXT Cruiserweight Champion El Hijo del Fantasma will be here. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cameron Grimes is talking to Rita Reis and Briana Brandy when Drake Wuertz and McKenzie Mitchell walk up. Grimes brushes them off because he's flirting with the ladies, but Drake tells him he has Mr. Regal on video. Grimes starts clutching his jaw and acting like he's hurt. Regal orders him to face Finn Balor tonight. Grimes acts like he wants nothing to do with Reis and Brandy now, telling everyone to get away so he can get ready because he has a match tonight.

- Tom leads us to a video package on #1 contenders Breezango, who returned last week. Tyler Breeze and Fandango are sitting together talking to the camera. Fandango looks at how Breeze had a lot of NXT success years ago. Breeze says they lost their way on SmackDown. They look ahead to their title shot from NXT Tag Team Champions Imperium. They will entertain fans until the first bell rings but after the second bell rings, they will be champions. Beth announces Breezango vs. Imperium for the titles next week.

- We get a quick look back at Karrion Kross defeating Tommaso Ciampa at Takeover on Sunday. We also see post-show video of a camera man trying to get a word with Ciampa as he just silently walked to his car and left.

- Still to come, Grimes vs. Balor. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Rhea Ripley is speaking with McKenzie in the back about Io Shirai. Robert Stone walks up, still looking disheveled, and tells McKenzie to hit the bricks... no, he tells her to stay because she will want to hear this. Stone asks if they feel the chemistry between he and Ripley. He says they were both losers on Sunday but now they can rise from the ashes like a Phoenix, and together they can make The Robert Stone Brand better than it's ever been. Ripley says the chances of her joining The Robert Stone Brand are 1 in a million. So there's a chance, says Stone. Ripley walks off and tells Stone to follow her. Stone says all they need to do is shake hands on a deal. Stone follows her a few steps over and she punches him in the gut. Ripley then slams Stone onto a table and smiles.

Cameron Grimes vs. Finn Balor

We go back to the ring and out comes Cameron Grimes. Finn Balor is out next to a pop from the developmental trainees.

The bell rings and here we go. Balor backs Grimes into the corner. Grimes yells at the referee to back Balor off. They lock up and Balor controls Grimes by his arm. They trade holds now and Balor takes it to the corner. The referee counts and Grimes rocks Balor in the gut as he's distracted for a second. Grimes works Balor over but Balor comes back and drops him with an axe handle. Grimes ends up turning it around in the corner, delivering shoulder thrusts.

Balor comes out of the corner with a high knee. Balor takes Grimes down and kicks him in the back for a 2 count. Balor grounds Grimes in the middle of the ring now. Balor takes Grimes from corner to corner now, chopping away. Balor drops Grimes with a big chop and gets an applause from the "fans" in the crowd. Grimes catches a kick and spikes Balor into the mat. Grimes with a big knee strike while Balor is down. Grimes with more offense now. Grimes stands on Balor's hand to keep him down.

Balor counters and kicks Grimes. Balor with a basement dropkick. Grimes goes to the floor for a breather as the referee warns him. Balor follows and chops away against the barrier. Balor launches Grimes into the barrier and brings it back into the ring. Grimes comes off the ropes with a big lariat to knock Balor down. Balor keeps fighting but Grimes turns it back around and drops him again before we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and Balor unloads but Grimes drops him and talks some trash. Grimes keeps running his mouth until Balor delivers double boots to the face. Balor keeps control with offense and hits a double stomp. The crowd rallies for Balor as he delivers a Slingblade. Balor points the guns and hits the double dropkick into the corner. Balor goes to the top and goes for Coup de Grace but Grimes moves. Grimes comes right back with an Oklahoma Roll for a 2 count. Grimes with a big forearm and more offense. Balor counters a slam but Grimes counters that, rolling him for a close 2 count.

Grimes immediately charges but Balor blocks him and drives him down to the mat. Grimes counters again and drops Balor with a side-slam for another close 2 count. Grimes goes for the Cave In stomp but Balor avoids it. Balor comes back with the reverse 1916 but Grimes somehow kicks out at 2. Balor goes back to the top and hits Coup de Grace. Balor picks Grimes up again and drops him on his head with 1916. Balor covers for the pin to win.

Winner: Finn Balor

- After the match, Balor stands tall as his music hits. We go to replays. Balor speaks to the camera next and says he's won a lot of titles but not the NXT North American Title. Balor sends a warning to champion Keith Lee and says he's coming for the title.

- Still to come, Dakota Kai vs. Kacy Catanzaro. Back to commercial.

Dakota Kai vs. Kacy Catanzaro

Back from the break and Kacy Catanzaro is out. Dakota Kai is out next with Raquel Gonzalez.

The bell rings after the referee orders Raquel to hurry and get out of the ring. They go at it to start. Kai takes it to the corner and breaks. Catanzaro with some impressive offense early on. They go to the corner and Catanzaro keeps control. She brings it back in with a somersault kick for a 2 count. Kai counters and slams Catanzaro face-first into the turnbuckles.

Kai goes on and delivers a running boot to the face in the corner. Catanzaro kicks out at 2 as Gonzalez cheers Kai on from ringside. Kai goes on in the corner but Catanzaro rolls her up for 2. Catanzaro unloads with strikes in the corner now. She gets fired up and charges with a running clothesline in the corner. Kai with a Scorpion Kick out of nowhere. Kai with the GTK in the middle of the ring for the pin to win.

Winner: Dakota Kai

- After the match, the music hits as Gonzalez joins Kai in the middle of the ring, standing over Catanzaro. We go to replays. Kai grabs the camera and says she's coming for the NXT Women's Title. Kai goes back to attacking Catanzaro. Kai sends her into the corner for Gonzalez to grab. Kayden Carter runs down to make the save. She goes at it with Kai and Gonzalez but ends up slammed hard on her face by Gonzalez. Kai and Gonzalez stand over Carter now as the music hits. Kai motions for the title around her waist.

- Still to come, NXT Cruiserweight Champion El Hijo del Fantasma. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Timothy Thatcher is in a ring somewhere. He's talking to wrestlers we can't see, welcoming them to his training class. It's going to be brutal and it's going to begin next week.

- Alicia Taylor is in the ring now. She introduces new NXT Cruiserweight Champion El Hijo del Fantasma and out he comes. The announcers talk about Fantasma's tournament finals win over Drake Maverick last week.

Fantasma takes the mic as the trainees chant his name. He starts speaking in Spanish but the music interrupts and out comes Maverick. Drake says they haven't had the chance to speak after last week but congratulations. He goes on praising Fantasma and says what they did was incredible. He thanks Fantasma for their match last week. Drake says everyone was talking about his situation but they should be talking about Fantasma's story. He goes on and says Fantasma deserves to be champion. The crowd chants "you deserve it!" now. Drake has had a lot on his mind lately but now that he's a full-time roster member, he knows he can beat Fantasma if he gets another shot. It looks like Fantasma is about to grant that when the two masked men run down and hit the apron.

Drake and Fantasma stand back to back in the middle of the ring, ready to fight the men off. Fantasma suddenly attacks Drake. The masked men join him for a triple team. Fantasma drops Drake with a Phantom Driver. He stands tall with the masked men and they take their masks off. It's Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde, who were previously abducted. Fantasma takes his mask off and talks some trash to Drake. Fantasma announces that he's Santos Escobar, apparently his new name. Mendoza and Wilde leap from the top turnbuckles at the same time, nailing Drake with big splashes. Fantasma, Mendoza and Wilde stand tall in the ring as the crowd boos them.

- The Undisputed Era is backstage getting ready for the main event. Roderick Strong is still spooked about Dexter Lumis and picks up a drawing to show he's been there. Still to come, Cole vs. Lumis in the main event. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and it's announced that Tegan Nox and Shotzi Blackheart will challenge the WWE Women's Tag Team Champions next week. Sasha Banks and SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley will defend the titles against The IIconics plus Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross at Backlash on Sunday.

Adam Cole vs. Dexter Lumis

We go to the ring for tonight's non-title main event and out first comes Dexter Lumis. NXT Champion Adam Cole is out next with Roderick Strong and Bobby Fish right behind him.

Cole starts off in control but Lumis unloads with strikes in the corner. Lumis drops Cole with a back elbow, sending him to the floor to regroup with The Undisputed Era. Lumis follows but Cole goes back in. Cole attacks Lumis as he re-enters. Cole grounds Lumis now. Lumis turns it back around but a distraction allows Cole to knock him from the apron to the floor. We go to commercial with Cole in control while Lumis is down on the outside.

Back from the break and they're going at it. Cole drops Lumis for a close 2 count. Cole has some words for the referee before mounting Lumis with rights. Cole gets booed again. Cole talks trash to Lumis, calling him a freak and a weirdo. Cole slaps Lumis but he just takes it and smiles. Cole keeps hitting him and nails a swinging neckbreaker next. Strong and Fish yell at Lumis from ringside.

Cole keeps working Lumis over. They go on and Lumis wants more offense from Cole, telling him to bring it. Lumis fires back and mounts offense now. Lumis drops Cole with a bulldog. Lumis with a big slingshot suplex for another 2 count. Lumis with more offense. Cole counters and goes for the big kick but Lumis blocks it. Cole ends up nailing a big superkick out of the corner for a 2 count. Cole has more words for the referee. Cole goes on and misses the Last Shot. Lumis comes right back with a Spinebuster in the middle of the ring.

Lumis mounts Cole with strikes as Fish and Strong yell at him. Lumis ends up sliding under the ring and coming up the other side behind Cole as Fish and Strong try to warn him. Lumis drops Cole with another big Spinebuster but Cole still kicks out. More back and forth now. Cole comes off the top for the Panama Sunrise but Lumis catches him in his Kata Gatame submission. Cole struggles. Strong with a big kick from the apron while the referee is distracted by Fish. Cole goes on and hits another Last Shot attempt, this time connecting for the pin to win.

Winner: Adam Cole

- After the match, The Undisputed Era stands tall in the ring as the boos ring out from the crowd. Their music hits and we go to replays. Fish and Strong exit the ring but Cole comes back and stands over Lumis, talking trash and holding the title in his face. Lumis reaches up and pulls Cole down into the Kata Gatame submission. Fish and Strong hit the ring to help him but The Velveteen Dream comes out to join them. Dream sends Fish into the barrier but the segment ends with Cole standing in the middle of the ring with the title in the air. The lights suddenly go out. Scarlett appears on the stage with a spotlight on her. A "fall and pray!" chant starts up from the crowd. Scarlett comes to ringside and places an hourglass in the ring. She turns it upside down and the sand starts falling. Scarlett shoots Cole a look and heads back up the ramp as he watches her, with a spotlight on the hourglass as well. Cole clutches his title as Scarlett looks back at him from the stage. She heads to the back and Cole stares at the hourglass. NXT goes off the air.