View Full Version : David Starr Accused of Sexual Assault by Former Girlfriend

06-19-2020, 03:40 PM
Independent wrestler David Starr (Max Barsky) was publicly accused of sexual assault by a former girlfriend named Victoria. Starr disputed the allegation of the incident, which occurred several years ago while they were dating, though he did release a long statement, which included an apology over the alleged incident.

“There’s no way I that I can apologize enough for not recognizing or understanding what had taken place,” Starr wrote. “At no point did I ever think I was violating you, but that still doesn’t mean I didn’t.” Read the full statement below along with comments from Victoria (a/k/a Tori).

He kept old screenshots from 2016 to ever use against me if I were to speak up making me look angry and crazy. He has folders for several people.

I don’t Lind posting my own screenshots. Here’s now an open letter to David Starr.

— tori. 🌸 (@slaymysterio) June 17, 2020


Just to be clear. I don’t want anything. You want to book him, book him. You like his wrestling, whatever.

This is for me because for years while I was trying to heal, he told everyone who would listen that I was a crazy liar. Every woman who’s dealt with David Starr is tired.

— tori. 🌸 (@slaymysterio) June 17, 2020

I’ve done plenty of wrong in my life, especially regarding my relationships with my partners. I am not a predator, but I have been an emotionally immature dickhead to my partners.

Here’s something I wrote about a week and a half ago since I’ve really began to introspect. pic.twitter.com/QH985chQBB

— (((David Starr)))🌹 (@TheProductDS) June 17, 2020